That’s really good. It helps explain what you’re trying to do. It’s not going to work as intended, but it’s a great step.
Every time you use “*set transformations” the previous information stored in the transformation is wiped and a new one is assigned. It will just remember the last one you assigned.
So when you choose toad, it does *set transformations “toad” it remembers transformations=“toad”
Then when you choose viper, it does *set transformations “viper” and it remembers transformations=“viper” forgetting all about what was previously assigned there. It clears the old information and just remembers the new.
Does this make sense?
So instead, what I’d suggest doing, is create a different variable for each transformation. I’ll just use your first three options as an example, you can carry it through to the others.
In startup you do
*create transformation_toad false
*create transformation_viper false
*create transformation_crow false
And then for the choices section (I’m snipping out your gotos and some other stuff here for simplicity’s sake but you will need them back in).
#Poisonous toad- As a poisonous toad, Beckham can secrete said poison into a vial, allowing you to utilize this poison as an additional weapon in your arsenal. Requires 1 manna.
*set transformation_toad "true"
*set count +1
#Pit Viper- As a pit viper Beckham possesses deadly venom and speed and is hard to detect. Requires 2 manna.
*set transformation_viper "true"
*set count +1
#Crow- As a scavenger, he has a natural sharpness regarding the olfactory sense; your boggart could detect the smell of carnage, or any other scent, from miles away. Cloaked in pure black, he also serves well as a spy, as his dark color affords him natural camouflage. Requires 2 manna.
*set transformation_crow "true"
Then, on the choicescript_stats file, if you want to list all of your transformations, you can put
*if transformation_toad
Poisonous toad- As a poisonous toad, Beckham can secrete said poison into a vial, allowing you to utilize this poison as an additional weapon in your arsenal. Requires 1 manna.
*if transformation_viper
Pit Viper- As a pit viper Beckham possesses deadly venom and speed and is hard to detect. Requires 2 manna.
*if transformation_crow
Crow- As a scavenger, he has a natural sharpness regarding the olfactory sense; your boggart could detect the smell of carnage, or any other scent, from miles away. Cloaked in pure black, he also serves well as a spy, as his dark color affords him natural camouflage. Requires 2 manna.
And if you want to have the choice to transform you do something like.
What do you want to transform into?
*selectable_if ((transformation_toad) and (manna>=1)) #Poisonous Toad
*goto toad stuff
*selectable_if ((transformation_viper) and (manna>=2)) #Pit Viper
*goto viper stuff
*selectable_if ((transformation_crow) and (manna>=2)) #Crow
*goto crow stuff
I’d also suggest having a stat called current_form so it remembers what shape you’re currently in. Create that up in startup and then *set current_form “toad” or whatnot every time you change into whatever form, or revert to your original one.