How do I implement a save system and new game+?

Hmm…Maybe it won’t fit in with this sort of story…Eh, I can save it for another genre. I’m currently working on a superhero thing, so, I don’t think it’ll work there. But hey, if I make a magic story, I’ll do it. Thanks for the advice!

Mine’s a superhero story too. It’s all in how you tell your tale.

The save system that exists currently (import book 1 into book 2) is added by CoG when the second game is at least fully written.

As for New Game Plus my game UnNatural did it using a variable and code system. Where completing the game or in certain scenes resulting in the player giving a code which can be input at the start using *input_text and results in stat boosts and other things.

*label gamestart
*temp codes 3
  #New Game.
    UnNatural was written in the style, and theme of a TV series. Because of this there is an ad in the middle of each episode. These ads are parodies of actual Hosted Games. If you wish you can choose to turn them off - but they're a lot of fun, so why not give them a try? It'll definitely be worth your while.
      #I'll watch the ads!
        *set watch_ads true
      #I don't want to see the ads.
    *goto_scene episode01
  #New Game Plus.
    *label new_game_menu
    New Game Plus is a special mode for repeat players. You can unlock special scenes, and choices by entering a code found during your previous plays. You can also earn stat bonuses as certain stat increases.
      *if (codes >0)
        #Enter a code.
          *goto code_entry
      #Start the game.
        *goto_scene episode01
*label code_entry
Please enter your code [Please note all codes are in lower case].
*input_text newgameplus
*if (newgameplus = "#####")
  Congratulations! You get:
  *set ngp true
  +1 Zombie Lore.
  Early access to the Desert Eagle Magnum.
  *set zombie_lore +1
  *set srtgun true
  *set codes -1
  *goto new_game_menu
*elseif (newgameplus = "####")
  Congratulations! You get:
  *set ngp true
  +5% Physical, and Mental.
  +10% Will.
  +1 Vampire Lore.
  *set physical %+5
  *set mental %+5
  *set will %+10
  *set vampire_lore +1
  *set codes -1
  *goto new_game_menu  
*elseif (newgameplus = "####")
  Congratulations! You get:
  *set ngp true
  +5% Mental, and Will.
  +10% Physical.
  +1 Werewolf Lore.
  *set physical %+10
  *set mental %+5
  *set will %+5
  *set vampire_lore +1
  *set codes -1
  *goto new_game_menu  
*elseif (newgameplus = "####")
  Congratulations! You get:
  *set ngp true

  +5% Physical, and Will.
  +10% Mental.
  +1 Zombie Lore.
  *set physical %+5
  *set mental %+10
  *set will %+5
  *set vampire_lore +1
  *set codes -1
  *goto new_game_menu
*elseif (newgameplus = "####")
  Congratulations! You get:
  *set ngp true

  +2 reputation.
  Early access to Desert Eagle.
  *set reputation +2
  *set srtgun true
  *set codes -1
  *goto new_game_menu
*elseif (newgameplus = "####")
  Congratulations! You get to choose one of the following:
    #Stat Boost - +5% physical/mental/will.
      *set physical %+5
      *set mental %+5
      *set will %+5
      *set codes -1
      *set ngp true
      *goto new_game_menu
    #Lore Boost - +2 to all monster lore.
      *set codes -1
      *set vampire_lore +2
      *set werewolf_lore +2
      *set zombie_lore +2
      *set fae_lore +2
      *set gargoyle_lore +2
      *set ghost_lore +2
      *set witch_lore +2
      *set ngp true
      *goto new_game_menu   
*elseif (newgameplus = "####")
  Congratulations! You get:
  *set ngp true

  5% increase to physical/mental/will.
  +1 Lore in vampire/werewolf/zombie
  *set physical %+5
  *set mental %+5
  *set will %+5
  *set vampire_lore +1
  *set werewolf_lore +1
  *set zombie_lore +1
  *set codes -1
  *goto new_game_menu  
*elseif (newgameplus = "stupid ads")
  Congratulations! You get:
  *set ngp true
  +1 lore in vampire/werewolf/zombie.
  +5% Will.
  *set vampire_lore +1
  *set werewolf_lore +1
  *set zombie_lore +1
  *set will %+5
  *set codes -1
  *goto new_game_menu 
  Oops! You entered an incorrect code.
  *goto new_game_menu

that’s the code i used in my game (minus the actual code). But as you can see as each one does stats things but also activates ngp which unlocks additional scenes and new choices.