How do you write your choicescript games? Do you simply do it in notepad or notepad++?
I love notepad++ for it but I run into problems when it starts throwing in tabs.
How do you write your choicescript games? Do you simply do it in notepad or notepad++?
I love notepad++ for it but I run into problems when it starts throwing in tabs.
I have the same problem with notepad++, I normally use notepad, it’s not the best, but it doesn’t throw in random tabs, when editing scripts like index.html and mygame.jar, I use notepad++.
Anyway to disable the tabbing in notepad++ and just use spaces so we can write CS with it?
Settings > Preferences > MISC. > Auto-indent
That should fix your problem.
To disable the auto tab, go to settings/preferences/MISC and uncheck auto indent. That should do it.
As for writing, ScarletGeisha and myself often use for planning my scenes and choices. Then, I go straight to notepad (!) and type there. I oddly prefer it to notepad++, which I only used for editing mygame.js
I use dreamweaver works great
Oh I have dreamweaver too… I found my new editor
I like typing out everything first in a word processor, code and all, and then copying it into Notepad++. I actually quite like Notepad++'s auto tab, their little dotted lines make it easier for me to see things visually.
Just do Edit>Blank operations>TAB to space in Notepad++ before you start testing your Choicescript files and you should be fine.
I’ve recent started using Evernote, it’s an amazingly useful tool, especially for those of us who like jotting ideas down on the move via a notebook or smartphone
For the actual writing I currently use notepad, probably should try notepad++ though.
I have notepad++ and think it is a very nice program I just believe I can do more in dreamweave or perhaps I just know it far better
I use when I’m still not clear on my directions, but once I am clear on what to do, I just use Notepad++ all the way.
I use Eclipse for all code/script development, whether it’s ChoiceScript, JavaScript, Java, PHP, HTML, XML, whatever. I would be so unproductive without Eclipse.
Could someone tell me the ups and downs of each one, as I am new to coding and all.
Usagi !_!
Notepad++ is good because it’s free and it does indentation automatically. More or less. The bad points are that it saves what you have open between sessions, so if you aren’t careful anyone looking over your shoulder will see the erotic fiction you are totally not writing when you open N++.
I’ve never heard of Eclipse, but I’ll be sure to check it out.
Edited for hysterical overemphasis. (Remember kids, it’s ‘/i’!)
Eclipse is a programmer’s IDE, created initially for Java, but it has since expanded (via plugins) to be a good editor for most other programming languages. It doesn’t have a CS plugin, but it does have a JavaScript plugin, which gives you auto-complete and syntax checking for JavaScript, if you choose to do any JS scripting for your game. Like Notepad++, it can be set up to do automatic indenting (which works for CS as well as any other language), and you can set it up to use either tabs or spaces for the indents (I’ve got mine set to 2 spaces per indent).
It’s not as simple to use as merely opening a file and editing. You have to create “projects” and then are restricted to editing only what’s in those projects. (Each project has its own directory, so you’re able to edit any file under the project directory, but any file that’s not in a project must be brought into a project first, to be edited.) Once you create a project, you can view all of the files in that project in a sidebar, open any file for editing by double-clicking the file in the sidebar, and have several files open at once for editing (each open file has its own tab, which makes it easy to switch back and forth between multiple scene files).
Eclipse also saves your state between sessions, so that when you open it again, it shows what you were working on before, as was mentioned above for notepad++. Eclipse remembers where you were editing before, and places the cursor exactly where it was when you closed Eclipse the last time. It also remembers all the files you had open in your previous session, and opens them all again in their same tabs. It also has a local history feature, by which you can compare your current version of a file against what it was in the past, with the ability to choose from multiple save points to do your comparison. (So if you’re about to make a big change to your file, make sure to save it first, so you can compare the future version against the current version and even revert back to the current version if you decide that what you did was a huge mistake.)
There are a ton of other features in Eclipse, depending on what plugins you have installed, but its bare bones features are pretty much all you need if you’re only using it to edit your CS projects.
Another thing I like about Eclipse is that I can highlight a section of CS code, press the Tab key, and the highlighted code is indented an extra level. Or press Shift-Tab and the indentation of the highlighted code is shrunk one level. Can be very hand when you decide to move some statements into an *if block, for example. Beats having to indent each line individually by hand.
I use dreamweaver, I use to do a lot html work, it has other features too I never learned to use. I found it to work really well with CS writing. But it is not a free program and my version is older then dirt.
I use Eclipse professionally, will have a look at it for CS development.
Yeah, the "reopening all open files from previous session’ is great, but calls for some foresight when you use Notepad++ both privately and professionally.
Other great Notepad++ features:
Replace in files. Change a characters name in your whole CS project!
Block indent. Crtl+alt and you can select columns to indent as a block.
I used Eclipse when I used to play around with GWT, it was quite nice.
The version history @eposic mentioned is pretty useful though, and I thought I’d just throw out (online writing application) if anyone’s looking that kind of feature without the hassle of downloading and getting used to a new piece of software.