After disaster strikes, you are left debilitated in the village of Quader. There, under the care of a warrior, magician, and healer, you manage to slowly recuperate. Meanwhile, yet another new enemy lurks in the shadows, and old acquaintances from Lorden make their own appearances.
As Mendax the demon puts continuous pressure on you mentally, you and your apprentice must find the strength to continue in order to petition to Melithar the Enigmatic. You fear the ancient wizard is the only one powerful enough to defeat this Netherworldian foe.
- 100,000 words total
- 40,000 words per playthrough
- romance
- illustrations to enhance your experience
Speaking of illustrations, here is the latest one done by my talented artist, Werner Mueck.
Ceylar the Magician:
Link: Foundation of Nightmares
Want to support me? Check out my other works or support me on Kofi:
Trial of the Demon Hunter
Captive of Fortune
The Magician’s Burden
The Mage’s Adventures
The Nascent Necromancer
My Kofi:
Your wizard chose the correct side of the force I see 
The updated illustration for Vidar:
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Thanks, Frank!
Here’s the cover art, everyone: 
I’ve just submitted this volume to Hosted Games, so hopefully it will be published this Summer.
FoN is now on the Upcoming HG - 2017 thread, which means it’s one step closer to being published!
As you all might have seen, Foundation of Nightmares has finally been released! If you read the story and enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review.
@dwise I’ve sent an update to HG that includes tweaked stat bumps throughout the story, so now the stat checks will be less difficult to pass. I’ll let you all know when the update is live.
Hey turns out my save game from Captive of Fortune disappeared somehow and while redoing it I realised I can’t remember how to beat Mendax. I get to the final scene with 4 vitality, 70 charisma and 60 resolve, and I manage to injure him but then can’t do the incantation. What am I missing?
Here’s the code for the choices:
*selectable_if (((charisma > 58) or (resolve > 58)) and ((cunning < 60))) #You speak forcefully, but find yourself fumbling over some of the more complex Infernal phrases.
*selectable_if (((charisma < 60)) and ((cunning > 58) or (stealth > 58))) #You correctly pronounce the command, but your voice wavers.
*selectable_if (((charisma > 63) or (resolve > 63)) and ((cunning > 63))) #You issue the command perfectly, your voice authoritative and clear on each syllable.
If you manage to pass the first two, you lose 2 health. If you pass the third one, you don’t lose any health, and if you aren’t able to pass any of the checks, then he defeats and possesses you.
Ah dammit my resolve was just too low, guess I should grab the lion ring. Thanks 
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Looks like someone didn’t read the age rating…