How to create pay for chapters

Hey Guys/Gals,

How can I implement IAP for chapters? The same way it is on Hosted Games and Choice of Games games?

I.e in zombie Exodus it says pay $4.99 for chapter 3?

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You personally can’t. It’s Choice of Games who implements features like that. (They’ll go over various payment methods during the publishing process.)

If you’re not working on something using ChoiceScript, no clue.


In-app purchases require an “app,” e.g. an iOS app and/or an Android app, or at least a merchant account with a web payment provider. Choice of Games and Hosted Games can provide those for you, but they’re not included in the public version of ChoiceScript available on github.

Hello there. So we can’t code it to become an in app purchase game unless we ask for COG? If that is the case, is there a payment involved with it or a free thing COG will do?

If you get published through Hosted games, you get the option of charging for it. I picked the picked the point where the demo should end (marked it with a *comment and let them know in which chapter it was), and they put the code there.

No charge.

There is no additional charge for IAPs, but Hosted Games takes a big cut of your game’s revenues, so there is that to consider.