It was just a series of *ifs. I’ll find the code later and send it you so you can see it.
edit: thought I’d add it here instead…
*temp player_one "${name}"
*temp player_two "Lakota"
*temp player_three ""
*temp player_four ""
*temp one_class ""
*temp two_class ""
*temp three_class ""
*temp four_class ""
*temp knight ""
*temp mage ""
*temp rogue ""
*temp archer ""
As you enter the hall you spot the large table set into the center. Even stranger, was the large tray set on top, it reminded you of a board game only on a much larger scale than you were used to.
#Austin and ${promotion} sit next to him at the table.
*set player_three "Austin"
*set player_four "${promotion}"
*goto game_setup
#Scarlet and ${promotion} sit next to him at the table.
*set player_three "Scarlet"
*set player_four "${promotion}"
*goto game_setup
#Austin and Scarlet sit next to him at the table.
*set player_three "Austin"
*set player_four "Scarlet"
*goto game_setup
*if (romanced = "Denise")
#Austin and Denise sit next to him at the table.
*set player_three "Austin"
*set player_four "Denise"
*goto game_setup
*if (romanced = "Denise")
#Scarlet and Denise sit next to him at the table.
*set player_three "Scarlet"
*set player_four "Denise"
*goto game_setup
*if (romanced = "Denise")
#${promotion} and Denise sit next to him at the table.
*set player_three "${promotion}"
*set player_four "Denise"
*goto game_setup
*label game_setup
*if (romanced = "Lakota")
"Hey, I was waiting for you. Glad you could make it," Lakota says with a loving smile.
*goto characters
"Glad you could make it, we've been waiting for you," Lakota says with a slight smile.
*goto characters
*label characters
*if (romanced = player_three)
As you sit down, ${player_three} shifts their chair slightly to be closer to you.
*if (romanced = player_four)
As you sit down, ${player_four} shifts their chair slightly to be closer to you.
Lakota smiles, a mischievous grin. "Welcome all, thank you for joining my on an adventure of swords and sorcery!"
${player_three} sits to ${player_two}'s left, ${player_four} to his right.
*if (player_three = "Victor") or (player_four = "Victor")
"I can't believe you talked me into playing this stupid game," Victor mumbles.
Lakota smirks. "You were the one who wanted to make a bet."
*goto lets_play_one
*label lets_play_one
"So, Lakota, what is this game called?" you ask curious.
"Snakes and Swamps," Lakota announces as he skilfully flicks the box open.
The lids flip open, revealing a detailed drawing of a swamp. Several holes litter the board over what you assume are the names of various areas.
"So how do we play?" ${player_three} asks gesturing to the board.
Lakota opens up a hidden panel and pulls out four carved figurines, each blank faced yet disturbingly life-like. He gestures to them and says "Choose a figurine and say "Evoke".
*label choose_you_figure
#The far left figure armed with that sword and shield.
*set one_class "Knight"
*set knight "${player_one}"
You pick the figure up and say out loud "EVOKE".
*goto three
#The left figure armed with that magic staff.
*set one_class "Mage"
*set mage "${player_one}"
You pick the figure up and say out loud "EVOKE".
*goto three
#The right figure with the dual short swords.
*set one_class "Rogue"
*set rogue "${player_one}"
You pick the figure up and say out loud "EVOKE".
*goto three
#The far right figure with the bow and arrow.
*set one_class "Archer"
*set archer "${player_one}"
You pick the figure up and say out loud "EVOKE".
*goto three
*label three
As soon as the words leave your lips, the figurine goes red hot and you drop it. But the figure lands on their feet, dropping to a graceful crouch. As the figurine rises to their feet, they begin to change.
*if (one_class = "Saber")
*set two_class "Mage"
*set mage "${player_two}"
In a matter of minutes, you're looking at a miniature version of yourself in knightly armor armed with a long sword and a shield.
*if (azure)
An angel motif adorns the chest plate and the shield.
*if (shade)
A grim reaper motif adorns the chest plate and the shield
"You have chosen the Knight," Lakota announces as he picks up the figure with a staff.
*goto three_chooses
*if (one_class = "Mage")
In a matter of minutes, you're looking at a miniature version of yourself in a flowing emerald robe holding an ancient oak staff.
*if (azure)
The shaft is carved beautifully, an ornate hand grasping a winged orb.
*if (shade)
The shaft is carved majestically, an ornate robed figure stands at the tip of the staff.
"You have chosen the Mage," Lakota announces as he picks up the figure with a bow and arrow,
*goto three_chooses
*if (one_class = "Rogue")
*set two_class "Mage"
*set mage "${player_two}"
In a matter of minutes, you're looking at a miniature version of yourself in a tattered hooded cloak and armed with dual weapons.
*if (azure)
The figure stands there twirling twin curved daggers.
*if (shade)
The figure stands there gripping the twin sickles.
"You have chosen the Rogue," Lakota announces as he picks up the figure with a staff.
*goto three_chooses
*if (one_class = "Archer")
*set two_class "Mage"
*set mage "${player_two}"
In a matter of minutes, you're looking at a miniature version of yourself in leather armor and clutching a bow.
*if (azure)
The arrows shimmer in the quiver.
*if (shade)
The arrows in the quiver are as black as night.
"You have chosen the Mage," Lakota announces as he picks up the figure with a staff.
*goto three_chooses
*label three_chooses
*if (one_class = "Knight")
*set three_class "Rogue"
*set rogue "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Archer"
*set archer "${player_four}"
*if (player_four = "Victor")
${player_three} chooses the figure with the bow, leaving ${player_four} with the dual blades.
*set three_class "Archer"
*set archer "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Rogue"
*set rogue "${player_three}"
*goto adventure_setup
${player_three} chooses the figure with dual blades, leaving ${player_four} with the figure with the bow.
*goto adventure_setup
*if (one_class = "Mage")
*set three_class "Rogue"
*set rogue "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Knight"
*set knight "${player_four}"
*if (player_four = "Victor")
${player_three} chooses the figure with the sword and shield, leaving ${player_four} with the dual blades.
*set three_class "Knight"
*set knight "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Rogue"
*set rogue "${player_four}"
*goto adventure_setup
${player_three} chooses the figure with dual blades, leaving ${player_four} with the figure with the sword and shield.
*goto adventure_setup
*if (one_class = "Rogue")
*set three_class "Knight"
*set knight "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Archer"
*set archer "${player_four}"
*if (player_four = "Victor")
${player_three} chooses the figure with the bow, leaving ${player_four} with the sword and shield.
*set three_class "Archer"
*set archer "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Knight"
*set knight "${player_four}"
*goto adventure_setup
${player_three} chooses the figure with the sword and shield leaving ${player_four} with the figure with the bow.
*goto adventure_setup
*if (one_class = "Archer")
*set three_class "Rogue"
*set rogue "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Knight"
*set knight "${player_four}"
*if (player_four = "Victor")
${player_three} chooses the figure with the sword and shield, leaving ${player_four} with the figure with the dual blades.
*set three_class "Knight"
*set knight "${player_three}"
*set four_class "Rogue"
*set rogue "${player_four}"
*goto adventure_setup
${player_three} chooses the figure with the dual blades leaving ${player_four} with the figure with the sword and shield.
*goto adventure_setup
*label adventure_setup
"Great, we've created our characters, I can finally use these crystals I borrowed from my father," Lakota says excited.
"What does that do?" ${player_three} asks.
"Just watch," Lakota says placing the crystals in the slots throughout the board and holding his hand outs. "Evoke Illusion!"
The crystals glow and pulse, the light expands covering the table. When it fades away, the four figurines are sitting around a camp fire, a swamp surrounding them.
"That's impressive," you admit.
"The crystal will show us whatever I want it to. As events play out the little figurines will react how we would if they were truly us. Now, let's begin our adventure. ${player_one} you can go first. choose a direction for our adventurers to head.
#Head North.
*goto marsh
#Head West.
*goto cave
#Head East.
*goto code_tree
*label marsh
The four figurines stand up, the camp fire washing away in a swirl of shadow. The miniature ${player_one} points North and the other figurines follow after them. The surrounding area shifts as they walk through the darkness. The scene reforms and soon the tiny people find themselves walking through a misty marsh. The realistic swamp water coming up to their knees, as they slosh through the murky waters.
"As the adventurers continue further into the marsh, the water starts getting deeper," Lakota says boldly. "They pause as an unnatural sound echoes in the mist."
As Lakota speaks, you hear a keen wailing sound ringing around the table, as the four figurines come to a halt.
*if (one_class = "Knight")
The miniature ${name} positions their shield, in front as they raise their sword,
*if (one_class = "Mage")
The miniature ${name} raises their staff, the tip lighting up the immediate area,
*if (one_class = "Rogue")
The miniature ${name}
*if (azure)
draws their silver daggers,
*if (shade)
draws their twin sickles,
*if (one_class = "Archer")
The miniature ${name} notches an arrow in their bow,
*if (two_class = "Mage")
the miniature Lakota raises their staff, the tip lightening up the immediate area,
*if (two_class = "Archer")
the miniature Lakota notches an arrow in their bow,
*if (three_class = "Knight")
the miniature ${player_three} raises their shield and sword,
*if (three_class = "Rogue")
the miniature ${name} draws their twin blades,
*if (three_class = "Archer")
the miniature ${player_three} notches an arrow in their bow,
*if (four_class = "Knight")
and the miniature ${player_four} positions their shield, in front as they raise their sword.
*if (four_class = "Rogue")
and the miniature ${player_four} draws their twin blades.
*if (four_class = "Archer")
and the miniature ${player_four} notches an arrow in their bow.
The four figurines stand their ground, weapons ready. Even with light of magic, the water below stays to murky to see under the surface. Nothing attacks, the marsh looks peaceful. Then the miniature ${mage} is yanked under water, the murky liquid swallowing the light from their staff. Instantly the miniatures of ${knight} and ${rogue} rush to help, their blades hacking at the tentacles trying to drown the struggling ${mage}.
A Tentacle gets severed by a wild swing of the miniature ${knight}'s sword, the miniature ${mage} staggers back to their feet as the creature bursts from the water screeching, which cuts off abruptly as the miniature ${archer} launches a well placed arrow through one of the creature's eyes. The beast deflates and sinks back under the murky water.
"Our brave adventurers have survived their encounter with a denizen of the swamp. They continue further into the swamp," Lakota explains as the little figures continue walking through the diorama.
#They continue North.
*goto ambush
#They veer off West.
*goto cave
#They veer off East.
*goto code_tree
*label cave
The four adventurers journey further through the darkness, eventually small fires appear in the distance. As they draw nearer, the fires shift into lanterns, revealing the entrance to a damp cave and a lone goblin guarding the entrance. The miniature ${rogue} draws one of their blades and creeps towards the unsuspecting goblin, who is too engrossed rifling through the pockets of a dead traveler.
The miniature ${rogue} creeps right up to the goblin, just as he pulls an expensively ornate dagger from the dead traveler's belt.
*if (one_class = "Rogue")
#I kill the pipsqueak, he murdered that traveler.
The miniature ${rogue} drags the goblin back drawing their blade across his throat. The goblin slumps to his knees, hands failing to stem the flow of blood pouring from his cut throat.
*goto enter_cave
#I'll gesture for ${mage} to cast a sleeping spell on the goblin.
The miniature ${mage} nods and casts the spell. The goblin turns when he hears ${mage} start to cast, but it is already too late and the goblin slumps to the ground asleep.
*goto enter_cave
#[Third Choice to be decided]
*goto enter_cave
*if (rogue = "Victor")
Without a word, the miniature Victor just grabs the goblin's hair and yanks him off the ground. The goblin cries are abruptly turned into gurgles as Victor's blade plunges repeatedly into the goblin's throat. He throws the dead goblin to the ground as two others come running from the cave only to get caught up in a spell cast by the miniature ${mage}.
"With the goblins all dead, you all search the cave thoroughly only find trinkets of little to middling value. Our four adventurers continue their journey," Lakota describes.
*goto leave_cave
*elseif (rogue = "Scarlet")
The miniature ${rogue} whistles drawing the goblin's attention and taking his head as soon as he turns around. His headless body slumps to the floor.
*goto enter_cave
Quietly, the miniature ${rogue} tackles the goblin, driving their blade into the goblin's gut three times. His death cry draws out two more goblins from the cave who are immediately felled by a combination of spells and arrows.
"With the goblins all dead, you all search the cave thoroughly only find trinkets of little to middling value. Our four adventurers continue their journey," Lakota describes.
*goto leave_cave
*label enter_cave
"Our brave adventurers travel deeper into the cave, flickering torches line the walls revealing the damp stone. A strange chatter can be heard further along, you recognize it as goblins. You reach the last bend before the end of the tunnel, the chatter is louder now and more animated. You risk a glance around the corner and see two goblins arguing over a small pile of trinkets on the floor. At a glance you see nothing of value, should we attack or leave the goblins alone?"
*if ((player_three = "Victor") or (player_four = "Victor"))
#"All goblins must die," Victor says excitedly.
"All four of us rush the goblins, who are caught completely unaware and fall quickly to our blades," Lakota says, you're sure you hear a slight tone of disappointment. "You step over the bodies and check the pile. There is nothing of any value, you turn back empty handed and continue your journey."
*goto leave_cave
#"We should kill them and check for anything hidden in that pile," you say calmly.
"You rush the goblins, who are caught unprepared and fall quickly to our blades," Lakota says, you're sure you hear a slight tone of disappointment. "You step over the bodies and check the pile. There is nothing of any value, you turn back empty handed and continue your journey."
*goto leave_cave
#"We should leave them alone, it's not worth the risk," you say firmly.
"You sneak back out, leaving the goblins to continue bickering. Once out the cave, our four adventurers continue their journey."
*label leave_cave
#They veer off North.
*goto marsh
#They continue West.
*goto ambush
*label code_tree
The adventurers come across a lone oak tree standing tall and healthy in the middle of the swamp. It is a strange sight to be sure, even stranger however is the fact someone has carved words into it, words that shimmer mysteriously.
"A Snake is a swamp," ${player_three} reads out.
"Do you think it's one of those new game plus codes we keep hearing about?" ${player_four} replies.
"We should keep going," ${player_two} interrupts.
#They veer off North.
*goto marsh
#They continue East.
*goto ambush
*label ambush
"Our four adventurers continue on leaving the marsh behind them,"Lakota says waving a hand over the board causing the marsh diorama to almost blow away leaving only blackness once more.
The four figurines walk through the darkness, as a new scene forms and they are walking through a dense forest. How it had grown in the swamp it wasnt' clear, but it certainly didn't belong there that much was obvious. The unnatural atmosphere helped with that assessment, but it was the distinct lingering essence of magic that gave it away.
The Adventurers continue deeper into the forest, alert, poising, ready to deal with a potential threat. Eventually, the trees open up into a large clearing, revealing the origin of the magical forest. A lone mage was slumped on their knees in the center of the clearing, hands still gripped on their staff, they had driven into the ground to cast the spell that raised a forest from the swamp. The mage's body had started to rot, stealing away their identity, but the dagger still buried in their side revealed how they had died.
As more of the scene comes into focus more bodies appear.
"There are other bodies here," ${player_two} says as their figure kneels by another body face down in the dirt.
Searching near the clearing you find another two bodies giving you a total of four dead adventurers. There clothes were different in general but all wore cloaks with the same sigil on them. They must have been a party of adventurers.
"Were they attacked by goblins?" you ask the others.
"No, the kills are too clean and precise for goblin weapons," ${player_two} reveals.
The four figurines return to the dead mage. It was obvious that whoever attacked them had targeted the mage first and they had used the last bit of their strength to give their comrades a fighting chance by giving them some steady footing.
"Didn't stop them from being killed though did it," ${player_three} replies.
The sound of a twig snapping grasps your attention moments before the tiny figure of ${knight} tackles the miniature ${archer} to the ground. A spear hitting the ground where they had been standing moments before. "Ambush!" yells ${knight}.
A battle cry tears through the air as five bandits burst out of the forest, four immediately rushing you. Quickly you group up before they reach you.
The bandits meet the miniature figures of ${knight} and ${rogue} in a clash of steel. The two slower bandits don't make it cut down by a spell and arrow before they can get too close. The miniature ${rogue} and ${knight} still fight their respective bandits. They exchange a few more blows, before finally getting the best of the bandits and they finally drop dead.
*goto fleeing_bandit
*label fleeing_bandit
The bandit takes one look at his dead friends and turns tail and flees.
*if (player_three = "Victor") or (player_four = "Victor")
"I want to throw my sword at the fleeing bandit," Victor declares suddenly.
"I wouldn't advise that," Lakota says calmly.
"I throw my sword," Victor repeats.
Lakota sighs. "Fine, throw two dice. if it matches your body skill we'll see what happens."
Victor rolls the dice and when they come to a stop, Lakota gasps.
*if (player_three = "Victor")
"Seriously?" ${player_four} says surprised.
*if (player_four = "Victor")
"Seriously?" ${player_three} says shocked.
Victor grins and repeats. "I throw my sword at the coward running away."
The tiny figure of Victor throws his sword and it spins through the air like a whirling dervish. It smacks into the back of bandit who drops to the ground with the sword in his back. The rest of the table stands there shocked, whilst Victor whistles as his figure retrieves his sword.
*goto ruins
*label ruins
"The adventurers have done well so far and next they..." Lakota is cut off by Denzil entering the room.
"Sorry to interrupt boss, but we've got our first official cases coming in! You can get the details from your office," Denzil says apologetically.