Added your link to CoB site glade to see you still supporting this
Appreciate it. Glad to see the site is helping out all the friendly and creative people around here
There’s a good amount of game stories on there now. I’ll have to get some sorting/tagging/search features in soon I suppose.
Another (much larger) update:
- Site has been redesigned, mostly aesthetics
- You can now choose a “theme” for your game stories (only 3 now, more to come)
- Various security upgrades implemented
For #2, please be aware that games that were made before this update cannot have a theme set (just by the way the files were setup). To fix this, either remove and re-upload your game (make sure you have a recent, functioning backup of course!) or contact me via PM and I will upgrade the files in your game directory when I have some time to do so.
I’m aware the login / register pages still look like crud. They are in the queue for when I get more flexible time.
Please let me know if you encounter any issues via PM. Thanks
Just wanted to say thanks for creating this site. I heavily use it and it’s helped me when I was having issues with finding a suitable place to host my WIP (drop box hates me I’m sure of it).
Sure, glad you’re getting use out of it.
Hey Dash, I forgot my password to your site, any way I can recover it?
Yes, I’ll be putting in a password recovery feature today sometime.
Thank you so much Dash! You’re a savior
The system now supports CJW’s save plugin including the menu add-on. You can toggle the option to use it in Edit Details in your management dashboard. Please keep in mind that this is for newly created games only - if you wish to have your files updated to use these feature, send me a message on this forum with your username and game name and I will update the files.
I will be working to allow for single file compiled games to be uploaded in the system too. This may take some time though.
Updated to latest ChoiceScript version, so previously un-supported code such as *set initial name#1
now works properly. Thanks to @ParrotWatcher for the head’s up.
Ey, just question. What if I just want selected people to play my game? Will hosting it at dashingdon dot com make game link automatic public? thanks you.
You can choose to make your game public (listed on the main site) or you can choose to keep it private - which means only those you give the URL to will know the URL to use to view your game. By default, games are private, and you have to check the option to allow them to be listed on the site.
Thanks, me game is just for laughs and I like it private just for my close friends. Thanks, site looks great. Will try it out. Thanks again
I can’t search for games on your site: I’ve seen more games hosted there than are on your front page. How do I see them?
If they are not on the front page, then they are set to private. I assure you that all games set to public are displayed on the front page. Perhaps some games you saw before have since been set to private?
If/when the public list grows, I will paginate the listing and/or provide search functionality. However, as it is now, there are only about 50 games set to public and that number is few enough to display wholly on the front page list.
Added in support for text color variety. Works as follows:
[red]This text would be red.[end]
[blue]This would be blue text.[end]
So the format is [colorname]Text goes here[end] (always use [end] to close the styled span regardless of the color)
The following colors are currently supported:
You can see a proof-of-concept here: has been updated to use the original style.css file by default for new games. As requested by @Vendetta the original stylesheet is also now available for selection in your game management area in the Edit Details section.
EDIT: Also added a new theme called ‘Story First’ that attempts to make the story the prominent element by shuffling and muting the details. I’ve only been able to test it for a little while so please let me know if you experience issues with this theme - or of course if you have any suggestions. Thanks.
The updates keep coming today.
- You can now upload a compiled HTML version of your game.
- You now have the option of using either the ‘scenes’ version or a ‘compiled’ version of your game for others to play.
- You can now permit the compiled HTML version of your game to be directly downloaded (download link will show at the bottom-right of the game card on the front page).
These new features are in your “Manage Your Games” dashboard. The options are in the “Edit Details” section - be sure to “Upload Compiled HTML” first or the options will be ignored.
As always, let me know if there are any issues with these features. Thanks.
Wow, this good news. To tell you the truth, I don’t really know how compile work, but I like the feature to allow someone else to download the file in case the author want it. Nice job
THANK YOU @dashingdon !!!