Evertree Inn by Thom Baylay

I know this may sound like an odd request but does anyone have a good reference to what a “brownie” is supposed to look like? I did some googling before asking but the pictures I got are just too varied for me to be sure (aside from the chocolatey deserts that nearly made me want to eat the screen instead :stuck_out_tongue:). Are they similar to halflings but with more fae-ish characteristics like faeries?


I believe they are an original race created by the author, as I have never heard of them either. I would guess that their appearance are more halfling-like than faeish.


Brownies are mythical creatures present in the British and Scottish folklore, commonly seen as household spirits who share a resemblance to hobs or hobgoblins. Their traditional appearance is that of a creature of small stature, wrinkly and somewhat covered in fur. In other words, they’re not exactly pretty, however, different authors tend to add their own variants to what they may look like. In the Pathfinder series they’re somewhat fae-ish in appearance - some have grass for hair (though regular brown hair is more common), black eyes, long ears and are small enough to use mice as steeds. They’re also considered a magical race of fey origin.




Hey all,

@Urban No release date yet but have the confirmation for Steam and have a couple more images to resize as a result but the plan is to get it out before the end of the year or maybe early January.

@idonotlikeusernames I think you win the biggest fan award for the half-elf :wink: I promise I won’t let you down!

@Zsero Thank you for the feedback! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

@IvoryOwl @H2O I have indeed adapted them for this world. For my brownies, think brownie is to elf as halfling is to human. I’d also say they look like the missing link between elves and pixies. They have pointed ears and keen eyes and an aura of mystery and magic about them. After that they can be as varied as your imagination allows :slight_smile: I hope that helps. I try to leave as much to the reader as possible but to me at least, they are not intended to be so troll-like as the traditional brownies.

Thanks for all your questions :smiley: I’ll keep you all posted as new developments come in and once again, the Twitter is now up and running so you can get info there as well :slight_smile:


Wow, you already guy your game on Steam? Congratulations, your game do deserve to be there.

And @idonotlikeusernames is only the biggest fan of Dandy, I claim to be the biggest fan of Daisy!


So,if I hopefully understand this correctly,a brownie is basically an elf version of a halfling?


Seems like it! (20 chars)


…I still like Elves better. :unamused:


@Urban It’s not up yet but it will be! And since you’re currently uncontested then congratulations on that title :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@AAO Yup pretty much. Little fey people who generally prefer forests over cities. I don’t like to force much more than that in terms of appearance. That’s up to the reader to decide :slight_smile: Of course if you prefer the hobgoblin look then that’s okay too! The story doesn’t preclude either.

@COGZealot Then an elf you shall be :wink:


Then i shall claim myself as the biggest fan of Lamuel !! :heart_eyes:


With continued thanks to everyone who’s been supporting me on here and now on Twitter, the Facebook page too is now up and running (@ evertreeinn) Support the game there if you can as I post news and updates on progress as well as previews, screenshots and other pics.

Eventually, I’ll also be using it also to reveal snippets and previews of the sequel :smiley:

(and yes there will be potential for more Dandy (@idonotlikeusernames) Daisy (@Urban) Lamuel (@Curious_Boy) and/or Leah (yet to be claimed ;P) … maybe even introduce another option just to mix things up a bit)

Have a great rest of the week! You’re all awesome!



I hereby claim Leah as my own! :heart_eyes:


You’ve got a great potential there! The story line and everything is all well and good, but, I believe you should start working on making your game more immersive.

Sorry if I sound rude, but when I read interactive fiction, I try my level best to live the character (and I’m sure many others do the same) so things like author’s notes and other similar examples kill the immersion. Try to reduce them and be subtle about things. Here is an example -

You feel a surge of confidence as you run through all that you’ve experienced and you know that you will fare even better in encounters to come as your adventure progresses.

Now, on to the next chapter!

Such texts come out as kiddish, please try some other wordings. “Adventure” “on to the next chapter” also reduce the dark-ish theme of the game.

Otherwise everything was pretty cool- great descriptions and characters. Also please remember to keep things realistic.(speaking from the point of view of the world you’ve built)


@DeepPars All opinions are always welcome so no rude vibes here :slight_smile: I’m glad you liked the characters and descriptions and I’m very glad you think I have potential :smile: I hope that when you get the chance to play the full game that you enjoy the rest of it. I will definitely consider your suggestions as I work on my next projects and I hope only to continue improving and creating stories that capture the imagination while also providing stimulating gameplay :smiley:

@Zsero Thank you for completing the set :blush:

I guess now it’s the non-romantic characters who need fans :wink:

Have a good day everyone!


I’m really looking forward to this game, can’t wait for its official release to hit the stores! :smiley:


I really do have high hopes for this game.Can’t wait for it to come out.

(We all know that Daisy is the one and only true waifu.)


Fun fact: Former Brownie here. As in, Girl Scouts…for all of several weeks.

So, I did have the delicious opportunity for a playthrough pre-shortened state, and yet in all my leisure I have yet to express my giddiness over the heady combination of murder mystery dinner theatre and succulently forward, reformed lothario.

Mystery, fantasy, magic, and mystique, you say?
Yes, please.
Though, to be fair, you had me at I get to be an elf!

And half-elf Dandy, mm, is the perfect amount of urbane and rake. So very me. Now, if only he could be wished into existence.[/wistful sigh]

Something I do ponder: have we left our kin and dependent behind for good? And is the sequel to be in the same fresh vein, a very sexy game of Clue(do), or shall such plans as yet be kept very hush hush?

In summation: for the upcoming game’s release, I gift you :four_leaf_clover:, and for the beautiful beau toy you’ve unleashed, (and now one of my gold medallion favorites, should be celebrated, and quite exciting ROs), I gift you :clap:.


If only. :heart_eyes:

Yes, that was nice of the author too.

Who says he’s reformed? Though granted he does seem to care for us if we play our cards right at the end.


He has what good little voluptuaries desire, after all–a very particular set of skills…and wardrobe.

Well, “reformed”.
I may have gleaned the impression that we might have ruined him, (at least surprised him sideways enough to briefly play as our controversial knight in tight armor and remain close long after he’s free to fly), for anyone else. Or perhaps that was just me…:nail_care: