Another thing that bugs me is actually a big reason why a lot of zombie apocalypse stories turn me off. I love the premise but the execution very often has EVERY character failing to notice an obvious survival tactic purely so there can be drama later. Namely, KILL THE ZOMBIES FIRST CHANCE YOU GET.
Walking Dead is the first example that comes to mind, though not the only one by any stretch. So many episodes have the characters, who have like, years of experience with these things by now, ducking and hiding from one or two zombies that are in complete isolation, with there being a lot of tense atmosphere as they wait for it to wander off. And sometimes it comes back later to be a problem. My siblings in Christ, kill that thing! You have the drop on it! Stab it in the head or something!
In fact, kill as many zombies as you can! Don’t wait for them to form hordes, send out hunting parties. The fewer zombies there are, the fewer can attack you later. The Walking Dead has everyone who dies rise from the dead but most stories have you need to get bitten. So every dead zombie is potentially an exponential decrease in the number of zombies in the area.
Speaking of, TWD really loves having characters die and then have everyone reel from the tension of the fight (if the person was evil) or immediately go into mourning (if not) and then have the person rise as a zombie to ramp up tension. I understand that earlier on, it’s difficult to stab your dead loved ones in the head. Everyone’s adapting, they’re not hardened and desensitized. But at some point people have to adapt. In a situation like that, people eventually adjust to the situation and unconsciously do it before even processing that your friend is dead. I don’t mean in a “the violence has cost us our humanity and we all become more ruthless and uncaring” sense (see below), I mean it’s just muscle memory. Even if you don’t get desensitized to losing people, this will apply. No loss of compassion necessary.
Speaking of, I HATE when they try to do the “people have given up their humanity to survive” trope and a) portray it as something that is ALWAYS necessary for survival in those circumstances. There are many real life cases where people need to do terrible things to survive but adopting that as something EVERYONE has to do and as the ONLY way to survive is extremely disingenuous. The people with the highest survival rates tend to be more compassionate, group oriented people. “Every man for himself” is more likely to get you killed.
But more specifically, I hate when an increased willingness to kill the zombies and/or no longer seeing them as people is seen as a sign someone is losing their humanity. Even if they’re like, expressing concerning bloodlust. The zombies ARE objectively no longer human and they DO need to be killed to survive. Being able to accept that doesn’t mean you’re losing yourself. That’s DUMB.