Hosted game requirements?

@Zanity Well the guy who said your name deserved a 1/10 for the artwork was rather harsh. I think he had some valid points in what he was saying, even if he didn’t phrase it the best possible way. He could have been more constructive but he did at least go into some detail about the aspects he disliked.

Have the haters said what it is they dislike about the quality of your English, and how they’d suggest improving it? If you can get them to turn their criticism into something constructive perhaps you can grow and learn from it. That said, some things are difficult to change and sometimes writing styles just don’t mesh with people. I personally dislike long and overly elaborate over-written prose, for instance.

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Parts 1 and 2 are only 40,000 but is free. Parts 3, 4, and 5 are each 200-250,000 words. People felt Part 4 was short because it’s not linear, so I received criticism. From my experience, people want a long playthrough. Replayability is not as important as playthrough.


That’s the exact reason why I went with a more linear story for silent gear.

Yes ts true I see this more as a hobby than a full time job. But I disagree that it isn’t worth it, I enjoy writing whether its a short story that took a few hours or 2 years on Unnatural. the fact of having a finished project is a wonderful feeling. The fact it still is averaging 4.2 on google even with the constant mistakes of inexperience is something I am proud of.

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@Doctor …to be honest I haven’t decided yet… because I have so many ideas. but all of my ideas are story/character/ relationship driven and are not super linear. I plan to just write till I feel the story and character development is full and finished. so even if it is short I hope it can still be very enjoyable.

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I want my works to be more book like than game like…so I don’t know if that means getting away with it being shorter. not that I want mine short, just I have no idea how long they will be till I finish them


Don’t make it too much like a book, it doesn’t work. Well at least it didn’t work for me, i don’t know whether it is because of my mediocre writing or it just doesn’t work in cog. I recommend not making it too linear unless you are an amazing writer and have an astonishing story line.

Sounds good to me (says the man who keeps missing his own deadlines for finishing).

And the warm response to Fatehaven shows there’s an enthusiastic audience for more linear novels on the forum (along with all the people who like more choice) – so do write for yourself, and it’s likely to find an audience!

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@Nocturnal_Stillness, there are always people that complain about length, no matter what. My experience with Unnatural was the exact opposite. I was really enjoying the story but I wished I was able to reach the happy end sooner so that I could concentrate on other tasks. I myself enjoy both writing and reading shorter gamebooks (as we call them in Europe).

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Could anyone answer a quick question about hosted game submission requirements?

I understand getting them published can take some time (quite a few months in some cases I believe).

My WIP is likely to be finished this month, all but for some illustration i’ll still be waiting on.
I believe the answer to this will be ‘no, be patient,’ but I was wondering whether Hosted Games accepts submissions that have a couple of pieces of illustration outstanding, to be added before publishing. Or is this an unreasonable thing to ask, (I see the staff are very busy!)

My inexperience is probably showing here! :pensive:

Tagging the staff helps (they don’t follow every thread.)
@Mary_Duffy, this is your department, yes?

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Thanks @Sashira, I wasn’t sure whether this could be answered by a previously hosted author, and am still not certain of the roles of Cog and HG’s staff yet, so couldn’t decide whether to direct the post : )

Maybe I should rephrase my question to:
If I can’t find answers on the forum, which member of staff should I email my questions about publishing Hosted Games?

Or should I simply email

They will likely allow you to submit the game but will ask for all assets before adding it to the publication queue. It would be worth emailing to let them know of your impending submission, and they will send you some guidelines on what they need and when.


We’ve already emailed about this, but FTR the requirements for submission are on our site. 30,000 words minimum, written in ChoiceScript. Not grossly offensive content. In general, authors can worry about assets once they submit the game.