Dragon of Steelthorne - 170,000 words, Game is released!

Could i try it??

link please

Can i get the link

let us personalize our name please

Hang on, have you played the WIP? I don’t recall sending you the link.

Hi would it be cool if I can get a link to try it out?

Sorry if I confused you, I want to play it once it’s published.

Just sent out more PMs.

Ok. Bear in mind that’s still some ways off.


Cam i get a link please?

This game is already an absolute gem as is. Anything added from this point on will just be an extra bonus.

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Can I get the link to this game?

Can I get a link to the game?

love to try it out

Ok, I think I reached out to everyone who posted on this thread. If I missed you out, just drop a PM.

Hello, would appreciate it if you can drop me a link too

Hello, may I have a link please?

Alright, the revised version is up. The word count has increased slightly with the latest update. As always, do let me know if you want the link.

  1. Difficulty Levels have been added
  2. Two new buildings have been added
  3. Princess Bridget is now an RO.
  4. Companion relationships and romances are shown on stat and save menus
  5. Free structures are shown at a higher level
  6. New achievements have been added, some achievements have been renamed.
  7. The Jhou language has been renamed to better fit the fictional world. (Thanks @Eiwynn for the small but insightful suggestion)

I’m planning to flesh out some of the scenes further, but that will come at a later update.


I’m kinda wondering if you should change the title’s name since the title make it sounds like that anyone who plays this game is going to expect to play as a dragon from the start or early on when it’s really just a normal human MC where the only time we get draconic powers is at one of the endings for it.

I like that you’re still improving on it and I might replay it again at some point in the future if I remember it. Just kinda wished that we could’ve been a dragon or at least get those power sooner but to a lesser degree with us getting stronger the more we get used to it.

I would really like to play your game! Care to toss a link to your reader, O valley of plenty Oooooo…!

Oh wow im actually surprised someone is bothered by this small detail. Maybe you should read the synopsis of the story.