In the crime city of Aplista, whoever controls the aether, controls the streets.
Last Update: Feb. 9, 2025
Welcome to Aplista, where a generational feud between the five crime families threatens to tear it apart. At the head of this syndicate is the enigmatic Shadowduke, who’s features are always hidden by shadowy tendrils and ethereal glow. You are the Shadowduke’s underboss, and it is your job to find a solution to end this ancient gang rivalry. Do you seek to bring unity to the families? Will you let your heart lead you and support whichever gang has the most attractive boss? Maybe you just want to cause as much chaos as you can and lead a criminal empire of your own? Or, maybe you want to see the city crime free once and for all. Pick your operation and try not to get busted by the A.P.D. (Aplista Paladin Department) in the progress. All the while, delve into your personal connection with the Shadowduke. With a tommy gun in one hand, and ancient powers in the other, the fate of this aetherpunk city is yours to decide.
Link to demo: CoGDemos
Key Features
- Aetherpunk Fantasy meets 1920’s Art-Deco esthetic.
- Run a criminal empire set in an urban-fantasy landscape.
- Navigate a deep feud of several unique mobster and civil factions.
- Several RO’s, ranging from conniving mob boss to skeptical reporter.
- Build up the Shadowduke, or work to tear them down.
The RO’s
- The Megastar Crime Boss: With a smile that could cut anyone to ribbons, and magic that might do just as much, she aims to keep her luxurious lifestyle and high status no matter the cost - though she might be persuaded by the right suitor.
- The Skeptical Reporter: All that matters to this journalist is a good and honest story. Though, the details between fact and fiction have been know to get mixed up from time-to-time when a good-looking individual is across the interview table.
- The Fatale Lounge Singer: With a voice that charms, this talented singer may be the siren end to those who cross their family. Though, they long for the opportunity to finally live for themself.
- The Ambitious Officer: He joined the APD, not out of any altruistic motive, but because it offered a chance to rise above his impoverished past. But now that he’s gotten a taste for power, the person dangling more might just earn his loyalty.
- The Idealistic Heir: Born to a brutish crime family, he has never quite fit in. Where as his family prides themselves on strength, he has always been drawn to art and fine vintage spirits. But with the pressure of family legacy over his head, will he have no choice but to forgo his passions?
The Plan
Hello, all! I’m hard at work putting this blend of magic-meets-mafia. While I’m in the early stages developing this game, I thought I’d get the ball rolling sharing and promoting this thing.
Very excited to be sharing my progress on this project and getting your feedback!
In the meantime, here’s a link to an inspiration Pinterest board I’ve been cobbling together!
NOTE: Even though some of the pictures have orcs and elves, this project won’t be using fantasy races — However, the esthetic and vibe persists!
Crime Families - Pinterest Board
Last Update: Feb. 9, 2025
Link to demo: CoGDemos
Chapter 1 (Draft playable)
Chapter 2 (Draft playable)
Chapter 3 (Outlined - Drafting)
Things I Will Fix:
- Mx. title option is missing “They/them” choice, will fix.
- Going to add an option for players to “ignore” the cries of a certain priest when talking to the reporter. (For those who don’t concern themselves with the opinions of the common folk).
- I’m toying with alternate RO options - open to input on existing characters for RO potential.
- Please feel free to point out any typos (they are quite elusive).