Does anyone think it would be a good idea to do a game about a Marine Biologist or treasure hunter? Kind of like endless ocean where you could be hunting for a treasure that takes you all over the world’s oceans and you have to work out riddles from artifacts and things like that and come across ancient ruins and shipwrecks.
I’m thinking of doing a game and would like some opinions.
@StarWarsMaster I’ve got a basic idea to the story and in it there are romance options :x my problem is that when there’s romance in a story I get too involved and I have to remind myself it’s not real haha!
@WulfyK My current idea is set in the real world but with a few differences. Such as the oceans and rivers you swim in will be real ones but you’ll discover new places and there’ll be fictional ruins and underwater cities in them. But if you’ve got any ideas I’d be happy to hear them
@FaithfulPuppet thanks haha I’ve never actually seen Indiana Jones but I’ll try to make it realistic and imaginative at the same time.
@AgentGuineapig Fan service (ファンサービス fan sābisu?), fanservice, or service cut (サービスカット sābisu katto?),is a term originating from anime and manga fandom for material in a series which is intentionally added to please the audience. It is about “servicing” the fan - giving the fans “exactly what they want”. Fan service usually refers to “gratuitous titillation”, but can also refer to intertextual references to other series.
(taken from wikipedia)