High School Revenge (WIP) (Partial Chapter 4 Release, Jun 10, 2024)

Sad Update

Hello. I’m not going to mess around and jump to the subject. I was on holiday this week, I brought my laptop with me to maybe write something here and there, but I managed to write absolutely nothing.

So, no update this week. I’m very sorry, this is the first time since the Great Hiatus that I’ve gone this long without writing. I’ll do my best to write twice as much this upcoming week and make up for it.


It’s okay, good luck writing!



Hello! No nicknames for you today, I’m low on creativity, sorry!

I’m going to apologize again for last week. I should give notice in advance when I’m not going to write, since I feel that also helps avoid procrastination. Anyway, some big things for the private demo are ready. Also, the public demo is getting closer to getting the full weekly experience!

Public Release Update

The only thing you guys are getting this week is the music hobby event. If you chose music as your main talent, you’ll get a special event week 2 where you get to interact with the band in a more intimate environment.

Oh, and you can get a car in week 2 now, because I’m too lazy to change the code.

Real Time Update

Written around 5k words. Written Cecily’s relationship event, where you get a chance to roleplay as one of her rejected lovers. Also completed Isaac’s relationship event, where you get to destroy this week’s lamb together! Yay?


Quick question, everytime the game updates do i have to restart? Its not really an issue since the game isnt that long but ive already played through chapter 1-3 and now im loading my save to chapter 4 the game keeps freezing during that week or is it a bug? If so i will just restart and hopefully i remember my choices.

If you try to load a save which points to a game file which was since then changed, the game will rollback to the beginning of that file. So, effectively, the last reliable point for saving your game is the beginning of chapter 4, and that’s the point from which you’ll have to restart every time until the file with content for that chapter is completed.

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If the startup.txt was changed (especially variables) you do need to restart though, no matter where you saved.

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Not necessarily? If there’s missing variables they can be added through save and/or dev console.

Update - July 14, 2024

Hello, friends! I have some mixed news this week.

First of all, I currently hate doing two version updates. They’re tiring for me and confusing for you. I also hate editing the files to make two different versions of the game. Since I started updating the demo with new content every week, I’ve felt like I’ve kinda killed the game’s hype. Players lose their save files each week since I need to add new variables in the startup file each time and the content is very choice-specific, which means many won’t even see the new stuff coming out.

So, bad news first, I’m going to stop doing weekly demo changes for non-Patreon users. I’ll only do big updates either when finishing chapters or when I feel like the chapter is at a satisfying point.

Good news, however, is that I’m going to release more stuff in the public demo now, just to make sure it’s in a fun state. So, I’m adding the last hobby events alongside Olivia’s relationship event. After this, you’ll have to wait until I’m done with the chapter, since I feel I’ve disappointed you with the unfinished chapter and would like people to see my whole vision when they play it.

Anyway, I’ve written around 3k words this week. Almost finished Connor’s relationship event and fixed most of the inconsistencies with Vivian if you’ve seen her real side.

Thank you all for the continuous support and I’m sorry if I sound a bit down this update. I’ll get my morale back up once I feel the chapter starts looking more complete.


I prefer this honestly

This is the first time I’ve had an opportunity to play through this WIP, and I am impressed. So many convoluted paths this story could take. It sounds like we may be able to take our revenge on all eight at the same time or pick them if one at a time. Then there are some that might not truly deserve my divine retribution. So many paths, so many options. This is such a tangled web, I am looking forward to weaving through it.

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Weekly Update - July 21, 2024

Hello, high schoolers! Oh God, that sounds extremely weird. Scratch that, let’s pretend I never said that.

I hope you’re all having a great week. I have spent the last 48 hours packing boxes since I am moving to a different country, so I am this close to ending it all. However, I managed to get some writing done and have finished Connor’s relationship event. And I am quite happy with how I ended it. Connor’s going to be an interesting character, that’s for sure.

I also have a new addition I’m working on that will make some of you non-revenge oriented readers happy. I’m working on making a hidden revenge stat that will keep track of the MC’s wish to get revenge on the targets. This won’t actually affect the way the MC acts, but it will change the way the narrator talks. Most of you had a problem with Mx. Narrator talking a lot about getting revenge. This will be fixed if you constantly choose options that make it clear you do not want to destroy these horrible people… This will also change if you constantly choose to destroy them though.

Anyway, it seems everyone was happy with my choice to gatekeep new content from non-Patreon users, so I’m glad everyone agrees I made a horrible choice previously. From now on you’re only getting big, no, huge updates that will make you say, damn, he actually wrote a lot this time.

As always, thanks for the support, and make sure to get your revenge on at least one person until next week!


I like the idea, but to play devil’s advocate for a moment: this kind of all or nothing approach is likely to still come across awkward in scenario where the player wants revenge on some of the targets but not others, which i imagine could be pretty common.

Given this, it may make more sense to track the player’s attitude per target rather than in general. Although that’d, of course, complicate the process quite a bit, probably to the point where it’s not doable.


@fsix That’s a great idea actually. Yeah, it will be harder, but it should be doable. And there’s actually a moment when this can be established pretty well: when we first check up on the targets in chapter 2. There were a lot of MC reactions to their lives there that had no real effect, but now it can influence their personal revenge counters.


Weekly Update - July 28, 2024

Hello, readers! Yes, I know, boring. I’ll try better next time…

Vivian’s relationship event is done! And it is pretty good, from my point of view. I’m not going to give any spoilers but I needed to add a lot of new stats for these scenes. I’ve only got Haley’s to write and then all of the relationship events are done! I’ll likely only write 2 secret reveal scenes and then finally write about campaigning for homecoming, asking someone out for it, and then actually going to the dance! Yey! Chapter 4’s ending is finally in sight!

Another new thing I’ve added is the romantic background! Some people were curious what MC romantic and sexual experience was, so you will now have the choice to select this. When you will have your first experience in the game (i.e. kissing), you’ll jump to a little section where you can select how much experience your MC has (multiple partners, just kissing, or zero experience, there are 5 options right now) and what their preferred sexuality is. This will not influence if the targets will flirt with you or not, but the narrator might remind you that you are not attracted to these people when they do flirt with you. Or when you do flirt with them, even though you’re not attracted to them.

The mighty revenge counter is here! I’ve removed all mentions of the word “revenge” from chapter 3 onwards for people that chose the options that do not resemble that path. They will also be more relevant than I initially envisioned. When one of the targets is trying to trick you or use you, the revenge-oriented characters will have a higher chance of naturally combating these things, since they will already have doubted that character. You’ll see, I think it will be interesting.


So, I’m doing a poll on the weakness/nervous tick of the MC choices. I like the ones I wrote (obviously), but I’m sure others could have better ideas. So, I made one of those interactive polls where you can write your own suggestions.

I only want 5 choice options, so you all only get 5 votes per person. I added the OG options, so you can vote for those if you like 'em.

Most likely the top 5 most voted choices will be the ones I go with. Thanks!


Weekly Update - August 4, 2024

Hello, friends! I’ll try to keep it short this time around.

I’ve finished Haley’s event, which means I’ve written all the relationship events for this chapter! Yey! We’re closer than ever to homecoming! I’ve only got two more things to write (uncovering one of Michael’s and Connor’s secrets), the build up to homecoming (more stuff to happen right before the big event), and then the actual big thing!

Thanks everyone who voted on their Popularity stat, the data has been super useful. Everyone was too popular. So, I’ve lowered most Popularity stat gains by 20 to 50%. Checks have also been lowered by 20%. This should make things slightly harder and the numbers won’t be as big as before.

Right now I’m working on writing what happens if you put two and two together and figure out one of Michael’s secrets. I think the whole event will be really entertaining.

Thank you for all the support and make sure to mention who you’ve been petty with recently! See ya next week!

PS. Don’t forget to vote for the nervous tick option. You can still change your votes and look at the new suggestions others have added. I’ll likely end the poll in 2 or 3 days, so this is your last chance. I love how many people got involved so I’ll surely do more of these!


Weekly Update - August 11, 2024

Hello, everyone. New update.

I’ve added the new weaknesses, everyone will see them once the public demo will be updated. I’m happy with them and have already changed all of the points where they appear in the story.

Otherwise I haven’t done much this week. I’ve gotten further in Michael’s secret reveal, but I want to be sure it’s good, so I’m not trying to hurry up the process.

Thank you all for the continued support and let’s finally finish this chapter haha!


Weekly Update - August 18, 2024

Hello, good people! New update.

I’ve hit a bit of a stump for the event I’m currently writing about and realized the reason was that I didn’t like how I wrote the MC. I’ve been a bit too focused on writing the “get answers” part of the game and forgot the thing that actually made me write this: living in the shoes of a “genius” villain. I wanted to write something where we see those steps that are always behind the scenes in most forms of media and actually see how our plans slowly start working.

I realized this while writing about how our MC was investigating Michael to find out one of his secrets. And I noticed how our MC has to improvise too much. If you go down the revenge path, aren’t you supposed to plan at least 50% of what is happening? And I mean actual planning from the player, not just hearing that the MC planned it off screen. Aren’t we the genius manipulator here?

So, I’ve started working on making some changes. No longer does our MC carry random stuff to magically solve their problems. That’s lazy and stupid. From now on I plan to implement a mechanic where you choose what you have with you every week. These items can save you from situations or help you get what you want. I’ll try to also add hints along the way to make it clear what items might be useful for each week or event.

I’ll also be revisiting some of the older stuff to try and give the option to prepare for stuff beforehand without just using a cop-out like “luckily, you prepared for that!”

In terms of what I actually wrote, it might sound bad on paper, but I’m still working on Michael’s secret discovery event. It’s now up to around 3.2k words and it’s only halfway done. I’ve decided to make it a bit more complicated for the “get answers” people, as the “evil” path instantly gives you gratification while the “morally right” path is harder and will take more weeks to complete.

I’m also planning on doing another poll like the weakness one soon, so please vote once it’s out! Thank you all for your patience and let’s get revenge on these people!


It’s always interesting to see a writer notice something they’re not satisfied with.


Can someone pls tell me what character has the wealthiest parents or personal wealth?