I still can’t believe that LT Adam is better than solo Adam. It’s not even funny how poorly solo A looks in comparison.
I can’t stand the LT route (because the MC is an asshole in it; pick one, you jackass), but I’ll give you that in it A at least has a good reason for the push and pull, especially if you start a relationship with N. The problem is that if you’re in their solo route the situation completely changes, but A’s behaviour does not.
And it’s so hard to get the dustbunnies off the eyeballs, too.
I think its because you sort of understand A’s reasoning in the LT route. They aren’t dragging things out because they’re being angsty, its because they value their friendship with N, bro code and all that. Its sort of understandable and I kind of enjoy the complex friendship between A and N; they’re rivals in love, but still care deeply for eachother.
EDIT: I also just find it interesting when a RO has priorities aside from the romance, in this case their friendship with someone else.
This is a problem with A’s character build, in my opinion. The character as he’s meant to be is so closed off, resistant, indecisive, and emotionally torturous that it wouldn’t have worked in the LT, which is why A almost behaves as a different character in the LT. If A wasn’t different, there wouldn’t even be a contest for the MC’s affections. A can’t win if they don’t play the game (and they’re trying not to play in their own route, except for being confusing and emotionally abusive).
You should vacuum more.
Yes, A makes sense in the LT route. Still infuriating and difficult, but understandable.
LT is even funnier if you don’t start relationship with N! Then N becomes a bloody creep who won’t take no for an answer and A suddenly starts looking like a perfectly normal person struggling with his feelings.
That’s how my husband is playing it and it really does get creepy and weird. And the narrative tries to force your MC to be in love with N, no matter what. It was kind of irksome, really–you can choose to say you love N, but if you don’t choose to say it, the verbiage is basically, “but you really do love N! you can’t resist them at all because they’re so awesome! it’s overwhelming!” Um. No, it’s not.
There’s one scene where, when I was reading it to him and he made his choices, both of us stopped and were like, “OMG, the MC needs to get the hell away from N before he locks them in a closet and keeps them there for eternity.”
At least he won’t cut off MC’s legs like that one guy from Mystery Messenger, right? Right?
Random and completely off-topic, but that sounds like a pretty interesting premise for a story, ngl. LT between two people, except it quickly spirals into unhealthiness, and suddenly MC isn’t trying to pick who they like most - they’re just trying to get tf away from them both as quickly as possible.
…Or maybe that’s just me and my love for dark content and deconstructions.
Or the two non-MC points of the triangle decide that MC isn’t worth it. Or they decide MC is so worth it that they decide to to remove their rival from the picture…
I see few people mention Gabriel in Breach: The Archangel Job? I admit he is sweet, but I always feel like he steals my thunder. In the story, He’s more like a protagonist than my mc. When I’m around him, I feel like i am just his foil.
It’s like that superhero game I saw a lot of discussion about it on reddit. Everything revolves around two “ROs”.
Which one? We aren’t exactly starved for choice in this genre, sadly enough. I want to see more mecha…
I would actually be interested in an IF similar to Armoured Core or Gundam.
Maybe an Evangelion inspired IF to have an angst-fueled “Get in the robot” disasterpiece.
A Tale of Heroes. Reddit decided to make it their personal punching bag because one of the ROs is in love with someone else, got the thread locked because of all the bullshit.
That’s not entirely true.
What subreddit?
There was a lot of commentary on r/hostedgames about it a couple of weeks ago which I saw, though I haven’t played the game. It seemed an unusually intense response, though power differentials between PCs and NPCs or rejections by romanceable characters do tend to get big reactions.
I’d kill to read about an MC simping for Ayre or ALL MIND
I think so far we only have the one - or maybe two. Mecha Ace plays it straight, meanwhile Ironheart is the “maybe” one because it’s weird steampunk-ish gundams in the Third Crusade.
I remember a WIP for a school-themed gundam-esque game, but I’m pretty sure it’s dead because I haven’t heard a thing about it since.
Gabriel felt like he was edging towards Gary Stu territory, to me, because of how many times he gets blown away by gunfire throughout the story, and yet somehow manages to shrug it off every time.
Like, yeah, he’s maybe-probably ex-special forces, but I’m pretty sure just being special forces doesn’t grant you superpowers. You still actually have to try and not get shot in spec ops.
Honestly, I was personally fine with it, because after a certain point the whole thing becomes so ridiculous and improbable that it kind of just started edging into like… dark comedy/reocurring joke territory for me.
So just:
My MC, after a huge gunfight: “You, uh… you good?”
Gabriel, coughing up blood through his mask and on the verge of death: “…D-Doing gggreat. Less’ keep goin’.”
But yeah, I can see why it would bother some people, especially when taken at face value.