I see a reason to go that route in that it looks neater than all the stacking of the nested if’s and helps keep things more organized. I figure however that a workaround is needed when there’s an animal with its name starts with a vowel, since the a/an is not included in the form_x variable.
Which in turn makes the single printed (“Ever since…”) sentence read funny; there’s no telling in which order the particular animal would show up. It’s probably minor though.
Okay another example. Yours does work for the purpose of stating in the text what forms you have and can transform into.
There is a shiny key in the tree.
*selectable_if (transform_toad) #Turn into a toad
You turn into a toad and hop a mighty hop to retrieve the key.
*selectable_if (transform_crow) #Turn into a crow
You turn into a crow and fly up to retrieve the key.
*selectable_if (transform_viper) #Turn into a viper
You turn into a viper and slither up the tree trunk.
With your method you’d need to do
*selectable_if ((form1="toad") or (form2="toad") or (form3="toad")) #Turn into a toad
You turn into a toad and hop a mighty hop to retrieve the key.
*selectable_if ((form1="crow") or (form2="crow") or form3="crow") #Turn into a crow
You turn into a crow and fly up to retrieve the key.
*selectable_if ((form1="viper" or (form2="viper") or (form3="viper")) #Turn into a viper
You turn into a viper and slither up the tree trunk.
Or you do the extra stage of
*if ((form1=“toad”) or (form2=“toad”) or (form3=“toad”))
*set transform_toad true
And you may as well set the ability to transform into a toad true when you first select it.
#Turn into a ${form_one}
*goto scene
#Turn into a ${form_two)
*goto scene
#Turn into a ${form_three}
*goto scene
*label scene
*if (toad)
variation one
*if (viper)
variation two
*if (tiger)
variation three
I’m having fun here with the coding and seeing the way you’d do things, as well as exploring this new & command, and pretending that I know about coding. It’s a farcry from February where I was a wreck of “it doesn’t make sense!” Now code’s a fun puzzle with lots of solutions.
FCA has a good point with the an/a being another problem. You’d need to have the a/an in there with the form_one etc but that’d be easy enough to accomplish. I do think your way would mean that it’s easier to add in form_4 and form_5.
These are all good ideas but with the way I did it, I don’t have to worry about a/an’s because I attach them to the certain transformation specifically. I’d do it your way, @Nocturnal_Stillness
But there are 10 different variables so it’d make it more complicated than the ending of a sentence deserves to be. As of now, I’m sticking with my code. The only problem that I’m having with it is that, for the 3rd transformation, it counts but the original effect of the choice, and the *if (count=3) effect instead of just the *if (count=3) effect, and Idk fix it.
\*temp count 0
\*if transformations_pit_viper
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a pit viper.
a pit viper,
\*if transformations_poisonous_toad
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a poisonous toad.
a poisonous toad,
\*if transformations_crow
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a crow.
a crow,
\*if transformations_red_tailed_boa
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a red tailed boa.
a red tailed boa,
\*if transformations_hound
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a hound.
a hound,
\*if transformations_eagle
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and an eagle.
an eagle,
\*if transformations_horse
a horse,
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a horse.
\*if transformations_ostrich
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and an ostrich.
an ostrich,
\*if transformations_crocodile
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a crocodile.
a crocodile,
\*if transformations_tiger
\*set count +1
\*if (count = 3)
and a tiger.
a tiger,
i have a stupid problem because Im too silly to understand it the change genre i do the she perfectly but mt problem isif i want use ${heshe} for different characters how code knows if Im talking about i Joan or john ? i have do a different code?
@Marajade You may want to start your own topic on that. I’m actually working on writing a tutorial for setting gender, but I’m procrastinating terribly over it, like I do everything else.