I’m working on my first submission to Hosted and I can’t figure out the personal pronouns and honorifics.
The player can choose whether to be male or female, and other characters will refer to the PC as either ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’ and sometimes ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’
I made this string of code for that purpose:
The entire code is pretty long. Can I just post the parts that have to do with this?
This is the part of the code where the gender variable is created:
*create Name “”
*create Surname “”
*create Gender “”
*create Location “”
This is where the player chooses their gender:
*label gender_pick
*choice #Mr…
*set Gender “Male”
*goto namingM
*set Gender “Female”
*goto namingF
*set Gender “Female”
*goto namingF
And this is the part where I first use PC_Mister and noticed it wasn’t working for female:
*label conspiracy
“Tell me, !{PC_Mister} !{Surname}, have you heard the tales about the seas you’re sailing?”
That’s all I’ve used Gender for so far. Is this enough information?
*label namingF
Your first name?
*set name "Rose"
*goto surnaming
*set Name "Margaret"
*goto surnaming
*set name "Anna"
*goto surnaming
*set name "Beatrice"
*goto surnaming
#I'd like to pick my own name...
Of course. What is your name?
*input_text Name
Is that ${Name}?
*set Name "${Name}"
*goto surnaming
#No, that's wrong.
Let's try again.
*goto namingF
I tried adding
*set PC_Mister "Ms." where you said, but it still says Mr. for female PC.
*label gender_pick
*set Gender "Male"
*goto namingM
*set PC_Mister "Mr."
*set Gender "Female"
*goto namingF
*set PC_Mister "Ms."
*set Gender "Female"
*goto namingF
*set PC_Mister "Ms."
Use consistent capitalization (preferably all lower case with regard to variable names). This usually doesn’t cause errors, but consistency across the board helps.
Remember that lines are run one at a time so this:
*goto namingF
*set PC_Mister "Ms."```
Will mean the third line is never run. It gets to the second, than just moves to the next label. The third line needs to be above the second.