Is there a way to create a subfolder/subdirectory on Dashingdon? For example, my game has quite a few images embedded in it, so I created the folder ‘pics’ when coding the game & shoved them all in there. That means all image references in the game are for…
*image pics/insert_image_name_here.png
Thus uploading the files to Dashingdon right now as is means no images appear in the game (since the code is looking for a nonexistent folder/directory called ‘pics’)
*title Dynamic Folder
*comment `res` is short for "resources"
*create res "pics/"
*comment Remove or comment the line below when ready to publish your game
*script /dashingdon|moody\.ink/i.test(window.location.href) && (window.stats.res = "");
*image ${res}title.png
So, when running your game locally or when you send it to be published, *image ${res}title.png will look at pic/title.png but when running on DashingDon or it will be just title.png without the folder prefix.
The *script command should be on the startup file after declaring all the variables. You only need to include it there, just once.
Edit 2:
By “publish your game” I mean send it to CoG. When uploading to DashingDon you should keep the *script command since it’s the one doing the trick to set res to an empty string, but only on DashingDon.
I have been using your site to host my WIP, An Unexpectedly Green Journey.
I can’t log in right now and assumed it was because I forgot my password. I have sent a password reset request on the site several times, but no email has come back.
Could you send me a temporary password, please? Just sent an email to you (
Hi, i feel really dumb for overlooking/not figuring out if it’s possible myself but is there a way to edit the name of an existing demo on dashingdon?
I know how to change the name itself in the files and everything works but I mean the name it’s posted under when I go to edit details. there’s not an option to change it from what I can see?
Hi @dashingdon. I appear to be locked out of my account (I was on a different computer and didn’t have my password so made the mistake of trying to set a new one). I’ve since tried to change my password a few times but no emails are coming through and the original password no longer works. Is there a way for me to recover my account please?
Please send a message to from the email account you have registered with (to verify ownership of the account) and I will reply with a temporary password.
The issue is that updating the code base breaks the custom stylesheets, so I have to allocate time to make adjustments. is easier to update since it does not have custom stylesheets but I haven’t yet spent the time on that either. I’ll try to get both updated this week, hopefully.
I have just uploaded a large update to DashingDon and got the message below. Is there any advice or guidance for this issue? Should I just wait a while for the server to update?
Our apologies; there was a 404 error while loading game data. Please refresh your browser now; if that doesn’t work, please email with details.
I think you should make another txt.file into a scene so you can divide your files. Instead of combining them into one. I think it would take up way less space.
EDIT: just saw your thread and my solution, you’ve already tried. sorry!
Thanks for the advice. Yep, I thought that this might be the problem. I have divided up the large scene and it seems to be working fine now. Just hope gremlins haven’t crept into the gaps and chewed up all the labels!!!
Anyone else having trouble logging in to Dashingdon? Password not working. Password reset not sending emails. Checked spam. PM-ed Dashingdon. Never had problems before. I don’t imagine there’s anything to be done but thought I’d ping to see if anyone had a similar issue and knows a solve. Cheers! Happy Holidays.