Evertree Inn by Thom Baylay

In this very thread.

The author even wanted to know the final stats of the characters the players created, so he could adjust the checks. But only I posted the stats.


Well let me help out then:

Name: Esaldir Faerondalan
Race: Elf
Weapon: Staff
Combat: 54%
Guile: 32%
Perception: 74%
Magic: 95%
Gold: 7
Mana: 175
Status: Full Health
Warnings: None
[Suspects with a higher % will be more co-operative]
The Dryad of the Evertree: 75% Owner: Laisa: 85% Gardener: Lamuel: 80% Maid: Wen: 100% Deceased: Gilly: 0% Checked Out: Tobin: 1% Gunther Ga’arl: 30% Dandy Thorne: 100% Deceased: Isaria: 0% Romance:
After you left the inn, Dandy stuck by your side and came with you to Lux.
The two of you will no doubt find many new adventures and enjoy copious amounts of hanky-panky!

1 - A Luxican official named Gregori Risenfaal died in room 3 a week ago.
2 - Mr. Dupree died at the Inn, 5 years ago, falling into the wood cellar.
3 - The mystery of your stolen 3 gold pieces has been resolved.
4 - Wen was adopted by Mrs. Dupree after she was abandoned by her parents in her room eight years ago.
5 - The VIP, Isaria Evenveil, has been strangled using a wooden pendant she stole from the inn.
6 - ?
7 - Mr. Risenfaal was leering after Lamuel during his stay.
8 - Wen is scared of the wood cellar because she thinks it’s haunted by Mr Dupree’s ghost.
9 - The Dupree family left Lux to get away from a Luxican criminal syndicate called the Circle.
10 - Mr. Dupree built the inn after discovering the Evertree, a magical
tree in the forest that produces perfect wood and regrows no matter how
much you chop away.
11 - ?
12 - Dandy studied as a mage, but was expelled for playing too many magical pranks.
13 - Tobin the halfling claims that the inn is cursed.
14 - Gunther Ga’arl is the Luxican Official sent to investigate the death of Gregori Risenfaal.
15 - The dryad responsible for all the deaths at Evertree Inn has been appeased.

You grew up in Tyr, the oldest of three in a family of elves. Exceptionally gifted in the magical arts, your true goal in life was always to become a magical scholar.

When a fire destroyed your family home, you and your brother were the only survivors. You were forced to start all over again, living on the streets. It all seemed so hopeless until you learned of an opportunity in a far off city, a chance to get your life back on track.

And so with nothing to your name but your pony, your trusty staff, and an extensive repertoire of spells, you set off on the road to Lux, and that is how you came to arrive at Evertree Inn. It seemed as good a place as any to stop for the night….

Ending 7:
You made a deal with the dryad that the inn will remain intact and that the Duprees will act as guardians and protectors of the Evertree’s secrets.

Once you arrived in Lux, you found a nice hotel in which to stay and with Dandy, your new agent and your lover by your side, you could finally begin the journey of becoming the elf you had always wanted to be. [/spoiler]


[spoiler]Here are my finishing stats:

Name: Maverick Belcher
Race: Human
Weapon: Short Sword
Combat: 64%
Guile: 58%
Perception: 71%
Magic: 46%
Gold: 3
Mana: 55
Status: Full Health
Warnings: First Warning

[Suspects with a higher % will be more co-operative]
Deceased: Dryad: 0%
Deceased: Laisa: 0%
Gardener: Leah: 100%
Maid: Wen: 85%
Deceased: Gilly: 0%
Checked Out: Tobin: 15%
Checked Out: Gunther: 6%
Checked Out: Daisy: 1%
Deceased: Isaria: 0%
And you and Leah lived happily ever after.[/spoiler]

1 - A Luxican official named Gregori Risenfaal was murdered in room 3 a week ago.
2 - Mr. Dupree died at the Inn, 5 years ago, falling into the wood cellar.
3 - Mr. Brushgather, the halfling in Room 2, stole 3 gold pieces from you.
4 - Wen was adopted by Mrs. Dupree after she was abandoned by her parents in her room eight years ago.
5 - The elf in room 6, Isaria Evenveil, is a VIP.
6 - The cook has been stabbed with one of the inn’s missing carving knives.
7 - Mrs. Dupree didn’t like Mr. Risenfaal leering after her daughter because she recognised him as a member of the Circle.
8 - Wen is scared of the wood cellar because she thinks it’s haunted by Mr Dupree’s ghost.
9 - The Dupree family used to live in Lux, but Mr Dupree’s job involved a lot of travelling for some duplicitous types.
10 - Mr. Dupree built the inn after discovering the Evertree, a magical tree in the forest that produces perfect wood and regrows no matter how much you chop away.
11 - Two of the Blackstone Thieves’ Guild killed each other at the inn (one bludgeoned with a wooden doorstop, the other strangled) and Mrs. Dupree and Leah covered it up.
12 - Daisy can do magic.
13 - Tobin the halfling claims that the inn is cursed.
14 - Gunther Ga’arl is the Luxican Official sent to investigate the death of Gregori Risenfaal.
15 - The dryad responsible for all the deaths at Evertree Inn has been defeated.

You grew up in Blackstone, the oldest of three in a family of humans. Constantly getting into trouble with the law, your true goal in life was always to become a deadly assassin.

When a fire destroyed your family home, you and your father were the only survivors. You were forced to start all over again, living on the streets. It all seemed so hopeless until you learned of an opportunity in a far off city, a chance to get your life back on track.

And so with nothing to your name but Ted the pony, your trusty Short Sword, and a lock pick hidden in your belt, you set off on the road to Lux, and that is how you came to arrive at Evertree Inn. It seemed as good a place as any to stop for the night….

Ending 4:
You killed the dryad and brought an end to the curse at Evertree Inn, but after the death of so many guests, it was left to be reclaimed by the wilderness.

Once you arrived in Lux, you found a cheap hotel in which to stay and you and Leah finally found true love with one another. With her by your side, you could finally begin the journey of becoming the human you had always wanted to be[/spoiler].


Wow, you guys are all poor!


I think i had around 3 golds left on my first playthrough haha. Too bad I cant check since theres no way to load a save file?


I’m gonna have to replay it before I hand over my stats. :sweat_smile:

The ending where I get to fight crime with the orc was awesome, but I probably won’t attempt that again since I forgot how I got it.

A romance ending will have to suffice.


You just have to accept his offer and not start a romance with Daisy or Leah.


Not that it matters anyway since in this installation there’s not much we can do with the gold aside from paying the entry fee or bribing NPCs… and even then information can be acquired in different ways. At least that I know of. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gilly will only give you certain informations if you bribe her, and money affect the inn you will stay at the ending.


Speaking of Gilly,how do you get to talk to her?Every time I try,I seem to only be able to talk to Wen.

Also,what about that supposed fight in the cellar can’t seem to find it.


Not in this one, Dwarves are taller than halflings. They don’t need to stand in the stool like, they don’t seat at the table for smaller races and they cant hide behind the balcony like the halflings/brownies, and Daisy is a half-elf instead of a gnome when you play a Dwarf.


You need to choose is to go to the dining room as your first action, Wen will be too busy to talk with you and you can sneak to the kitchen.

For the fight, you need to go outside twice. I don’t recommend that you talk with Leah, because you will lose a lot of time.


I never had Daisy be a gnome–I played through as a Human and an Elf and she was a half elf in both playthroughs. How did you start that had her as a different race?


You have to be one of the shorter races, either halfling or brownie. As a dwarf, you still get her as a half-elf.


Behold my stats.

[spoiler]Name: Esaldir Faerondalan
Race: Elf
Weapon: Staff
Combat: 46%
Guile: 23%
Perception: 77%
Magic: 94%
Gold: 5
Mana: 175
Status: Full Health
Warnings: None

[Suspects with a higher % will be more co-operative]
The Dryad of the Evertree: 75%
Owner: Laisa: 85%
Gardener: Leah: 99%
Maid: Wen: 90%
Deceased: Gilly: 0%
Checked Out: Tobin: 15%
Checked Out: Gunther: 22%
Checked Out: Daisy: 22%
Deceased: Isaria: 0%
And you and Leah lived happily ever after.

1 - A Luxican official named Gregori Risenfaal died in room 3 a week ago.
2 - Mr. Dupree died at the Inn, 5 years ago, falling into the wood cellar.
3 - The mystery of your stolen 3 gold pieces has been resolved.
4 - Wen was adopted by Mrs. Dupree after she was abandoned by her parents in her room eight years ago.
5 - The VIP, Isaria Evenveil, has been strangled using a wooden pendant she stole from the inn.
6 - The cook has been stabbed with one of the inn’s missing carving knives.
7 - Mrs. Dupree didn’t like Mr. Risenfaal leering after her daughter because she recognised him as a member of the Circle.
8 - Wen is scared of the wood cellar because she thinks it’s haunted by Mr Dupree’s ghost.
9 - The Dupree family left Lux to get away from a Luxican criminal syndicate called the Circle.
10 - Mr. Dupree built the inn after discovering the Evertree, a magical tree in the forest that produces perfect wood and regrows no matter how much you chop away.
11 - Two of the Blackstone Thieves’ Guild killed each other at the inn (one bludgeoned with a wooden doorstop, the other strangled) and Mrs. Dupree and Leah covered it up.
12 - Daisy can do magic.
13 - Four people have all died in their rooms in the last few months.
14 - Gunther Ga’arl is the Luxican Official sent to investigate the death of Gregori Risenfaal.
15 - The dryad responsible for all the deaths at Evertree Inn has been appeased.

You grew up in Tyr, the oldest of three in a family of elves. Exceptionally gifted in the magical arts, your true goal in life was always to become a magical scholar.

When a fire destroyed your family home, you and your brother were the only survivors. You were forced to start all over again, living on the streets. It all seemed so hopeless until you learned of an opportunity in a far off city, a chance to get your life back on track.

And so with nothing to your name but Brewster the pony, your trusty staff, and an extensive repertoire of spells, you set off on the road to Lux, and that is how you came to arrive at Evertree Inn. It seemed as good a place as any to stop for the night….

Ending 7:
You made a deal with the dryad that the inn will remain intact and that the Duprees will act as guardians and protectors of the Evertree’s secrets.

Once you arrived in Lux, you found a cheap hotel in which to stay and you and Leah finally found true love with one another. With her by your side, you could finally begin the journey of becoming the elf you had always wanted to be.


A fellow mage, I see.


Indeed. I find that I’m useless at anything else in the game.

Not that I mind. Magic is awesome.


I’ve said it before,and I’ll say it again.

If you manage to balance out your Mana,Magic is the most OP stat in the entire game.


I was a human with trust issues, pretty much me in real life only that I have the internet for company.


@ThomB If it’s not too much of a problem,can you make a list of the inns we can end up in after we leave Evertree?

I think @Urban said something about the inn you stay in depending on your money.So I’d just like to know which amount of money would put you on which inn.