Did boolean variables break the subscene?

Alright. Something odd happened.

I recently changed some string variables to boolean (though the strings were “true” and “false” too) and now randomtest brings up the following error:

RANDOMTEST FAILED: Error: sub_cafegarden line 1513: invalid return; we've already returned from the last gosub

The line in question is the last one of these three:

*label back_to_hotel
"Hah! That sure was something," you grin as you return to your ${kid_firstname}.
You lay an arm around ${kidthem} and head back to the bus stop, telling ${kidthem} what you've found.

*label back_to_hotel_1
Still a bit shaken you return to $!{kid_firstname}.
"That was quick," ${kidthey} @{c_plur say| says}.
You explain what happened and smile softly.
"Oh, $!{kid_calling}," $!{kid_firstname} @{c_plur say| says}, laying a comforting arm around you as you head back to the bus stop.

*label back_to_hotel_2
Shaking your head you return to $!{kid_firstname}.
"That was quick," ${kidthey} @{c_plur say| says}.
You explain what happened and sigh softly.
"Oh, $!{kid_calling}," $!{kid_firstname} @{c_plur say| says}, laying an arm around you as you head back to the bus stop.

The choice that called the gosub is this:

   #I'm so close, I'm not going to retreat now. $!{kid_firstname} had the right idea.
      "I'll have a quick look around," You take off your bag and scale the fence yourself. You make your way across the backyard, not looking around much, and, with a deep breath, you unlock the door...
      *set cafevisitday1 "yes"
      *page_break And step inside.
      *gosub_scene sub_cafegarden
      *finish Back At The Hotel

Any idea what’s wrong? (Gonna try moving it back to string variables and see what happens)
(also, I am not accepting ICF as solution)

Did you try adding one of the labels to the gosub call? As in:

*gosub_scene sub_cafegarden back_to_hotel

The label is part of a 10k words strong scene.
A scene that worked perfectly fine before.

Well I can’t see anything wrong with the part of the code you’ve shown. You’d need to show more or the entire code so we can have a better look.

There you go:

*temp apartment_check_count1 0
*temp apartment_check_up_count1 0
*temp cafe_check_count1 0
*temp cafe_seen_count 0
*temp uphouse_seen_count 0
*temp ohnoyouwont "false"
*temp whatthefridge 0

A lovely little garden (albeit in some need of mowing) behind you, and a small hall ahead.
*set hall_seen_1 "yes"
You peek around. Polished reddish-brown stone tiles on the floor, dark wainscoting and fawn wallpapers. 
Things seem to be in an excellent shape, and you must admit you had expected less.
*page_break You Stop and Ponder Where To Go
To your left the stairs head to the next floor, and to your right a door leads to what you guess is the private kitchen (judging by what you could see from the outside).
Ahead you can see two doors. One underneath the stairs, likely heading into the basement, and one almost straight across the hall.
The latter, you wager, leads to the cafe.
Now, where to go...
*goto day1_hall_1

*label day1_hall_1
*if (whatthefridge =3)
   Mhnn... $!{parent_firstname}, this is getting silly. Let's check everything here first, then head elsewhere.
   *set whatthefridge +1
   *goto day1_hall_1_interlude
   *goto day1_hall_1_interlude

*label day1_hall_1_interlude
*if ((apartment_check_count1 = 2) and (apartment_check_up_count1 = 6))
   *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
   Well, you've seen everything here now. 
   *goto day1_hall_1a
   *goto day1_hall_1a

*label day1_hall_1a
Where to now?

   *disable_reuse #I check the door to the left. The room behind it would be too small for a garage, I think. Let's see what it is.
      *set kitchen_checked "true"
      *set apartment_check_count1 +1
      *goto kitchen
   *disable_reuse #I'll head down to the basement. Let's hope there are some windows.
      *set basement_checked "true"
      *set apartment_check_count1 +1
      *goto basement
   *if (apartment_check_up_count1 != 6) #I head upstairs. @{(apartment_check_up_count1 = 0) That's going to be our new home, after all.| I haven't checked everything yet.}
      *if (apartment_check_count1 !=2)
         There are still things you could check here. Do you want to do that first?
            #"No, I want to have a look at @{(apartment_check_up_count1 =0) the| the other} rooms upstairs."
               *goto upstairs_stairs
            #"Yeah, alright."
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (apartment_check_count1 =2) and (apartment_check_up_count1 =0)
         *goto upstairs_stairs
      *if (apartment_check_count1 =2) and (apartment_check_up_count1 !=0)
         You climb up the stairs, trying not to knock the cat figurine over and take your shoes off.
         *goto upstairs_hall
   *if (main_kitchen_checked = "false") #I check the door likely leading to the cafe.
      *if (apartment_checked_1 = "true")
         Well, you did check everything here. So, yeah, let's go.
         *goto kitchen_door1
         There are still things you could check here. Want to do that first maybe?
            #I'll rather check the cafe now, thank you very much.
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #Now that you mention it.
               Well then... Where to?
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (((main_kitchen_checked = "true") and (ohnoyouwont = "false")) and (whatthefridge <3)) #I head back to the cafe.
      *if (cafe_check_count1 = 0)
         *goto apartment_banter1
      *if (cafe_check_count1 = 1)
         *goto apartment_banter2
      *if (cafe_checked_1 = "true")
         Why? You've seen everything there.
            #"Oh, yeah. true. Whoops. Let's stay here then."
               Sometimes I really don't know what to do with you.
               *set ohnoyouwont "true"
               *set organization %-5
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"What? I like it there."
               *set uncon %+5
               You're staying and that's final.
               *set ohnoyouwont "true"
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge =3)
         $!{parent_firstname}, this is getting silly. Let's check everything here first, then head to the cafe.
         *goto day1_hall_1
   *if ((whatthefridge =3) and (apartment_checked_1 = "true")) #I'll go and @{(cafe_checked_1 = "false") check the cafe| head back to $!{kid_firstname} I've seen everything now}.
      *if (cafe_checked_1 = "false")
         *goto kitchen_door1
         Indeed you have.
         Rolling your shoulders satisfied you head back out the way you came, making sure to lock the door proper.
         *goto back_to_hotel
   *if ((cafe_checked_1 = "false") or (apartment_checked_1 = "false")) #I'm heading out. This was a bad idea.
      *if (cafe_checked_1 = "false")
         *goto apartment_banter3
         *goto apartment_banter4
   *if (((cafe_checked_1 = "true") and (apartment_checked_1 = "true")) and (whatthefridge !=3)) #I think I've seen everything. I'll head back to $!{kid_firstname}.
      Good call. Granted, you haven't seen the whole basement and other dark rooms yet, but we won't count that...
      Rolling your shoulders satisfied you head back out the way you came, making sure to lock the door proper.
      *goto back_to_hotel

*label apartment_banter1
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 = 0)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Alright, just... just so You scaled the garden wall to get into the yard of the private part of the house some stranger bought you, in order to have a look around. You so far checked nothing but went the cafe's kitchen. Then you came back here, only to now go back and check the cafe first?
               [i]heavy and frustrated sigh[/i]
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
         #"Oh, yeah, alright, that doesn't make much sense... I'll check here first."
            Thank you. 
            *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I believe we've talked about this back and forth approach, $!{parent_firstname}...
            #"I know. Now let's head back to the cafe."
               Oh, $!{parent_firstname}... [i]sigh[/i] 
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Eh, yeah, alright, I'll look around the apartment first..."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         [i]sigh[/i] Alright, just... just... You scaled the garden wall to get into the yard of the private part of the house some stranger bought you, in order to have a look around. You so far checked some rooms here, went and checked the cafe's kitchen, but nothing upstairs here or in the cafe. Then you came back here, only to now go back and check the cafe first?
            #Umm, yes?
               [i]heavy and frustrated sigh[/i] Some days I am so, so tired...
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
            #Yeah, alright, that doesn't make much sense... I'll check here first.
               Thank you. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Didn't we just talk about this constant back and forth?
            #"Oh shush. It's my house, so my system of looking around applies."
               Oh for... 
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Well, I guess you do have a point there. Alright. Apartment first it is."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}. But thank you.
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 2)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Alright, just... just... You scaled the garden wall to get into the yard of the private part of the house some stranger bought you, in order to have a look around. You so far checked everything down here and the cafe's kitchen. Then you came back here, only to now go back and check the cafe first?
         [i]heavy sigh[/i] May I suggest checking upstairs first, while you're here... again?
            #"You may suggest, but I'll have to come back here anyway to leave. So, cafe first it is."
               ...As you wish... 
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Eh, alright, yeah I'll look around upstairs first..."
               Thank you.
               *goto upstairs_stairs
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Didn't we talk about this constant back and forth before? Could you please stay and check upstairs first?
            #"Mhnn... Naw."
               Oh for crying out loud... 
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"That's actually not a bad idea."
               Thank you.
               *goto upstairs_stairs
*if ((apartment_check_up_count1 != 6) and (apartment_check_up_count1 != 0))
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 0) 
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         You came in through the garden, checked a few rooms upstairs, headed to the cafe, came back here, and now you want to head back to the cafe? Really?
            #"Yes? Trust me, I [i]do[/i] have a plan."
               Eh, the jury's still out on that one.
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
            #Aww, alright, if it makes you happy, I'll stay here for a bit longer.
               Thank you. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I have the oddest sense of déjà vu. Did we talk about this constant back and forth before?
            #"Possible. Come, let's check the cafe..."
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Could be... Alright. Apartment first it is."
               Thank you. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         [i]sigh[/i] You really have an amazing talent for organization. Do you know that?
            #"Err, thank you?"
               That wasn't... Oh... fine...
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
         #"Ah, alright, if it makes you happy, I'll stay here."
            Thanks a lot, $!{parent_firstname}. Now, where to?
            *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I have the oddest sense of déjà vu. Did we talk about this constant back and forth before?
            #"Possible. Come, let's check the cafe now..."
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Maybe... Alright. Apartment first it is."
               Thank you. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 2)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Alright, you checked everything here. May I suggest checking the rest upstairs first?
            #"You may suggest, but I'll have to come back here anyway to leave. So, cafe it is."
               ...As you wish... 
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Eh, alright. I'll look around upstairs..."
               Thank you.
               *goto upstairs_stairs
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Didn't we talk about this constant back and forth before? Could you please stay and check upstairs first?
            #"Mhnn... Naw, not yet."
               Oh for crying out loud... 
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Hey, that's actually not a bad idea."
               Thank you.
               *goto upstairs_stairs
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 =6)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Alright, let us reminisce about the last few minutes. You scaled the garden wall to get into the yard of the private part of the house some stranger bought you, in order to have a look around. You so far checked everything upstairs, went and checked the cafe's kitchen, but nothing down here or in the cafe. Then you came back here, only to now go back and check the cafe first?
            #"Eh, yes?"
               [i]heavy and frustrated sigh[/i]
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Yeah, okay, that doesn't make much sense... I'll check here first."
               Thank you. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         We just talked about this constant back and forth, $!{parent_firstname}...
            #"I know, but I'm very, very excited for having a place of my own again... Let's check the cafe!"
               Ah, true. Alright then. 
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Ah, alright, alright. I'll stay here. Happy?"
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Alright, let me just get this straight for a moment. You scaled the garden wall to get into the yard of the private part of the house some stranger bought you, so you could have a look around. You so far checked everything upstairs, bits down here and bits of the cafe. But instead of checking the rest here, you want to head back to the cafe first?
            #"Yes? I mean, I'll have to come back here anyway to get back out, right?"
               ... Well, you have a point there... Excuse me for a moment, I'm getting a headache.
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto kitchen_door1
                  *goto kitchen_door1
            #"If that makes you happy."
               Very much so. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         We just talked about this constant back and forth, right? Umm...
            #"I don't know, but I do have an odd sense of déjà vu... Let's check the cafe!"
               I know what you mean. 
               *goto kitchen_door1
            #"Yeah... having quite a bit of a déjà vu here too. Let's stay."
               Good call. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 2)
      Well, I think you've seen everything here.
      *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
      *goto kitchen_door1

*label apartment_banter2
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 =0)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         You've came back here already. Do you sure you want to turn around immediately?
               [i]soft frown[/i] Fine. 
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto investigatecafe
                  *goto investigatecafe
            #"Eh, now that you mention it, let's check here first."
               I thank you, $!{parent_firstname}. Now, where to?
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         $!{parent_firstname}, didn't we speak about this running around?
            #"I just thought I heard something. Let's finish with the cafe first."
               Oh, alright.
               *goto investigatecafe
            #"Oh, alright."
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Do you like your new house so little that so little of it threw you off?
            #"Oh. No. I just want to check the cafe."
               It's what I mean. You went there, came back and... Ah, nevermind. 
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto investigatecafe
                  *goto investigatecafe
            #"Oh, alright, alright. I check around here for a bit longer."
               That means a lot to me, $!{parent_firstname}. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         We just talked about this back and forth, $!{parent_firstname}...
            #"I know, but I'm very, very excited for having a place of my own again..."
               Ah, true. Alright then. 
               *goto investigatecafe
            #Ah, alright. I'll stay here. Happy?"
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 2)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         May I suggest checking upstairs first, while you're here? Again?
            #"You may suggest, but I'm still heading to the cafe."
               Some of these days, $!{parent_firstname}...
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto investigatecafe
                  *goto investigatecafe
            #"Suggestion accepted, heading upstairs."
               Much obliged, $!{parent_firstname}.
               *goto upstairs_stairs
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         May I suggest checking upstairs first? And we talked about this back and forth...
            #"I know. And you may suggest, but I'm still heading to the cafe."
               Some of these days, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto investigatecafe
            #"We did, and suggestion accepted, I'm heading upstairs."
               Much obliged, $!{parent_firstname}.
               *goto upstairs_stairs
*if ((apartment_check_up_count1 != 6) and (apartment_check_up_count1 != 0))
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         $!{parent_firstname}, you could... and should... check things here first. Do you really want to head back to the cafe?
            #"Yes? Anything wrong with that?"
               [i]exhausted groan[/i] Well, where to then?
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto investigatecafe
                  *goto investigatecafe
            #"Well, yes. But I guess you have a point. I'll check things here first."
               Have I ever not have a point? Now, where to?
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >= 1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I believe we've talked about this back and forth approach, $!{parent_firstname}...
            #"I know. Now let's head back to the cafe."
               Oh, $!{parent_firstname}... [i]sigh[/i] 
               *goto investigatecafe
            #"Eh, yeah, alright, I'll look around here first..."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         You are an organization talent, $!{parent_firstname}. Do you know that?
            #"I know, but I'm very, very excited for having a place of my own again..."
               Ah, true. Alright then. 
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto investigatecafe
                  *goto investigatecafe
            #"Ah, alright, alright. I'll stay here. Happy?"
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         We just talked about this back and forth, $!{parent_firstname}...
            #"I know, but I'm very, very excited for having a place of my own again..."
               Ah, true. Alright then. 
               *goto investigatecafe
            #"Ah, alright, alright. I'll stay here. Happy?"
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 2)
      Are you sure you don't want to check the rest upstairs first?
         #"Naw. I shall come back to that later."
            We'll see 'bout that, $!{parent_firstname}. We'll see about that.
            *if (uncon <=45)
               *set uncon %+5
               *goto investigatecafe
               *goto investigatecafe
         #"Alright, why not?"
            I thank you.
            *goto upstairs_stairs
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 =6)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Alright, let us reminisce about the last few minutes. You scaled the garden wall to get into the yard of the private part of the house some stranger bought you, in order to have a look around. You so far checked everything upstairs, went and checked bits of the cafe, but nothing down here yet. And now you want to go and check the rest of the cafe first?
               [i]heavy sigh[/i]
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto investigatecafe
                  *goto investigatecafe
            #Yeah, okay, that doesn't make much sense... Let's check here first.
               I knew you could be reasoned with. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Didn't we talk about this constant back and forth before?
            #"Possible. I didn't really listen to what you've been saying. Can we go then?"
               Oh for crying out loud... 
               *goto investigatecafe
            #"Well, yeah... Alright. Apartment first it is."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}. But thank you. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Alright, let me just get this straight for a moment. You scaled the garden wall to get into the yard of the private part of the house some stranger bought you, so you could have a look around. You so far checked everything upstairs, bits down here and bits of the cafe. But instead of checking the rest here, you want to head back to the cafe first?
            #"Yes? I mean, I'll have to come back here anyway to get back out, right?"
               ... Well, you have a point there... Excuse me for a moment, I'm getting a headache.
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto investigatecafe
                  *goto investigatecafe
            #"If that makes you happy."
               It would do so very much. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I have the oddest sense of déjà vu. Did we talk about this constant back and forth before?
            #"Possible. I didn't really listen to what you've been saying."
               I... No, doesn't get better... 
               *goto investigatecafe
            #"Could be... Alright. Cafe first it is."
               Thank you. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (apartment_check_count1 = 2)
      Well, you've seen everything here. Hope you liked it.
      *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
      *goto investigatecafe

*label apartment_banter3
*if (((apartment_checked_1 = "false") and (apartment_check_count1 !=0)) and (apartment_check_up_count1 !=0))
   Are you certain about that? There's still stuff to see.
      #Pretty certain. Let's go.
         *goto back_to_hotel
      #Eh, on a second thought...
         Where do you want to go?
         *goto day1_hall_1
*if ((apartment_check_up_count1 =0) and (apartment_check_count1 =0))
   But you haven't checked anything.
   *goto leavingearlyhall

*label apartment_banter4
*if ((apartment_check_up_count1 =0) and (apartment_check_count1 =0))
   Well, you've seen the cafe at least. Are you certain you don't want to look around a bit longer?
   *goto leavingearlyhall

*label leavingearlyhall
   *if (ruff >=55) #I know. But the first adrenaline rush has passed, and... I will come back tomorrow.
      Shh, it's okay. Don't let it eat you up.
      *goto back_to_hotel_1
   *if (ruff >=55) #I know. But, I... *deep breath* No. No, I can do this.
      *set ruff %-5
      Now then... Where to?
      *goto day1_hall_1
   *if (ruff <55) #I know. But I literally broke into my own house. I better get going. I really ought to stop being so rash...
      *if (rash >=55)
         *set rash %-5
         *goto back_to_hotel_2
         I wouldn't say you're 'rash', $!{parent_firstname}, but if you say so.
         *goto back_to_hotel_2
   *if (ruff <55) #I better get going. Get some food at the hotel, get a good night's sleep...
      *goto back_to_hotel_2
   *if (ruff <55) #Eh, know what? You're right. I'm here, I might as well check everything out.
      You can do it. Now, where to?
      *goto day1_hall_1

*label kitchen
The door creaks open to reveal a cozy little kitchen.
Even with the dim light coming in through the newspaper-covered windows the kitchen looks neat and welcoming, if a bit old fashioned.
The dark stone floor and the wooden wainscoting continue from the hall, crowned by these dutch -was it dutch?- blue-and-white motive tiles.

You guess the owner had a thing for a bit of 'nostalgia' and kitsch. Or better the aesthetics, as a closer look reveals that the stove and everything are pretty modern (given the twelve years between then and now) and just made to look like out of the early 1900s.

A wooden table with some chairs stands under the windows, and it seems someone only recently took the time to wash the curtains.

People really did care for the house all these years it appears.

You run a hand over the wooden worktops and cupboards, and smile a bit wistfully upon seeing all these little knickknacks the previous owner has left behind.
Like that cookie jar on the table with a rather annoyed looking shepherdess depicted on it. You can't help but think it's meant to indicate she's looking for the sheep on top of the lid.

You chuckle and put it back down, pushing it a little closer to the wall.
Just in case you do something that might send it crashing to the floor.

You stop and laugh as you spy a ladle in the form of a very harried looking swan in the sink. You don't really know why it amuses you, but it still does. @{(oddball >=55) $!{kid_firstname} will love this.|}

As does the tea towel hanging next to it and the sink proclaiming

[i]Cocoa comes from a tree, which's a plant. That makes chocolate a salad.[/i]

@{(sweet >=30) Damn, you could go for some chocolate now.| Nice.}

For a moment you just stand in the middle of of the kitchen, taking everything in. Then you smile, nod and head back into the hall.
*goto day1_hall_1

*label basement
Admittedly, you are not surprised to find the basement dark. You peek around the corner at the bottom of the stairs, and from what you can see in the light coming in from the door leading back out into the garden next to you, it's a long corridor.
A long, corridor leading into pitch-black darkness.
Something howls. And you are not certain if that was outside or down the corridor.
You decide that it'd be a lot wiser to check the basement tomorrow. With a flashlight.
Or proper electricity.
You head back upstairs.
*goto day1_hall_1



*label upstairs_stairs
*if (uphouse_seen_count = 0)
   *set uphouse_seen_count +1
   *goto upstairs_stairs_1
   *goto upstairs_hall

*label upstairs_stairs_1
*set uphall_seen_1 "yes"
The stairs don't lead straight up, but in an L-shape, with an intermediate landing three steps up from the hall.
A window overlooks said landing, and you nearly knock over the lone figurine of a cat on the windowsill.
You frown as you save it the last moment. Breaking something after breaking into your own house, now that'd be something...

The stairs end onto a small landing. The dark wainscoting and fawn wallpaper continue up here, with some flower-like lamps along the walls and soft carpet on the floor.
You look around. There's a window behind you, one of three as you've seen from the garden. Ahead a corridor stretches down to a single door ahead, though you can spy another door leading right just next to it.
To your right are two doors, one marked with a cartoony seal in a sailor's cap, and a steep flight of stairs up into the attic.
The door right next to the stairs up is a bit ajar, revealing a bed from what you can see.
Past the seal-door the corridor gets a little more narrow, as the rooms beyond are larger.
You figure that one of those might be the living room.
You look at the carpet again, sit down and take your shoes off, putting them onto the stairs.
*goto upstairs_hall

*label upstairs_hall
*if ((apartment_check_count1 = 2) and (apartment_check_up_count1 = 6))
   *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
   Well, you've seen everything here now. 
   *goto upstairs_hall_1
   *goto upstairs_hall_1

*label upstairs_hall_1
Now, where to?

   *disable_reuse #I check what seems to be a bedroom.
      *set apartment_check_up_count1 +1
      *set bed_checked "true"
      *goto master_bedroom
   *disable_reuse #I head to what I think is the living room?
      *set apartment_check_up_count1 +1
      *set living_checked "true"
      *goto living_room
   *disable_reuse #Let's see what's behind the door with the seal.
      *set apartment_check_up_count1 +1
      *set bath_checked "true"
      *goto bathroom
   *disable_reuse #I head to the door to the right at the far end of the corridor.
      *set apartment_check_up_count1 +1
      *set kidbed_checked "true"
      *goto kid_bedroom
   *disable_reuse #I'm checking the room at the end of the corridor.
      *set apartment_check_up_count1 +1
      *set guestbed_checked "true"
      *goto guest_bedroom
   *disable_reuse #Let's have a look into the attic.
      *set apartment_check_up_count1 +1
      *set attic_checked "true"
      *goto attic
   *if (apartment_checked_1 = "false") #@{(apartment_check_count1 !=2) I haven't checked everything downstairs yet. I'll do that first| I head back downstairs}.
      Putting your shoes back on and head back downstairs, nearly throwing the cat figurine off the windowsill on your way.
      *goto day1_hall_1
   *if ((apartment_check_up_count1 =6) and (apartment_check_count1 !=2)) #I've checked everything here. Let's see the other rooms downstairs.
      You put your shoes back on and walk downstairs, again nearly throwing the cat figurine off the windowsill.
      *goto day1_hall_1
   *if ((cafe_checked_1 != "true") or (apartment_checked_1 != "true")) #On second though, let's leave checking here to tomorrow. I'll head back to $!{kid_firstname}. $!{kidthey} must be worried.
      *if (main_kitchen_checked = "false")
         *goto upper_apartment_banter_2
         *goto upper_apartment_banter_3
   *if (apartment_checked_1 = "true") #I've checked everything in @{(cafe_checked_1 = "false") this part of the| the} house, I believe.
      *goto upper_apartment_banter

*label upper_apartment_banter
*if (main_kitchen_checked = "false")
   There's still stuff to check in the cafe. Want to go there?
      #"Sure, why not?"
         You put your shoes back on and head back to the cafe, nearly knocking over the cat figurine on your way down.
         *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
         *page_break You Hesitate At The Door For A Moment
         *goto kitchen_door1
      #"Oof, no. That can wait till tomorrow. $!{kid_firstname} must be getting worried what's taking me so long."
         You put your shoes back on and head out, making sure to lock the doors proper.
         *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
         *goto back_to_hotel
   *if (cafe_checked_1 = "true")
      So you have. The basement and the other dark rooms not withstanding.
      You put your shoes back on and make your way back downstairs, nearly knocking over the cat figurine on your way down once again.
      You make sure to lock the doors proper.
      *goto back_to_hotel
      I believe there are still things to see in the cafe. Want to go there?
         #"Eh, sure, why not?"
            You put your shoes back on and head back downstairs...
            *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
            *page_break Into The Cafe
            *goto kitchen_door1
         #"Phew, no. That can wait till tomorrow. $!{kid_firstname} must be getting worried what's taking me so long."
            You put your shoes back on and head out, nearly knocking over the cat figurine on your way down.
            You make sure to lock the doors proper.
            *set apartment_checked_1 "true"
            *goto back_to_hotel

*label upper_apartment_banter_2
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 =0)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =1)
      You've barely checked anything. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =0)
      You haven't checked anything. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =2)
      Well, you've seen everything downstairs at least. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper
*if ((apartment_check_up_count1 !=6) and (apartment_check_count1 !=0))
   *if (apartment_check_count1 !=0)
      You've barely checked anything. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =0)
      You haven't checked anything. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =2)
      Well, you've seen everything downstairs at least. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 =6)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 !=0)
      Well, you have seen most of the apartment part. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =0)
      You haven't checked anything. Are you certain you want to leave already?
      *goto leavingearlyupper

*label upper_apartment_banter_3
*if (cafe_checked_1 = "true")
   You came through the private area of the house just to check the cafe? Are you certain you don't want to look around a bit more?
      #"Very certain. I'll check the apartment part with $!{kid_firstname} tomorrow."
         You put your shoes back on and head back out, making sure to lock the door proper
         *goto back_to_hotel_2
      #"Eh, on second though... You're right. I'm here, I might as well check things thoroughly."
         *goto upstairs_stairs
   Are you certain? You've barely seen anything, $!{parent_firstname}.
   *goto leavingearlyupper

*label leavingearlyupper
   *if (ruff >=55) #"Yes. The first adrenaline rush's passed, and... I... I will come back tomorrow."
      It's alright. Don't beat yourself up over it.
      You put your shoes back on and head back out, making sure to lock the door proper.
      *goto back_to_hotel_1
   *if (ruff >=55) #"I'm sure. The adrenaline rush passed, and I... *deep breath* No. No, I can do this."
      *set ruff %-5
      Now then...
      *goto upstairs_stairs
   *if (ruff <55) #"Pretty sure. I better get going. I really ought to stop being so rash..."
      *if (rash >=55)
         *set rash %-5
         You put your shoes back on and head back out, making sure to lock the door proper.
         *goto back_to_hotel_2
         I wouldn't call you 'rash', but if you say so.
         You put your shoes back on and head back out, making sure to lock the door proper.
         *goto back_to_hotel_2
   *if (ruff <55) #"Very sure. I better get going. Get some food at the hotel, get a good night's sleep..."
      You put your shoes back on and head back out, making sure to lock the door proper.
      *goto back_to_hotel_2
   *if (ruff <55) #"Know what? You're right. I'm here, I might as well check everything out."
      You can do it. 
      *goto upstairs_stairs

*label master_bedroom
It is, indeed, a bedroom.
A pretty large one at that, at least given the size of the house.
No wainscoting here, but a soft blue wallpaper and a carpet that makes you want to take off your socks and curl your toes into it.
There's a large modern wardrobe with mirrored sliding doors to the left and a king-sized bed underneath the room's two windows to the right.
A small chest of drawers with rounded corners stands directly to your right, with a large wicker chair beyond it.
You do resist the urge to flop onto the bed. Mostly cause the mattress and everything are bare right now.

But even without any covers, the sight makes you smile, as in the middle of the bed, propped against the blank pillows and folded up duvets, sits a little teddybear with a large, striped bow-tie, giving you a pleading look.
You catch yourself aww-ing a little, and sit down, picking it up.

It's a simple toy, and you do wonder why Mr Audley kept it. Did he even put it here? Was that someone else? Maybe a gift from a friend? Customer for an anniversary?
You ponder a little and sit the bear down in the wicker chair, nestling it into a black pillow with red polka-dots.

Looking back up you catch sign of a painting over the drawer however. You squint a little. Sure, it's likely meant to be a flower, but...
Well, at least it [i]is[/i] in the bedroom...

You look back down at the bear. "Yeah, seeing that for twelve years would probably make everyone uncomfortable." 
You shrug, spend a few more moments enjoying the carpet, and had back into the hall.

*goto upstairs_hall

*label bathroom
What would you know? It's indeed a bathroom.
You give a short appreciating nod upon seeing a fairly large and modern tub in the far left corner, and equally modern shower next to it.
The dominating color here is the same, a soft fawn as you've seen in the hall, with a neat mosaic on the wall around the bathtub.
A matching vanity sits on the long wall next to the shower, and it takes you a moment to find the toilet behind a three-quarter, mosaic-decorated wall next to it and the door.
Well, that's one way to arrange a bathroom.

There is one thing that immediately draws your attention.
If only because it looks out of place du to its bright blue color:
A small, square vase with a single plastic flower in it, over on the windowsill.
Maybe this was a special gift from someone? Everything else fits with the color-scheme, so if the former owner placed this here, there had to be a reason.
Unless of course someone looking after the house put it here. But why on the windowsill then?

The next thing to catch your eye is a little lamp in the shape of a rose on the vanity.
You pick it up and find that it's meant to hold a little candle.
You begin to wonder if the former owner vanished due to a broken heart, seeing how so much here seems to be meant for a couple.

Any potential sadness doesn't last long, however, as you look around wistfully... and let out a snort of laughter.

Before you, on the edge of the bathtub sits a little rubber duck in a devil costume.
Horns, pitchfork, [i]evil[/i] eyebrows and all.

You don't know what to make of that, but it still amuses you.

You lean against the vanity for a moment, letting everything sink in.
   #That was a horrible pun and you know it...
   #Really now?
   #Good gracious *eyeroll*

I apologize.
Anyway, you take a moment, before you head back out into the corridor.

*goto upstairs_hall

*label living_room
It turns out to be the living room indeed.
There are no electronics aside from the lamps right now, but the large couch and the matching coffee table give it away easily.
The walls here are light orange stucco with some decorative floral silhouettes.
There's two towering, currently empty bookcases next to the two windows across the room and a modern desk in the left hand corner next to you.
To the right you spy a pretty huge comfy chair in the corner, a low sideboard between you and it.
And some really nice carpet on the floor.

At closer inspection you find the bookshelf is not entirely empty.
There's a lonely green book in it, which, in turn, turns out to be a well-loved copy of Poe's [i]The Murders in the Rue Morgue[/i].
Flipping through it a bit, you let your gaze wander, stopping dead as you spot something peculiar on the sideboard. You blink, put the book on the coffee table and head over.

Standing in front of you is a photo frame in the shape of a fish.

It doesn't hold a photograph, and you are torn between the odd choice for a form and that fact.
After all, if the former owner took out the picture before he vanished...

You put the empty frame back, flopping down onto the couch to think... and give a surprised yelp as you sink in.
You kick your feet, hitting the table rather painfully and knocking over a heart-shaped bottle that was standing there.
After rubbing your hurting foot you pick the bottle up and take a look at it. There's an engraving giving a date from over twenty years ago.

Does this mean something special, or was this just the [i]Best Before[/i] date?

You sit there for a while, before you put the bottle back onto the coffee table and head back into the corridor.

*goto upstairs_hall

*label kid_bedroom
Behind the door is a sizable room with a disassembled bed, a desk in the corner across from the door and various shelves.
You wonder what this room was meant as over a decade ago.
But as everything else seems in order; the wallpaper and carpet look fine, and so does the rest of the furniture, you figure that this could easily become $!{kid_firstname}'s new room.
$!{kidthey}'ll like that. It's been too long since ${kidthey} had a room of ${kidtheir} own.
You smile, close the door again, and look around.

*goto upstairs_hall

*label guest_bedroom
The room behind the door is small and rather bare.
An empty bed which takes up most of the chamber, a narrow wardrobe a nightstand and a curtain-less window over the bed.
Huh. Guess this is a guest room.
You nod acknowledging and continue on.

*goto upstairs_hall

*label attic
You climb up the stairs into the attic.
You are surprised to find yourself on a landing surrounded by doors.
A quick check reveals that there's a large space above the cafe part of the building to store stuff, while the part above the private area of the building houses a medium sized room, a bathroom and a (judging by the sound insulation on the walls and floor) a place to make music in or general record stuff.
The rooms are otherwise bare, so you head back down.

*goto upstairs_hall

*label kitchen_door1
*if (main_kitchen_checked = "true")
   *goto insidethecafe1
   You push it open and look into a short, narrow corridor.
   Dim light filters in from a small window under the ceiling to your left. Directly to your right is a metal door marked [i]Storage[/i].
   You only glance into the storage room quickly. It's small, the shelves and freezers are empty and it's, of course, dark.
   You march to the door at the other end of the corridor. This must lead to the cafe.
   You fiddle with the keys a little.
   *goto cafe_kitchen

*label cafe_kitchen
*set main_kitchen_checked "true"
It's hard to tell why you are so nervous. But you unlock the door and step into the kitchen.
It looks a bit out of some weird winter fairytale. Or the early 1900s.

Light blue tiles with floral patterns, dark stone floor, and a sturdy wooden table in the middle dominating everything.
You nod satisfied as you see all the utensil on the walls. While you can't yet be certain if there are more elsewhere in the house or not, you figure that even if not this is better than having to buy all these things on your own.
Especially since you don't really know what you'd need.
   #Excuse you?! I'm excellent at baking, I know what I'd need.
      *set sweet %+20
   #Rude, I know my fair share about making hearty snacks. I know my tools.
      *set savory %+20
   #Oh, tut, that's not true. I am quite well-versed with neat, spicy cuisine. I know what tools I'd have to get.
      *set spicy %+20
Huh, I admit I'm a bit surprised. Allow me to apologize.
You nod satisfied as you see all the utensil on the walls. While you can't yet be certain if there are more elsewhere in the house or not, you figure that even if not this is better than having to buy all these things on your own.
Even though you'd know exactly what to buy.
   #"Thank you."
There's a stove and two ovens to your right, a large fridge in the corner across from it and all walls are lined with wooden cabinets and worktops. Along the wall to your left there's a sink, a second fridge and a couple of barred windows.
Directly to your left is a door going out into the passageway, the fire exit and maybe door for deliveries you figure. Which will likely be locked in the same manner as the gate, so no need wasting your time there.
The last corner, the one directly ahead of you houses the door to the cafe itself.
Now, check out the cafe itself, @{(apartment_checked_1 = "false") go back to the apartment or head back to $!{kid_firstname}| or head back to $!{kid_firstname}}?
   #I check the cafe of course.
      *set cafe_seen_1 "yes"
      *goto insidethecafe1
   *if (apartment_checked_1 = "false") #Head back to the apartment.
      You turn and head back. 
      *goto day1_hall_1
   #I've actually seen enough. I'll check the cafe tomorrow.
      *goto back_to_hotel

*label insidethecafe1
*if (cafe_seen_count = 0)
   *set cafe_seen_count +1
   *goto insidethecafe1_1
   *goto investigatecafe

*label insidethecafe1_1
The cafe itself is a bit dustier than you had expected, but everything is in pretty good shape.
At least as far as you can judge on a first look.

Artfully waved stucco graces the walls in an odd tone somewhere between tangerine and ochre, except for one bit of rough, bare brick behind a little stage in the far left corner.
Had there been live music here? Or did they remove a secondary bar?

Tables and chairs have been moved to the side and are covered with canvas, just like the sales counter next to the stage.
Wedged between the stage and the sales counter is a door marked [i]Bathrooms & Fire Exit[/i], and another door sits in the far right corner behind the bar.
You walk around a bit, your steps clacking on the fishbone patterned hardwood floor and sending dust flying.

You stop almost exactly in the middle of the room and look around, deciding what to do now.
*goto investigatecafe

*label investigatecafe
*if (whatthefridge =3)
   $!{parent_firstname}, this is getting silly. Let's check everything here first, then head elsewhere.
   *set whatthefridge +1
   *goto investigatecafe_interlude
   *goto investigatecafe_interlude

*label investigatecafe_interlude
*if (cafe_check_count1 = 2)
   *set cafe_checked_1 "true"
   Well, you've seen everything here now. 
   *goto investigatecafe_a1
   *goto investigatecafe_a1

*label investigatecafe_a1
What now?

   *disable_reuse #I investigate the cafe's sales floor closer.
      *set salesfloor_checked "true"
      *set cafe_check_count1 +1
      *goto cafe_floor
   *disable_reuse #I check the bathroom. Those bits can easily be a complete mess, and if it is, it will need to be fixed first.
      *set cafebath_checked "true"
      *set cafe_check_count1 +1
      *goto cafe_bath
   *if ((ohnoyouwont = "false") and (whatthefridge <3)) #I head back to the apartment.
      *if (apartment_checked_1 = "false")
         *if (cafe_checked_1 = "true")
            *goto cafe_banter1
         *if (cafe_checked_1 = "false")
            *goto cafe_banter2
      *if (whatthefridge =3)
         $!{parent_firstname}, this is getting silly. Let's check everything here first, then head to the apartment.
         *goto investigatecafe
   *if (((cafe_checked_1 = "true") and (whatthefridge >=3)) and (apartment_checked_1 = "false")) #I head back to the apartment.
   *if ((cafe_checked_1 = "true") and (apartment_checked_1 =  "true")) #Well, I think I've seen everything now.
      Indeed you have.
      Rolling your shoulders satisfied you head back out the way you came, making sure to lock the door proper.
      *goto back_to_hotel
   *if ((cafe_checked_1 = "false") or (apartment_checked_1 = "false")) #To be honest, this might have been a bad idea. I'll head back out.
      *goto cafe_banter3

*label cafe_banter1
*if ((apartment_check_count1 =0) and (apartment_check_up_count1 =0))
   Allow me a question, $!{parent_firstname}. You climbed the fence to get into the private area of the house. And the first thing you did was march here to check the cafe? You could have scaled the other wall.
      #"I know, but someone could have seen me there. Now let's head back to the apartment."
         You [i]do[/i] remember that someone [i]did[/i] see you? Well, $!{kid_firstname}, but... Anyway. 
         *goto day1_hall_1
      #"Hello, this is the part I'm meant to run and make a living with?! Can we go now?"
         You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}...
         *if (uncon <=45)
            *set uncon %+5
            *goto day1_hall_1
            *goto day1_hall_1
*if ((apartment_check_count1 !=0) or (apartment_check_up_count1 !=0))
   Alright, so, you climbed the fence, looked around the apartment a little, then came here, checked the cafe and head back now to look at the remaining rooms?
         You're weird, $!{parent_firstname}... 
         *goto day1_hall_1
      #"Excuse you?! This is the part I'm meant to run and make a living with?! Also this is my house? I can scout it however I like?"
         [i]heavy sigh[/i] ... 
         *if (uncon <=45)
            *set uncon %+5
            *goto day1_hall_1
            *goto day1_hall_1

*label cafe_banter2
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 =0)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Why exactly did you clear that fence? With all due respect, but so far you've seen... What exactly? Not much, that's what.
            #"I know. I've been there when it happened, remember? Can we go now?"
               Some of these days I am so tired, $!{parent_firstname}.
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #Oh, alright then. I'll stay and look around here first.
               Thank you. This means a lot to me.
               *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I have the oddest sense of déjà vu. Did we talk about this constant back and forth before?
            #"Possible. Come, let's check the apartment."
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Could be... Alright. Cafe first it is."
               Thank you. 
               *goto investigatecafe
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         [i]tiny soft frown[/i]
         Alright, so... you cleared a fence to break into a house -your house, though- in order to have a look around. But instead of checking the apartment proper first you ran around like a, excuse my french, headless chicken.
            #"I know, but someone could've seen me there. Now let's head back to the apartment."
               You [i]do[/i] remember that someone [i]did[/i] see you? Well, he saw $!{kid_firstname}, but... Anyway...
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto day1_hall_1
                  *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Oh, fine, I'm staying.
               I thank you, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         We talked about this back and forth approach, $!{parent_firstname}...
            #"I know, but can we head back to the apartment now."
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Oh, fine, alright I'm staying."
               Thank you, $!{parent_firstname}.
               *goto investigatecafe
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =2)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Well, don't you think you should finish looking around here first? Maybe?
            #"Naw. Let's go!"
               Some of these days I am so, so tired.
               *goto day1_hall_1
         #"I guess you do have a point there."
            Don't I always? 
            *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         May I suggest checking the cafe first?
            #"You may suggest, my friend, I'm still heading to the apartment."
               $!{parent_firstname}, some of these days...
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Ah, okay, okay. I'll look around here first."
               Very much appreciated. 
               *goto investigatecafe
*if ((apartment_check_up_count1 !=6) and (apartment_check_up_count1 !=0))
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Why exactly did you clear that fence? With all due respect, but so far you've seen bits of upstairs, bits of the commercial part and absolutely nothing downstairs. You are running back and forth like a, excuse my language, headless chicken.
            #"I know. I've been there when it happened. Can we go now?"
               Some of these days I am so tired, $!{parent_firstname}. 
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto day1_hall_1
                  *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Oh, fine. I'll stay and look around here first."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         We talked about this back and forth approach, $!{parent_firstname}
            #"I know. I've been there when it happened. Can we go now?"
               Some of these days, $!{parent_firstname}, some of these days... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Ah, fine! If it makes you happy, I'll stay."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto investigatecafe
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         [i]tiny soft frown[/i] 
         Alright, so... you cleared a fence to break into a house -your house, though- in order to have a look around. But instead of checking the apartment proper first you ran around like a, excuse my french, headless chicken.
            #"I know, but someone could have seen me there. Now let's head back to the apartment."
               You [i]do[/i] remember that someone [i]did[/i] see you? Well, he saw $!{kid_firstname}, but... Anyway... 
               *if (uncon <=45)
                  *set uncon %+5
                  *goto day1_hall_1
                  *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Oh, alright, alright, I'm staying."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}. 
               *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Didn't we talk about this constant back and forth before?
            #"Possible. I didn't really listen to what you've been saying."
               Oh for crying out loud... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Well, yeah... Alright. Cafe first it is."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}. But thank you. 
               *goto investigatecafe
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =2)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         Won't you rather finish looking around here first?
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"I guess you have a point there. I'm a little bit excited I guess."
               Good Gracious... 
               *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >= 1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I believe we've talked about this back and forth approach, $!{parent_firstname}...
            #"I know. Now let's head back to the apartment."
               Oh, $!{parent_firstname}... [i]sigh[/i] 
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Eh, yeah, alright, I'll look around the cafe first..."
               You're a most peculiar person, $!{parent_firstname}... 
               *goto investigatecafe
*if (apartment_check_up_count1 =6)
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =0)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
      [i]tiny frown[/i] Alright, so... you cleared a fence to break into your own house in order to have a look around. You checked around on the upper floor, but not the lower, then went to the commercial part of the house, and...
         #"Sooo...? Can we go back to the cafe now?"
            You're an odd person, $!{parent_firstname}. Just saying. 
            *if (uncon <=45)
               *set uncon %+5
               *goto day1_hall_1
               *goto day1_hall_1
         #"I know. I've been there when it happened. But alright, let's stay here."
            *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         With all due respect, $!{parent_firstname}, but I think we talked about this back and forth.
            #"Oh shush. It's my house, my system of looking around."
               Some of these days, $!{parent_firstname}, some of these days... 
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Ah, sorry. I promise I'll hurry."
               Hey. Hey... don't be sad. I'm sorry. 
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"I...I'm sorry. I'll stay."
               Hey... hey, don't be sad. I'm sorry. 
               *goto investigatecafe
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =1)
      *if (whatthefridge =0)
         *set whatthefridge +1
      [i]soft frown[/i] $!{parent_firstname}, with all due respect. You cleared a fence to break into your own house in order to have a look around. You've checked the upper floor, bits of the lower, then went to the commercial part of the house, and...
         #Yes...? Can we go back to the cafe now?
            You're an odd person, just saying. 
            *if (uncon <=45)
               *set uncon %+5
               *goto day1_hall_1
               *goto day1_hall_1
         #Ah, yeah, alright, let's stay here.
            *goto investigatecafe
      *if (whatthefridge >=1)
         *set whatthefridge +1
         I have the oddest sense of déjà vu. Did we talk about this constant back and forth before?
            #"Possible. Mind if we go now?"
               *goto day1_hall_1
            #"Could be... Alright. Cafe first it is."
               Thank you. 
               *goto investigatecafe
   *if (apartment_check_count1 =2)
      Why? You've seen everything there.
         #Oh, yes. Whoops.
            Sometimes I really don't know what to do with you... Now, where to?
            *set organization %-5
            *set ohnoyouwont "true"
            *goto investigatecafe
         #What? I like it there.
            *set uncon %+5
            You're staying and that's final.
            *set ohnoyouwont "true"
            *goto investigatecafe

*label cafe_banter3
*if ((cafe_checked_1 = "false") and (apartment_checked_1 = "true"))
   Well, you've seen the apartment at least. Are you certain you don't want to have a little look around?
      #Come to think of it... Yeah, let's do this.
         *goto investigatecafe
      #No, that can wait.
         *goto back_to_hotel
*if ((cafe_checked_1 = "true") and (apartment_checked_1 =  "false"))
   Well, you've seen the cafe at least. Are you certain you don't want to have a look at the rest of the house?
      #Come to think of it... Let's do this.
         *if (main_kitchen_checked = "false")
            You take a deep breath and head to the kitchen door.
            *goto cafe_kitchen
            You gather your wits and head back to the apartment.
            *goto day1_hall_1
      #No, that can wait.
         *goto back_to_hotel
*if ((cafe_checked_1 = "false") and (apartment_checked_1 =  "false"))
   You've barely seen anything. Are you sure?
      *if (ruff >=55) #Yes. The first adrenaline rush passed, and... I... I'll come back tomorrow
         [i]Shh[/i], it's alright $!{parent_firstname}, don't let it eat you up.
         *goto back_to_hotel_1
      *if (ruff >=55) #I'm sure. The adrenaline rush passed quickly. I... *deep breath* No. I can do this.
         *set ruff %-5
         [i]encouraging nod[/i] I believe in you, $!{parent_firstname}.
         *goto investigatecafe
      *if (ruff <55) #Pretty sure. I better get going. I really ought to stop being so rash...
         *if (rash >=55)
            *set rash %-5
            *goto back_to_hotel_2
            I wouldn't call you 'rash', $!{parent_firstname}, but if you say so.
            *goto back_to_hotel_2
      *if (ruff <55) #Very sure. I better get going. Get some food at the hotel, get a good night's sleep...
         *goto back_to_hotel_2
      *if (ruff <55) #Know what? You're right actually. I'm here, I might as well check everything out.
         [i]encouraging nod[/i] I believe in you, $!{parent_firstname}.
         *goto investigatecafe

*label cafe_bath
For starters, the door is quite a bit stuck. You make a mental note to fix that.
Especially because the fire exit's here too.
Behind the door from the main room a small corridor stretches to the left. Directly ahead is the door to the single bathroom.
Blueish tiles with a swirly design in between, two stalls, a sink and a little changing table.
Everything seems to be in order, though as there's no electricity yet, it's too dark to judge anything proper. The little windows below the ceiling in the bathroom don't help much here. And the corridor to the fire exit is a lost cause in that regard.
You do spy the signs pointing towards it, though.
You nod satisfied and are about to head back to the main room, when you figure you might try the fire exit to let $!{kid_firstname} in.
You're not surprised when you find it locked and the key not in your possession.
You head back to the main room.

*goto investigatecafe

*label cafe_floor
It's an almost square room with reddish stucco on the walls, a wooden floor with a fishbone pattern and lamps with an amber shade dangling from the ceiling. There's a small stage in one corner, and while there's nothing on it right now, a quick check reveals that the electronics are in order. As far as a purely visual inspection allows it.
You peek under the canvas, finding that chairs and tables appear to be in great condition.
You stand there for a moment, hands on your hips, feeling a proud smile creep unto your lips.
Yes... yes, you might actually be able to do this.
You check the sales counter. A part of its long side  is glass, obviously for displaying cakes and pastries, the rest is a bar counter.
The shelves and cabinets behind it are, of course, empty. Except for one little waving cat statue.
You smile a bit, and lean against the counter's smooth marble surface, drumming your fingers for a moment.

*goto investigatecafe

*label back_to_hotel
"Hah! That sure was something," you grin as you return to your ${kid_firstname}.
You lay an arm around ${kidthem} and head back to the bus stop, telling ${kidthem} what you've found.

*label back_to_hotel_1
Still a bit shaken you return to $!{kid_firstname}.
"That was quick," ${kidthey} @{c_plur say| says}.
You explain what happened and smile softly.
"Oh, $!{kid_calling}," $!{kid_firstname} @{c_plur say| says}, laying a comforting arm around you as you head back to the bus stop.

*label back_to_hotel_2
Shaking your head you return to $!{kid_firstname}.
"That was quick," ${kidthey} @{c_plur say| says}.
You explain what happened and sigh softly.
"Oh, $!{kid_calling}," $!{kid_firstname} @{c_plur say| says}, laying an arm around you as you head back to the bus stop.

OMFG Dx I’m a bloody moron Dx

I found the error
I accidentally ended the latest file with a *finish, not *ending, so it jumped to the sub scene which is the next in the scenelist
goes to bury self