Heir to the Throne (09/23/18)

Chapter1 line 639: Non-existent variable ‘atletism’

when you select the golden armoured knight ._.

Same can be said for “Chapter1 line 2195: Non-existent variable ‘atletism’” when you focus on knight during your studies. I guess atletism isnt a thing anywhere in the code.

Theres also this:
“Um, actually Liliana, Mother is there. She said something about meeting someone there.”

$(npc_onea}'s face is completely blank but you can see how her body tenses up. Then, a slow smile spreads across her face.

Fixed it! Thanks for pointing them out! :smile:

This is such a good story!! I’m in love with it already, the characters are very dynamic and enjoyable to read about! I hope i can read a lot more very soon!

Great new update I love that it provides us with an opportunity to try out are new skills :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::yum::smirk:

I decided to name my character Julius to see if the Grandmother would act different about it, but it goes the same way and my character is like “Hey! My name is NOT Julius, it’s Julius!”
You might want to check that, I mean it’s kinda weird. Not in a bad way it actually made me giggle

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Florences sister

Hey everyone, I have some world-building/ coding ideas and I can’t tell which is better.

Would you guys prefer to customize the Ravos flag (things like colors and symbols) or would it before more realistic if I made a set flag for the kingdom? Especially since how your flag looks would also effects how Vruria’s flag looks like.

  • Yes, I do want to customize my own flag!
  • No, it would make the story more realistic if there’s a set design.

0 voters

I also really wanted to make my first poll so this just really works out for me. :wink:

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Looks like I’m in the minority.

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Oh wow! That’s quite the difference isn’t it? I guess I can close the poll now!

The masses have spoken and a set design they shall have!
Luckily I had a bunch of spare time today so here they are! (Please note that I’m not an artist so I had to use websites for the design and art apps for the color)




I. LOVE. THIS. For being relatively short it does a good job pulling you in the story. I really want to know more about Rowan and all the ROs seem so great. (Except Arthur. Don’t know enough about him xD)
Edit: Oh, also, I love Florence tons and I need my MC to be able to be mega affectionate and clingy to his BFF. Like, after they get married just go “Well, at least there’s a good thing about this. I get to keep you now.” And just hug

First of all I LOVE stories where the MC starts as a kid and grows older, second I’m so interested in those charm powers the MC has, it has so many potential for good and bad things to happen to them :ok_hand::ok_hand:

As a player who usually makes charming MCs, this is right up my alley! :smile:

The writing pulls you in wonderfully and I love the characters! Especially Ashton.

I was wondering though, out of curiousity, if being trans is an option that’ll come up? Though I understand it might be a problem considering how Florence is coded and other stuff… :sweat_smile:

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I was considering adding that option but it caused a bunch of problems with the story and Florence’s/general coding.

I just wanted everyone to know that I’ll be taking a break from writing but not a super long one. I’m just going on a trip for the next two weeks and probably won’t have access to reliable internet for most of the time. I’ll try to check in as much as I can but I can’t promise anything. But even though I won’t be around here as often I can still work on the word-building more so I can get some work done on this trip! :smile:


enjoy yourself ! and take the time to recharge! Hope you have a great time! :grinning:

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I see… Thanks for the reply! I know not everything can work with certain stories. :smile:

Have a good trip! Absorb that world energy!

Hey everyone! Guess who’s back!

It’s me. I’m back and ready to start writing again! Hope you guys are ready!


Welcome back and yes we are

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@fox_vixen I just read Heir to the throne and let me say that I LOVE it and I think you need to update the ROs in the synopsis because I feel it became a bit outdated. I also have a fee questions regarding the ROs and about the game:

  1. Is there any options on improving certain skills later in the future?? Like a chance to increase your perception skill
  2. Can certain skills in the game decrease if we don’t use them or don’t use them that often???
  3. Will the ROs get development when we romance them and will they have their character arcs??
  4. How will Arthur’s route be like and what will his arc be like ?
  5. How will CC’s route be like and what will their arc be like?
  6. How will EH’s route be like and what will their arc be like?
  7. How will Rowan’s route be like and what will their arc be like?
  8. How will AL’s route be like and what will their arc be like?
  9. How will Madeline’s route be like and what will their arc be like?
  10. Can we stay single throughout the game?
  11. What will happen if we don’t divorce Florence?
  12. When will Arthur appear in the game?? I’m a HUGE fan of the knight in shining armor RO

That’s what I got for now :sweat_smile: sorry for bothering you and have a great day / night and good luck with the heir to the throne

Thank you so much! I’m so happy that you like my game :smile:

  1. I still only have a rough outline for the game but yes, you’ll have a chance to increase your perception later on

  2. That’s a really cool idea but I think that’s a little too advanced for me. :sweat_smile:

  3. I love character focused games so all the ROs are gonna get their own storylines and arcs!

10: Definitely!

11: Then Florence will live and die as your consort. There isn’t really a problem if you plan on being single throughout the game.

12: He’s actrually going to show up pretty soon! I’m thinking about re-writing and if I do then he might show up even sooner. :wink:

I’m gonna make a separate post about the RO’s routes later when I have more time :slightly_smiling_face: