Help about power levels

Hello everyone. My name is Hizkia and i need help about stats section. I have and idea that MC powers have different power level. It’s like when players choose fire-type power, in the basic level, players can only control fire that existed. Later in the game, their power level up and they now can shape it’s into different weapons. In the final form, now they can create fire from nothingness and maybe even control light power. I want to create 5 different powers. Any ideas how should i writing it? Thanks.

Sorry if my English is bad, it’s not my first language

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This part of the forum is for technical implementation of ChoiceScript, not writing advice. Are you struggling with how to display these powers on the stats screen? If so, we can help here, if you just want writing advice I reccomend the writer’s support thread.

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Sorry, i mean that i have covered the idea of the powers, i have already written it, but i just don’t know how to implement it on the stats screen.

Here’s 2 very basic things you can consider doing
The first is just to call back the variables used for power type and power level to be shown

Power Type: $!{pwrtype}
Power Level: $!{pwrlvl}

Which would display like this in the stats screen

The second way is to use multireplace for a more in-depth display

Name: ${name}
A @{(pwrlvl) novice|journeyman|master} @{(pwrtype) pyromancer|hydromancer }.

Which looks like this at power level 2 and water as the power

The multireplace used is a boolean that uses numbers as the variable so @{pwrlvl} will make it look for whatever variable pwrlvl contains if it is 1 it will read out whatever is before the first | (vertical bar not a i or an L) if it is 2 it will read what is after the first | and if it is 3 it will read after the second |

Code for the variables can look something like this

*comment powertype 1=fire 2=water
*create pwrtype 1
*comment power level from 1-3
*create pwrlvl 1

Unless it all breaks the second I click reply; then forget I said anything


Thanks. I Will play with it and come back if i need help again.

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