Hiding Stats Pages

Okay, so I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to hide some stats pages until I’m ready to reveal them. I’ve essentially got this setup going on (minus the actual names I took out) in my code.

My question is, how would I go about keeping pages 1 - 8 hidden until I want the player to have access to those extra pages of information?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, & thanks in advance <3

*if (stat_page != 0) #Return to the main stat page.
*set stat_page 0
*goto main_stat_page
*if (stat_page != 1) #International HH Agency, & II Division Dossier
*set stat_page 1
*goto HH_dossier
*if (stat_page != 2) #IDA Classified: GG Dossier
*set stat_page 2
*goto GG_dossier
*if (stat_page != 3) #IDA Classified: FF Dossier
*set stat_page 3
*goto FF_dossier
*if (stat_page != 4) #IDA Classified: EE Dossier
*set stat_page 4
*goto EE_dossier
*if (stat_page != 5) #IDA Classifed: DD Dossier
*set stat_page 5
*goto DD_dossier
*if (stat_page != 6) #IDA Classifed: CC Dossier
*set stat_page 6
*goto CC_dossier
*if (stat_page != 7) #IDA Classified: BB Dossier
*set stat_page 7
*goto BB_dossier
*if (stat_page != 8) #IDA Classified: AA Dossier
*set stat_page 8
*goto AA_dossier
*if (stat_page != 9) #View Glossary & Important Information!
*set stat_page 9
*goto glossary_stat_page

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So they tell you how to do this in the Make Your Own Games section advance stats but ill post it here

Frequently Asked Question: How Do I Hide Stats?

The stat chart only shows what you want it to show. If you *create a hundred variables but only mention two of those variables in your *stat_chart , the other 98 variables will be permanently hidden.

If you only want to hide a stat temporarily, you’ll need to wrap the *stat_chart command in an *if statement, like this:

*if KnowsAboutMagic
        percent Magic



You can break your *stat_chart up into multiple smaller *stat_chart commands and use *if like this to hide just some of the charts.

and an example is like the Choices of the Vampire like this

*if heard_of_philomena or (heard_of_eusebius or heard_of_ethelmarr)
			*if heard_of_ethelmarr

				[b]Ethelmarr[/b] is the dominus of Arthur Lockridge.
			*if heard_of_eusebius

				[b]Eusebius of Damascus[/b] was a vampire philosopher.  His most famous work, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves[/i] is considered a central philosophical text of vampires everywhere.
			*if heard_of_philomena

				[b]Philomena of Ephesus[/b] was a vampire sibyl.  She committed suicide sometime in the first century A.D.
			*goto rogues_gallery
	*if met_jesse or met_estefania
			*if heard_of_aichinger

				[b]Lothar Aichinger[/b] is a citizen of St. Louis.
				*if whiskey_ring_plot
					He was involved with the Whiskey Ring conspiracy in the early and mid 1870s.
				*if met_aichinger
					He is portly and mostly bald, with a bushy, mostly-gray mustache.  He is older, having likely been turned in his early fifties.
			*if presented_memphis

				[b]Dido Applethorp[/b] is the progeny of Apollo Carothers.  She is tall for a woman, and her hair is cut close to her scalp.  She is a former slave, and her often-bare arms are covered by a network of long-healed lashmarks.
			*if heard_of_crisp

				[b]John Crisp[/b] is the dominus of Wallace Winters.  He was a Catholic partisan in Reformation England.
			*if heard_of_eliot
				[b]Hiram Eliot[/b] is a citizen of St. Louis.
				*if met_eliot
					He is of average height, with dark brown hair with a severe part, a wide face, and a large nose and ears.  He was turned sometime in his late twenties, and still possess a youthful vigor.
			*if heard_of_krupke
				[b]Walter Krupke[/b] is a citizen of Savannah.
				*if met_overstreet
					He seems to be some sort of bodyguard for Governor Overstreet.
				*if met_krupke
					He is not terribly large, but it is easy to imagine him being competent in a fight.  He has sandy-blond hair, a lantern jaw, and a cleft chin.
			*if heard_of_lesczynski
				[b]Ascher Lesczynski[/b] is a citizen of New York, and is a candidate for Senator of Memphis.
				*if met_lesczynski
					He sports a kippah and payot.
				*if lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis
					He is very curious to learn more about circumstances surrounding the founding of Memphis.
				*if malloy_out
					He has professed his support for Isaiah Stone.
				*if pickering_out
					He has professed his opposition to Isaiah Stone.
			*if wilson_embraced and (chasing_wilson = false)
				[b]Wilson Maddox[/b] is your offspring, and your former mortal valet.  He is missing an ear from his days as a slave.
				*if literate = false
					Unlike many of his former peers, he is literate.  You are grateful for this, and you rely on this skill often.
			*if wilson_embraced_by_withers and ((chasing_wilson = false) and (knows_wilson_embraced))
				[b]Wilson Maddox[/b] is the offspring of Samantha Withers, and your former mortal valet.  He is missing an ear from his days as a slave.
			*if heard_of_malloy
				[b]Siobhan Malloy[/b] is a citizen of Baltimore, and is a candidate for Senator of Memphis.
				*if met_malloy
					She is a redheaded Irishwoman, with a laugh like baritone windchimes: throaty, deep, and melodic.
				*if heard_of_ogier and (knows_ogier_heretic = false)
					She is the progeny of Arnoult Ogier, a Hugenot vampire from New Paltz.
				*if heard_of_ogier and knows_ogier_heretic
					She is the progeny of Arnout Ogier, a Hugenot vampire from New Paltz, who was accused of heresy and executed by Praetor Miele.
				In the early days of her unlife, she gained some fame for her ability to wrangle vampires who did not honor the Rule of Respect.  She is a well-known supporter of Isaiah Stone.
			*if heard_of_pickering
				[b]Absalom Pickering[/b] is a citizen of Mobile, and is a candidate for Senator of Memphis.
				*if met_pickering
					He is a white man, with brown hair and eyes.  He sports a goatee which hides what would otherwise be a weak chin.  He parts his hair to the side, a bit low for your taste, and he speaks with an Alabaman drawl.  As a mortal, he fought under Andrew Jackson during the conquest of Florida.
				*if pickering_and_pike and (knows_pickering_mason = false)
					He has some involvement with Albert Pike, a famous Freemason and former Confederate officer.
				*if knows_pickering_mason
					He is a Freemason.  Not just a member of the mortal organization, but a member of the vampiric heresy!
				*if met_pickering
					He categorically rejects the deeds of Isaiah Stone.
			*if heard_of_radegunda

				[b]Radegunda de Rochefort[/b] is the domina of Guillaume de Sainte-Chapelle.  She is a citizen of Rochefort.
			*if met_estefania
				*if estefania_is_kin
					[b]Estefania Rios e Hidalgo[/b] is the broodmate of your dominus, Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca.
				*if estefania_is_kin = false
					[b]Estefania Rios e Hidalgo[/b] is a citizen of New Orleans.
				She has brown—almost black—eyes.  She considers herself a connoisseur of blood, seeking to turn the act of feeding into something akin to an artform.
				*if rios_rapport > 60
					The two of you enjoy each others' company.
				*if (rios_rapport >= 40) and (rios_rapport <= 60)
					The two of you have a functioning relationship.
				*if rios_rapport < 40
					The two of you do not get along.
			*if (heard_of_villanueva) and (sire_name != "Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca")
				[b]Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca[/b] is a notorious pirate, known for his association with Jean Lafitte.  He is the broodmate of Estefania Rios e Hidalgo.
			*if met_jesse
				*if jesse_is_broodmate
					[b]Jesse Whitaker[/b] is your broodmate.
				*if jesse_is_broodmate = false
					[b]Jesse Whitaker[/b] is the progeny of ${jesse_sire_name}.
				*if jesse_rapport > 60
					You have a strong rapport with him.
				*if (jesse_rapport >= 40) and (jesse_rapport <= 60)
					The two of you have a functioning relationship.
				*if jesse_rapport < 40
					The two of you do not get along.
				*if jesses_revolutionary_credentials > 60
					He is a well-known supporter of Stone.
				*if jesses_revolutionary_credentials < 40
					His opposition to Isaiah Stone is well-known.
				*if jesse_for_senator
					He has thrown his hat into the ring for the position of Senator of Memphis.
			*if met_samantha and (presented_vicksburg = false)
				[b]Samantha Withers[/b] is a citizen of Savannah.  She is the broodmate of Theresa Overstreet.  She is much more attractive than Overstreet, though she gives off the air of being less serious.
			*goto rogues_gallery
	*if consul_praetor_explained
			[b]Adonis[/b] is the Consul of the Society; he was the first vampire to claim that title.  He is ancient, and he leads vampire-kind from his seat in Rome.  
			[b]Isaiah Stone[/b] claims the title of Consul of the Americas.  He leads his revolution from his home in Baltimore.
			*if knows_partridge_childe_of_stone
				Samson Partridge is his progeny.
			*goto rogues_gallery
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Hopefully that helps

You’ll need to create more variables in startup. I often use true/false variables for this sort of thing, but you could probably use just one number variable, too.

Here’s an example of what I use:

	*if statlook != 1
		#Look at stats in number form.
			*set statlook 1
			*goto statpage1
	*if statlook != 2
		#Look at stats in text form.
			*set statlook 2
			*goto statpage2
	*if namecreation = 1
		*if statlook != 3
			#Look at inventory.
				*set statlook 3
				*goto statpage3
	*if metgods = true
		*if statlook != 4
			#Look at character list.
				*set statlook 4
				*goto statpage4

But, if they are all eventually unlocked throughout the story in the same order, you could do this with one number variable:


So in startup you’d create something like:
*create pageunlocked 0

And then on the stats page:

	*if (stat_page != 0) #Return to the main stat page.
		*set stat_page 0
		*goto main_stat_page
	*if (pageunlocked >= 1)
		*if (stat_page != 1) #International HH Agency, & II Division Dossier
			*set stat_page 1
			*goto HH_dossier
	*if (pageunlocked >= 2)
		*if (stat_page != 2) #IDA Classified: GG Dossier
			*set stat_page 2
			*goto GG_dossier
	*if (pageunlocked >= 3)
		*if (stat_page != 3) #IDA Classified: FF Dossier
			*set stat_page 3
			*goto FF_dossier

@kashidol seems to have already answered your question, but I hope this helps as well. :relaxed:

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Same here I think that using true/false statements might actually clear some thing up and makes it less cluttered and messy that way you can keep up with most things


Thanks for the quick replies kashidol and expectedoperator!

kashidol - I saw the example you already posted but I am new to using choicescript code and wasn’t (& and still not apparently lol) putting all the pieces together o_O

expectedoperator - I copy and pasted your example into my game to see how it would work. I’ve been playing with it for a few hours actually, and I’m still lost lol.

I put the *create pageunlocked 0 in startup like you said and copy & pasted
*if (stat_page != 0) #Return to the main stat page.
*set stat_page 0
*goto main_stat_page
*if (pageunlocked >= 1)
*if (stat_page != 1) #International HH Agency, & II Division Dossier
*set stat_page 1
*goto HH_dossier
*if (pageunlocked >= 2)
*if (stat_page != 2) #IDA Classified: GG Dossier
*set stat_page 2
*goto GG_dossier
*if (pageunlocked >= 3)
*if (stat_page != 3) #IDA Classified: FF Dossier
*set stat_page 3
*goto FF_dossier

with the proper *goto labels and I get an error saying line 464: No selectable options… line 464 is

I am using Choicescript IDE if that helps at all…

I believe that’s because at the start there would be no options available --since pageunlocked starts at 0 in this case, then none of *if (pageunlocked) options would be seen, and because you are already at the main stat page, you wouldn’t have that option available either.

The glossary page you’re adding will be available from the start, right? I think once you add that on it should work. :thinking:

Like this:

	*if (stat_page != 0) #Return to the main stat page.
		*set stat_page 0
		*goto main_stat_page
	*if (pageunlocked >= 1)
		*if (stat_page != 1) #International HH Agency, & II Division Dossier
			*set stat_page 1
			*goto HH_dossier
	*if (pageunlocked >= 2)
		*if (stat_page != 2) #IDA Classified: GG Dossier
			*set stat_page 2
			*goto GG_dossier
	*if (pageunlocked >= 3)
		*if (stat_page != 3) #IDA Classified: FF Dossier
			*set stat_page 3
			*goto FF_dossier
	*if (stat_page != 9) #View Glossary & Important Information!
			*set stat_page 9
			*goto glossary_stat_page

You probably already have it set up, but just make sure you have a *label glossary_stat_page and the same stat page choices under that label and whatever glossary info you’re putting, too. :relaxed:

So, I accidentally deleted the *label above my choice, which was causing the issue :roll_eyes: lol

While I was playing around I ended up figuring out another way to hide the information essentially by…

*if pageunlocked_0 = true
#View Glossary & Important Information!
*set pageunlocked_0 true
*goto glossary_stat_page
*if pageunlocked_1 = true
#International Defense Agency (IDA), & Blackhawk Division Dossier
*set pageunlocked_1 true
*goto ida_dossier
*if pageunlocked_1 = false
#International Defense Agency (IDA), & Blackhawk Division Dossier
*set pageunlocked_1 false
*goto noaccess
*if pageunlocked_2 = true


So basically this coding allows me to send the player to a *label that says…

ACCESS DENIED: You have not been granted access to this document yet. Please acquire the proper authorization to view this file.

…until I *set the pageunlocked_1 to true, which displays all the information on that stat page when I’m ready. Not sure how conventional the method is but it’s working lol!

Thanks for your assistance! :grin: :star_struck: