Game Achievements? (Possible spoilers)

Yeah you need willpower 3 to be vegetarian.

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Can anyone tell me about Sins of the father? I have tried irritating Carothers every chance I could get but still can’t manage it.

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It’s not just getting him irritated. For Carothers, there’s a hidden variable called ‘humanity’ which tracks his humanity. To get him to let go of his humanity you have to attack/worsen the things/people he cares for. For example;

  • he cares for the freed slaves, so in order to ‘lower’ his humanity you have to make things harsher for them.

    • ‘Support’/‘Tolerate’ the group that goes against slaves and blacks. Being unable to help his mortal people will start to affect him.
  • his families, both the living and the dead.

    • explore his relationship with Harding by interacting with her and discover his daughter and everything that goes with that.
  • don’t volunteer and/or help gather refreshments for the caucus.

    • He hates having himself or Dido do it, so let him take care of that.
      • This really takes a toll on him.

During the second caucus [I think] Dido can make a remark regarding his mental state.

I hope this helps.


Still can’t quite manage it, I’ve made him do the “Vessel harvesting” twice, had him kill his daughter, and joined the Klan. Am I missing something?


Help expand Aichenger’s conspiracy? Don’t invest/sell as quickly as possible whatever shares you posses of the Freemans’ bank?

Did your MC join the Klan to keep an eye on them or because they agreed with their ideals? Did your MC participate in the lynching? Join in stopping the city officials from taking that train ride…?

I’d have to look at the code but stats like your hubris might also have some effect, even if it is just in triggering some events.


Got it at last, had to be an absolute bastard, but anything for the achievement. Now to get exiled, somehow.

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Question, I managed to meet all ten senators during the Memphis section, but didn’t get the achievement, I feel like I’m missing something, can anyone help?

Are you sure you met (in person) all of them and not just heard of them? :thinking:

Baily and partridge before the election. Coffin, Santagostino, and Lockridge at the first election/reception.
Then we have Ashmore who I met at the beginning of the second reception. Bowater came up to me since I helped Calkins. Timmers since I flashed a Children of Abraham. Simmons when he laughed at me for supporting stone, and a lady vampire whose name escapes me who told me to stop running because Malloy was more qualified. By my count that’s ten.

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yeah, I f’d the GC achievements, and you can’t edit them once they’re made.

Same problem iv been trying this none stop