[CSIDE] The ChoiceScript IDE (v1.3.3 Now Available — 05/09/2022)

Just put your images into your project folder (where the .txt files are). Then go to CSIDE and select “Open all scenes” (or “Load all scenes”, I don’t exactly remember) in your project.

Ok, so i have copied the images into the folder where the scenes are in dropbox>choisescrtipt projects>dfab>mygame>scenes, if that is incorrect please let me know, now how do I open them?

[quote=“Fionn, post:3, topic:83034, full:true”]
Ok, so i have copied the images into the folder where the scenes are in dropbox>choisescrtipt projects>dfab>mygame>scenes, if that is incorrect please let me know, now how do I open them?
[/quote] ???

Right click onto the project name and you should see “Load all scenes” pop up.

After that, use *image to bring uo the image.

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You have been super helpful, I really appreciate it

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Hi, I’ve just downloaded cside and I get the following error upon opening it:

2020-07-19 (2)

I don’t know much about computers, so not too sure what the problem is, any help would be really appreciated, thanks!

That doesn’t look healthy. Would you mind PMing me? I’ll need some more details about your system. Likely this is a hardware or software stack issue lower down than CSIDE.


Anybody feel like sharing what their custom theme colors for CSIDE’s editor look like?

I know I want a custom theme, and mine is pretty, but readable?..


Evening, Everyone!

I’ve been working with CSIDE for several months now, and, as a writer, things can get a bit hectic. After not being able to register on the site associated with CSIDE, I was linked here by @CJW if I wanted to make a comment about any features one could possibly like to see in the future.

And there is a feature I’d like that I also think other writers would enjoy. Folders.

We already have the option of minimizing other projects so we’re not overwhelmed by a huge line of projects and their associated scenes. One click, and we see only the project we’re working on. Inside the project, it would be nice to have the same option.

Like, have the ability to creature “folders” in a project. We could then store different scenes inside of a folder we can name. The choicescript_stats and startup scene documents could go in one folder, then “chapter” scenes could go into another folder, and other information could go in another folder that could be notes or ideas or things we want to add later on. This route would enable us to organize all our scenes so we can focus on only our current objective.

That way we could have:

+/- Main Folder
+++ choicescript_stats
+++ startup
+/- New Folder
+++ scene (say, chap01)
+++ scene (chap_notes)
+/- New Folder
+++ scene (say, chap02)
+++ scene (chap_notes)

This way, by clicking the ‘eye’ icon (or whatever else is used), the writer can pick and choose what they see based off what they have in their folders. So, if they only want to focus on whatever part of the story they’re working on and scenes related, they could “hide” the others by simply clicking a button.

The second thing I’d like is the ability to interact more with the dictionary. Also, for words inside of the italics commands to know the word “can’t” is an actual word. Anytime I use italics or bold the word can’t or shouldn’t, I get a nice red line underneath telling me it’s spelled wrong. Not a big issue, but rather annoying when in the dictionary trying to see if I have two spellings of a word I created and a list of words I know shouldn’t be listed are there.

But I would like the ability to have “definitions” of words as a choice, simply for the benefit of not having to hunt through countless documents because I forgot to write it down when I created the word/place/term on the fly.

I love the software (makes writing an interactive story so much easier), but the part of me that’s a writer would like the ability to organize my documents in my projects so I’m not having to surf through a ton of them because I’m trying to find the one I’m looking for


aaaarrggh! my eyes! :joy:

Just kidding. I got used to setting dark mode everywhere. I don’t think I could stare at such a bright screen for too long. The colors match nicely though, and if it’s readable to you then it’s readable, period. :grin:

To be honest, I’m not sure that would be that helpful. You can already organize the scene order at the workspace, and color-code them. Usually, I keep the scenes I’m currently working on and the ones I’m constantly going back to at the top. As I finish snippets, I push them down the stack. Another thing that helps is using consistent prefixes for the scenes. So all the scenes for chapter 1 begin with 01_blablabla.

However, I understand how sub-folders could help, but the problem with that is that’s not how ChoiceScript works, all your scene files must be in the same folder, at the same level. So that would become a CSIDE implementation detail that has no real support in the language.

One thing that would be helpful is a “scene tree” like some IDEs have a code tree. VS Code actually does this, even for ChoiceScript. Here’s an example:

NB! The scene is from Choice of the Dragon.
I’m not ready to show my own. :flushed:


I’ve haven’t heard of VS Code, but that’s something I’ll look into. And I get what you mean, too. Scenes and sub-scenes, maybe. I know I can have a bunch of scenes that don’t even show in the actual story, but are in the project. Some of my own scenes were written out of the project, but I still have them on hand as reference.

Or adding more color choices for the scenes (that’s how I point out chapters and other such things, as the color points out what I’m working on vs what I need to focus on)

And maybe there’s a way to nest scenes under another without actually using a folder? I don’t know a lot about coding, overall, but it is fun to think about.

But the thought of having extra color options for the scenes for organization would be good if the other thought isn’t possible.

For one chapter, I have five scene documents for organization purposes. More possibilities for color coding would make things a whole lot easier

@CJW posted this a while back:

It should be part of the stable version in the future, so just hold to your seat a little longer :yum:.

Well, virtually anything is possible if you have the time to code it. I don’t know how hard it would be to implement, though. I imagine something like when users group scenes, CSIDE could bind them in a json-like dictionary with the root scene as the key. Then save this information so it could persist from session to session. I’m not sure this would be an elegant or even efficient way of doing it. There’s some study that needs to happen before the implementation of any feature in software development.

That being said, I wouldn’t ditch CSIDE. VS Code is cool, but if there’s anything I love about CSIDE is that it allows me to playtest the game on the fly from inside de IDE. I think you’ll miss that. VS Code also doesn’t come with spellcheck out of the box. I imagine you could install a plugin for that since it seems there’s no shortage of plugins on there :joy:.


All good points, and it’s awesome to know there will be more colors. And I’ve no intention of using another program. I do, however, like to learn and seeing how other programs handle a situation does offer a fun little puzzle. But I like CSIDE. I rarely have to worry about indentations as I’m working because it does it for me. Lazy, maybe, but I don’t like my creative flow being interrupted when I’m in the middle of creating.


Thanks for the feedback @TheChaosArchivis. Glad to hear you’re otherwise liking CSIDE thus far. I don’t think I can add much to what @cup_half_empty has said: having folders would indeed be an implementation detail in CSIDE, and one that would add an unwelcome layer of complexity. As you saw better scene colouring is on its way, so I hope that will help somewhat.

As for “Scene Trees”, it isn’t out of the question, but it’s not a feature I’m exploring at the moment.

For those interested you can actually see what I’m “actively*” working on here:

*Have to admit not as quickly as I’d like…


Hello! Relatively new user to CSIDE here and first I wanted to say thank you!! CSIDE makes writing/coding leagues easier, and the interface is so clean and simple to use. I’m really enjoying working with it. ^^

I got sucked into customizing my theme, and I came to ask: was an option to change the text cursor (caret) color ever implemented? Or is there a CSIDE command for it that I can input on the custom theme template?

I tend to favor dark modes but found that a custom dark page background causes my cursor to disappear :’(

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You want: *cside_theme_set cursor border-left solid white 2px
There is a list of ‘tokens’ and ‘attributes’ you can change in the example theme project.

This was added in v1.3.0, so if you don’t see it, you might still be on v1.2.X. I think you’ll have to swap to the Development update channel to get v1.3.X. Sorry, I really need to get that moved over. It’s already on the Latest channel, actually, but I’ll move it to Stable as well (Edit: done).


Hello, my apologies if this is addressed elsewhere but I couldn’t find my answer in the thread.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to collapse all of the lines? (i.e. rather than using the mouse to click on the arrows next to the line numbers)

Thank you!!

So I switched to latest and downloaded the newest updates, I should be on 1.3.something now.

The tokens and attributes show up in the example project, and I copied over the command you sent.
However, I get the error that there is “No such syntax attribute: border-left”

but the cursor can be white in the preset dark theme, so it must be possible to change, right?

I know this is a very specific and minor thing though, so I’ll be able survive if it’s not possible yet haha.


Afraid not, though I can log it as a feature request.

It might be left-border, rather than border-left. There should be an example line somewhere in that project, and a list of attributes.

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