Random question: Will we be able to start the romance with dr.Mortum as oureselves in book 2 (without romancing them as a puppet in book 1)?
Thanks worked like a charm
Been wondering the exact same thing.
Pretty sure the organization is the Special Directive. And the MC is probably an infiltration-class re-gene made by them.
As to why they’re becoming a villain:
There may be a bit of a hint in the ‘motivation’ choice? You can say that you’re doing this for revenge, or living a good life, or exposing the truth. So the MC’s plan has to be something that can simultaneously accomplish all of these things.
I chose exposing the truth, and the MC went on a bit of a rant about how changing the system from the inside doesn’t work.
The Special Directive is a government organization? At least government-sanctioned, so there’s probably some shady conspiracy going on. Still trying to piece together exactly what.
My guess: the MC is trying to draw attention to herself, in the hopes that someone will dig deep enough to find the SD connection (maybe even pretending to be operating under their orders), and expose whatever nefarious thing the SD/government are trying to do.
Still, not sure why exactly they have to do it as a villain. More attention? More freedom? To declare that they are against the ‘law and order’?
The author mentioned that the third book was going to be called ‘Revolution’. That’s probably a major spoiler for what the MC’s end game is.
To begin with, congratulations on the release of the game! I’ve been following it for a long time and waited for the final release. I was not disappointed.
Honestly, I’m not a fan of the genre of superheroes, but I understand people who are thrilled with it. I mean, I grew up in a country where instead of Wonder Women and the X-Men we read Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and our superhero was Raskolnikov. But I’m exaggerating, of course. However, even from the position of an amateur, I believe that the game turned out in the best traditions of heroes with “gray morality”. For example, even though I played for the main character who did not have any special problems in killing people (the end justifies the means and all that), I still managed not to kill anyone. Three times. But at the same time, I was not a hero either - I stole money, and made a human shield out of people and left loopholes for capturing and cheating people, and this is not the action of the hero. I just … I love how actions are written in this game.
Also, I would like to thank the author for having undertaken to write a game about a villain, but not a stereotypical villain with maniacal laughter and zero motivation. There are so many books, movies, games where the author just tells us: they are good guys, they are in white. These are the bad guys, they are in black. And when the reader/player asks why, in fact, the bad guys are bad? The author simply shrugs his shoulders and says: because I said so. For example, as a child, I believed that the orcs and Gollum in the Lord of the Rings are bad guys. This was an axiom for me. How could it be otherwise? But when I grew up, I realized how really complicated was the political system in Middle-earth, how elves and humans were hypocritical and how deeply tragic the fate of Gollum. That is what means good writing work - it makes you think about the actions of heroes, even if they do not say every two seconds that they should save the world. And that was exactly what I felt after the end of the game.
Good luck with the continuation!
This might just be me, but does anyone else feel a bit weird about the option to sleep with someone in a body that is not your own?
You can declare your name to be Sidestep, but you cannot tell them your secret identity while as the villain and vice versa. It was rather funny how they reacted to calling yourself Sidestep as the villain.
In a manner of speaking, the body is yours.
Ooh, so Herald rivalrymance will be possible?
It belongs to a comatose person. You may control the body, but there is a dormant mind and a foreign soul within…
Is there a dormant mind? According to what I read puppet has as much of a mind as a literal puppet.
@GenecoInheritor it’s kinda hinted that the puppet has a consciousness of it’s own and possibly has powers as seen in the hospital scene and gambling scene respectively.
sighs back to the Coma Ward.
You’re definitely not alone. I like using the puppet because they are useful, but it really freaks me out whenever other characters are interested in it. It’s the one reason I haven’t been able to romance Dr. Mortum yet, it’s too freaky imo.
I was so disappointed when Ortega flirted with my doll. I thought you loved ME Ortega.
[spoiler] I am with you on this, my mind just went with the the Special Directive where bind the capture, most of the MC dialog option (at least for me) gave the imprecation that they are scared of them for seemingly no reason, unless they where the ones that where behind the 5 years of torture.[/spoiler]
What’s the gambling scene?
I think the darkest secret of the GeniTech clones and the Re-Genes is that they are fully functional and aware humans like replicants from blade runner, just wrapped up in propaganda to dehumanize them.
it is available when you meet with Dr. Mortem at Joes later and I believe if you help your henchie during the one fight, then there is an opportunity to break up a fight at Joes and then an offer to gamble.
First of all bravo for this game. It was truly amazing. It had action, adventure, suspense, drama, romance and more and completely left you wanting more. This will definitely go down as one of the most iconic choicesctipt games that COG has to offer. I loved how the choices really helped you form this pyscholigcal profile of your villain. And how they show everything isn’t in black and white for the villain either, they reallyallow to create several unique and completely distinct characters throughout each playthrough.
For my first playthrough I kinda played the more Pragmatic villain than anything else at least when dealing with the Rangers. I stole the money from the gala, and quickly and efficiently dealt with the Rangers.
But I also played a playthrough where I was a mad maniac type villain seeking to kill everything in sight and cause as much mayhem as possible and pain and fear as possible. It was also really fun to let myself get hit by Ortega while i was going on a tyrannical rant to Herald. But both playthroughs were very satisfying in both regards.
There were a few things that I was wondering about though. Is it possible to figure out what exactly happened to the MC after heartbreak? I know he was captured and expientmented on in the Farm and everything but that doesn’t seem like a reason for him to hate the rangers. If there’s more to that story I hope we can get to see it the in the next book. For now I’m just rationalizing it as my MC is entirely against the Government and everything and everyone who supports it. Since it was a government affiliated agency that kidnapped him and everything.
Another thing I was wondering if it’s possible for the MC not the puppet but the MC to go further in the relationship with Ortega romantically Alli i got was is that its complicated.
I also love the evolving storyline and how you can see the evolution of the characters at the end. New Players entering the game like the Hollow Ground and the Farm and how the rangers are all planning on getting stronger and stronger to tackle you on again. I feel like all of these things really motivate me both as the MC and the player of the game lol.
Is anyone secretly hoping that our Puppet becomes a potential RO as well. Since the whole “murmuring” scenes in the hospital makes it seem like our puppet might regain their own consciousness again in the later books.
Oh man I feel like this game’s romance situation is going to be a love-tetrahedron (potentially) in the next game.
[spoiler] MC dating Ortega as real self while having a “Sidious with benefits” relationship with Lady Argent as the villain persona.
Puppet having a “tortured soul” relationship with the Dr while seeing Ortega on the side.
Ortega obviously seeing the MC in real life and as a puppet while also having a potential rivalmance with Villain persona.
Lady Argent dating Herald while also being corrupted by Villain persona
Dr O dating Puppet, likely having a sordid past with Ortega (likely they dated before her transformation), while hating Villain persona as it’s “torturing” Puppet
Likely you’d only get this deliciously incestuous scenario if you made your character an evil person that loves manipulating everyone to their own ends… not that I would know of course :kissing_closed_eyes [/spoiler]
Incestuous? That’s disturbing enough to make me rethink my policy on MC x (Mindless with no possibility of ever coming back) Puppet or noone ;p . After all I do enjoy the romances that are the worst for me.
I mean it in terms of how close knit everyone is. Not the act of family loving fyi
But yeah I personally can’t wait to wreck all their worlds (sans Lady A) when it’s revealed that Ortega betrayed the one she loved… for the one she loved… that also happens to be an evil super villain… that’s seduced her best friend