Disliked Elements, Mechanics, and Tropes

I agree with that. It’s negating the player’s agency which at best is annoying, at worst immersion breaking. There was a kazoo analogy that someone put up years ago that fits this well. I mean if you need the MC to play some music for the story to happen, just write that in there, or work around the choices you’ve given to keep the story moving along without doing this:

I’m all for if a plot point is important enough either don’t make it a choice, or get creative later on why the player has to do something they’ve chosen not to for a justifiable story based reason.

That’s a different kettle of fish. If you start reading a game about needing to fight through a dungeon full of monsters as the premise, then it should be pretty obvious from the get go if that will be your cup of tea or not as chances are good you’re not going to be able to negotiate your way through to the prize with every single evil blood thirsty monster there.