I can't wrap my head around CJW's save system

I’ve been working on my first project, and from the outset I wanted to allow my reader to keep their progress, up to the beginning of the latest chapter they reached, at the least.

I’ve looked over CJW’s post and some comments 2-3 times now, and I just can’t seem to understand how to get it to work

I’m using CSIDE to create my game, and i’ve also tried testing out dashingdon.com, because i saw that it has it built in to the site, but it’s file system also gave me issues

I would be really grateful if someone were able to explain the steps to me

For dashingdon’s built-in save system (which is CJW’s save system, ofc), you just simply need to check the Use CJW’s save plugin :ballot_box_with_check: checkbox and put this command on your startup.txt

*sm_init <<your game name>> <<num of saveslots (preferably 1 - 6)>>

Keep in mind that the command isn’t compatible with rand/quicktest, so you’ll have to remove it when you want to auto-test your game.

so, as an example, it’s

*sm_init ex 1

in comments i read i usually saw a " | " before the number
“*sm_init ex | 1”
i’ve always used their examples with the vertical bar
is that incorrect?

outside of dashingdon, i downloaded the jscript but my confusion is what to do with it,
and CSIDE doesn’t acknowledge *sm_init as a command

Oh, yep. You’ll need the separator bar, I forgot that :sweat_smile:

For offline use, you’ll need to:

  1. Download the jscript and put it at the correct folder (.../web/mygame/, iirc)
  2. Modify the index.html file located on the same address.

But currently, I’m on mobile. If I get my hands back on my laptop, I’ll try to provide the detailed how-to-do.

CSIDE doesn’t currently support smPlugin.js, as I didn’t want to force its inclusion. I hope to provide it as an option in a not too distant update.

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I’ll be sure to keep an eye out then.
Is there a way to be notified about updates you post?

I post in the CSIDE thread whenever there’s a change to the updates available.

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