Fallen Hero - Update 18 December 2016

I chose an imposing look with a cape, my MC wants to be seen as someone to be feared and respected after all. And for upgrades I chose strength and agility, because I wanted to be able to go hand-to-hand with the Rangers and didn’t want to rely on the nanovores as my only offensive weapon (also jump-jets are fun ^.^).

@malinryden Not sure if this is okay to ask, but if you’re planning a trilogy, how long are you planning the first installment to be? Are we approaching the climax, nearing the halfway point, or just getting started? Sorry if this is inappropriate, I am just curious about your plans.

@KuraiHeka - Okay, take this with a grain of salt since plans always change. But right at this moment, I think you are approaching somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of part one (more towards the 1/3 knowing me). It is hard to say, because while I know where it will end and what will happen on the way there, I sometimes gets more ideas as I write, thus extending the story in order to make things seem more reasonable for the MC.


Heh, I can understand that feeling. I was just interested in a rough estimate. I was mostly curious because we’re currently at a tension top, and it feels like the story (and the last several years of the MC’s life) has all been building up to this moment, and I’m really not sure what will happen afterwards. Hence why I wanted to get an idea of what point in the story we’re actually at. :slight_smile:

How about “Overlord” for someone imposing?

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Imagine if the MC gets named by the press but hates what they’ve called them :))

//adds newspaper agency to list of people they must have vengeance on

[also can see a very lengthy borderline hammy monologue about it]


Or maybe Sovreign? Emperor? Kaiser? Czar?

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I felt that even trying to claim a name would put me too close to Villain Monologue territory so I just made him lawn dart and kicked him in the face.


For the really villainous villains, “Leviathan”, from Thomas Hobbes. After all, you’re going to make a lot of peoples’ lives nasty brutish, and short…

Just to see what would happen, I decided to name myself “Sidestep.”

It’s clear that there aren’t any detectives in the Marshall since they still couldn’t figure out who I was even after I outright told them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ahahahahaha oh I need to put in something to put a stop to that. Well played!


Are you kidding me?

That’s second-rate villainy right there.

Yes, snuffing out lives like ants is impressive and all, but true, first-class villainy doesn’t even bother with that. Why snuff them out when you can make them live in fear of you, the one absolute in this world?

(Okay, this game is seriously making me develop a God-complex I don’t want.)

Remember, dear Asura, the principle of Damocles’ Sword:

“The value of the sword is not that it falls, it’s that it hangs.”


Brilliant man. Brilliant. I applaud you for being the first to do that.

Here, take an internet cookie, you ingenious bastard.


:cookie: :grin: Thank you!


Heh, I also tried that, as well as my MC’s first name, which might be another thing you might consider checking for while you’re at it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Screw it, I want to elaborate further, and so I shall elaborate further!

It is completely unrelated to my vision of the character, but screw it! I must enlighten to the true nature of a villain.

@Asura, know this, though the capability to take away a life at a mere thought is awe-inspiring, terrifying and sinister, that alone is not true, first-class villainy.

To take away a life is to bring souls to the Devil, but that is not nearly enough to be a first-class villain. A first-class villain mustn’t just send souls to the Devil, he must be the Devil.

Slaughter? Massacre? Murder? That is not enough. It is never enough to simply crush their bodies underneath.

First of all, you must destroy them.

Crush their mind, their reason to live.

Crush their spirit, their will to believe.

Crush them, break them, sunder them!

Make. Them. Suffer.

Let them know that in this wide, vast, infinite universe, they aren’t even a speck of dust. That in the cold, all-seeing eye of time, they aren’t even worth a glance. They are nothing.

Let them know of the vast emptiness, the infinite nothingness of non-existence, and let them fear it.

And then let them know you.

Let them know that in this universe, that in this reality, there is a being that walks among the living that can crush them, can make their entire lives meaningless, simply by existing.

Then they will fear you. Fear your power and might. Your mercilessness. Let them know the suffering you will wreak upon them for the very fact that they exist.

Let them beg for death. For the vast nothingness of the beyond.

And then… Deny them even that.

And they will live their entire miserable lives knowing that there are Devils among men.


I didn’t say my MC was going to kill everyone… just those who stand in her way. And exterminating a few of those ants, as you put it, is a valid way of making them fear her. The sword that hangs is indeed valuable, but why not hang it dripping the blood of those who defy you onto those below, as a constant reminder of what could happen should they give you reason to let it fall?

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Found a mean little case of mistaken pronouns
“I’m not your enemy, ma cherie,” she smiles a little as she looks into your eyes. “Quite the opposite in fact.”

Should be male

Fair enough. Obstacles need to be moved out of the way after all.

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That’s weird, I got the same error except my doc is a woman. Makes me want to look at the code.

Buut spoilers

I get your point, what you describe sounds cool and all, but come on, snuffing out lives is just so fun! Wouldn’t you agree? I agree that that kind of horrific awe feels great to command, but what’s the point in being a villain if you can’t indulge a bit in your baser desires? :yum: