Harry Potter House Quiz

Author’s Note:
This is a quick quiz to sort you into one of the Hogwarts Houses - Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, or Hufflepuff. This is based off of J.K. Rowling’s series “Harry Potter”, which I own no part of. Don’t judge me, I’m bad with Disclaimers. I will not be selling this for money or anything, this is just a way for me to test out my coding skills by doing something fun! :confetti_ball: I would add in something about Choice Script, but that’s kinda implied.

So, this is my first ever coding project - ever - and I would really appreciate help with any errors and stuff.

About the Quiz:
So far, it is five questions long, and you can check your progress on the Stats Screen. At the end, it tells you what house you are sorted in. If you are equal two or three (or even all four) houses, it will say so, and there will be one last question.

The Demo:
If you like the quiz, please leave a like. :wink:
^^Stolen from @Nekumura

Monday - March 28, 2016
Demo, and Forum Post.

Still Working On

  • Adding a fancier way of saying your final house.
  • Figuring out how to fix the little “three-house” issue.
  • Adding more questions.
  • Making a way to find out your secondary, thirdly, and fourthly houses.
  • Add in an Achievement for each house, and for tied scores and such.

What I Need Some Help With

  • I still haven’t figured out what to do if three of the houses are equal.
  • That’s it for now!

Questions? Comment below or PM me!


If you wanted to reduce the chances of multiple house results you could use a percentage system and for some questions have answers that are weighted to multiple houses

e.g: a door has been left open in the school halls that’s normally locked. You’ve never been in there before but you’ve always wondered. Rumour has it there’s a powerful magic artifact obut others say a terrible monster is taped within.

What do you do?
#Have a look inside

  • +10% Griffin
  • +5% raven
    #Tell someone responsible
  • +10% huffle
  • +5% griffin
    #Walk away quietly
  • +10% slithering
  • +5% huffle

(Admittedly I don’t know the house personalities well)

This is a decent idea, granted you can already find extensive versions of these online already. Something I dislike about your version is how good ultimately equals gryfinndor and bad equals slytherin. If you want to make this more accurate, make it so it is more difficult to know which response correlates to which house on first glace.

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Review : It’s cool, do more ! :smile:

Scores, for funzies :
Gryffindor: 0
Ravenclaw: 7
Hufflepuff: 3
Slytherin: 1


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This was pretty fun, I liked it!

Gryffindor: 0
Ravenclaw: 9
Hufflepuff: 3
Slytherin: 0

I never thought of CoG’s as quizzes…But I really like the idea.

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… that’s the one thing I was trying to avoid.[quote=“Maxmansung, post:2, topic:15991”]
(Admittedly I don’t know the house personalities well)

I can see that. Anyway: I might try to use that system in my next update. Maybe switch between the two.


It’s nice. I can’t code, so I can’t really help you out there, but I got the following:
Gryffindor: 1
Ravenclaw: 5
Hufflepuff: 2
Slytherin: 4

Pretty accurate, if I say so myself, but I feel I’m a bit more Gryffindor than Hufflepuff.
(My version)
Gryffindor: 2
Ravenclaw: 5
Hufflepuff: 1
Slytherin: 4


O.K. So, I got a bug when there’s two of the same house:

      Gryffindor: 2
      Ravenclaw: 4
      Hufflepuff: 2
      Slytherin: 4

Final Stats:

     Gryffindor: 2
     Ravenclaw: 4
     Hufflepuff: 2
     Slytherin: 5

Gryffindor: 7
Ravenclaw: 1
Hufflepuff: 2
Slytherin: 0

Prof_Chaos is a wizard Harry!


It’s a difficult thing to manage. Something you might want to look at, is the extended quiz using all of the questions featured on the pottermore quiz. It is the most accurate one so far.


I would like to add that I am slightly less than obsessed about Harry Potter, and the magical world that comes with it, so if you needed any help, I would be more than happy to assist.
Also, the result I got on this quiz, was something I have never received before. I am firstly a Slytherin, then a Hufflepuff, and only then after, a Ravenclaw, which was the answer I received on this quiz.


I can’t not comment on this. I have a username to live up to!

I’m gonna be brutally honest here by saying that a Sorting Hat quiz is in no way an original idea, but I guess it’s cool that you wanna try and use ChoiceScript to make it. The thing is, if you’re only going for a system this simplistic, it’ll be a regrettable waste of an awesome programming language. Why not expand? I see that some of the questions are lightly roleplay-based, maybe you could make the whole course of the quiz a string of roleplays that come together as a short story. Y’know, like a Choice of Games game. Maybe you can even make some sort of character customisation, even a very basic one. In my head, I imagine it can be something like the Hosted Game Dilemma. It doesn’t have to be set in the HP universe, though occasional references could certainly help set the mood.

Speaking of mood – the whole quiz does not at all have any HP feel to it aside from the fact that it’s a Hogwarts house quiz. With what you have so far, the quiz has certainly reached its goal in being a Sorting quiz, but that’s all there is to it. If you do insist on sticking to what you have, maybe you can make some small modifications to give the quiz more HP flavour. For example, the line, “You just found some money on the ground,” could be altered to, “You just found a few Knuts/Sickles/Galleons on the ground.” Another example, “Exams are coming up,” could be changed to “OWLs/NEWTs are coming up.”

I realise this is supposed to be a quick Hogwarts house quiz, so feel free to ignore my suggestions if the kind of game I’m suggesting is not the one you’re trying to make, in which case I can only advise brushing up on your knowledge of the houses. To be honest, there are some choices whose results (to the “house points”) I don’t completely understand, but then again Sorting is a very relative and subjective matter. I recommend looking up the official Pottermore Sorting Hat quiz for the most accurate reference you could possibly get. I haven’t looked for any detailed breakdown of the quiz, but I do know that there are transcripts available around the internet and that unofficial (though identical) versions of the quiz are available outside of Pottermore.

Also, typo spotted.

Try and find out who’s it is.

It should be whose instead of who’s.

And, oh! Since “Adding a fancier way of saying your final house” is on your list, I have an idea that ties into my other idea about making the quiz a short story-game. I mentioned that it didn’t have to be set in the HP universe but also that references would be appreciated, especially by the Potterhead CoG-ers out there (like moi!). I imagine the MC going through a day no different than any other (the day being the story in which the player makes their choices), just doing what they do, but at the end of it discovers OMG IT’S THE SORTING HAT FROM HARRY POTTER and puts it on. The Hat then voices its thoughts about the MC’s personality before declaring their house (a la canon Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony). MC contemplates how they feel about it, calls it a day, and THE END! The Hat may or may not be a figment of their imagination. XD
Again, feel free to dismiss this notion if the idea of making the quiz into a story does not suit your purposes.

Best of luck. :slight_smile:
—A Fellow Potterhead :dragon:

EDIT: @Uniqueth Thanks for linking it! That kind of quizzes is the one I was talking about.


Hufflepuff master race!

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That’s exactly what I was trying to say, but you did it in much better detail! Yes, having an extra element which made this unique from other sorting hat quizzes would be best.

Oh my god, I am doing that. So doing that.[quote=“CrayFoPottah, post:11, topic:15991”]
And, oh! Since “Adding a fancier way of saying your final house” is on your list, I have an idea that ties into my other idea about making the quiz a short story-game. I mentioned that it didn’t have to be set in the HP universe but also that references would be appreciated, especially by the Potterhead CoG-ers out there (like moi!). I imagine the MC going through a day no different than any other (the day being the story in which the player makes their choices), just doing what they do, but at the end of it discovers OMG IT’S THE SORTING HAT FROM HARRY POTTER and puts it on. The Hat then voices its thoughts about the MC’s personality before declaring their house (a la canon Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony). MC contemplates how they feel about it, calls it a day, and THE END! The Hat may or may not be a figment of their imagination. XD


I’m so glad you’re taking my suggestions well. :blush:
I just thought I’d fill you in on my own results now!

The good news is, my (primary) result is accurate. Yay!
Bad news is, I can’t say the same for my secondary, tertiary, and quaternary results, being:

Gryffindor: 2
Ravenclaw: 8
Hufflepuff: 1
Slytherin: 0

I consider myself a Ravenclaw, as do the Pottermore quiz, the first Sorting quiz I’ve ever taken and many others.
My close-second house would be Slytherin. Some of my friends have even mistakenly pegged me for one. Maybe it’s because I like the bad boy type when it comes to fictional characters. And the things I say can come off as sadistic sometimes. And I can be sly when I feel like it.
Hufflepuff is my least compatible house, and not because I don’t want to be one. Puffs are awesome and I envy their traits (hardworking, dilligent, loyal, just, etc.) The fact that I don’t have said traits is the reason why I’ll probably never be one of them.

I understand that the ranks for the second, third and fourth compatible house can be fuzzy, but I have no doubts that there just has to be some Slytherin in there somewhere. :grin:


Just have the “sorting hat” ask which house you’d like to be in to break ties. Choice is the most important thing in the end.

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Well, some people know me, so this really shouldn’t be a surprise XD

Gryffindor: 3
Ravenclaw: 1
Hufflepuff: 0
Slytherin: 6

So far, you are mostly a Slytherin.

Hey @Nathan_Faxon, @Snowpanther, @UmbraLamia, @HuntedSnake, @Zolataya
What are you guys ? :stuck_out_tongue:


Gryffindor: 0
Ravenclaw: 6
Hufflepuff: 4
Slytherin: 0

Uhhh What say you?

Edit: The average seems to lean to Ravenclaw.

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Gryffindor: 2
Ravenclaw: 6
Hufflepuff: 0
Slytherin: 3

Not surprised in the slightest. Though, I was torn between saving my pet friend or my CoG work… I chose CoG work. I’m going to hell.


This reminds me of something I read a while back, about how each house deals with a locked door.

Ravenclaw: Pick the lock.
Slytherin: Find the key.
Gryffindor: Kick it down.
Hufflepuff: Knock.

I always thought it was funny. ^_^;

Anyway, my results, which seem fairly accurate…

Gryffindor: 2
Ravenclaw: 6
Hufflepuff: 1
Slytherin: 2