Crime Families of Aplista (WIP) (Magic Meets Mafia)

In the crime city of Aplista, whoever controls the aether, controls the streets.

Last Update: Feb. 9, 2025

Welcome to Aplista, where a generational feud between the five crime families threatens to tear it apart. At the head of this syndicate is the enigmatic Shadowduke, who’s features are always hidden by shadowy tendrils and ethereal glow. You are the Shadowduke’s underboss, and it is your job to find a solution to end this ancient gang rivalry. Do you seek to bring unity to the families? Will you let your heart lead you and support whichever gang has the most attractive boss? Maybe you just want to cause as much chaos as you can and lead a criminal empire of your own? Or, maybe you want to see the city crime free once and for all. Pick your operation and try not to get busted by the A.P.D. (Aplista Paladin Department) in the progress. All the while, delve into your personal connection with the Shadowduke. With a tommy gun in one hand, and ancient powers in the other, the fate of this aetherpunk city is yours to decide.

Link to demo: CoGDemos

Key Features

  • Aetherpunk Fantasy meets 1920’s Art-Deco esthetic.
  • Run a criminal empire set in an urban-fantasy landscape.
  • Navigate a deep feud of several unique mobster and civil factions.
  • Several RO’s, ranging from conniving mob boss to skeptical reporter.
  • Build up the Shadowduke, or work to tear them down.

The RO’s

  • The Megastar Crime Boss: With a smile that could cut anyone to ribbons, and magic that might do just as much, she aims to keep her luxurious lifestyle and high status no matter the cost - though she might be persuaded by the right suitor.
  • The Skeptical Reporter: All that matters to this journalist is a good and honest story. Though, the details between fact and fiction have been know to get mixed up from time-to-time when a good-looking individual is across the interview table.
  • The Fatale Lounge Singer: With a voice that charms, this talented singer may be the siren end to those who cross their family. Though, they long for the opportunity to finally live for themself.
  • The Ambitious Officer: He joined the APD, not out of any altruistic motive, but because it offered a chance to rise above his impoverished past. But now that he’s gotten a taste for power, the person dangling more might just earn his loyalty.
  • The Idealistic Heir: Born to a brutish crime family, he has never quite fit in. Where as his family prides themselves on strength, he has always been drawn to art and fine vintage spirits. But with the pressure of family legacy over his head, will he have no choice but to forgo his passions?

The Plan
Hello, all! I’m hard at work putting this blend of magic-meets-mafia. While I’m in the early stages developing this game, I thought I’d get the ball rolling sharing and promoting this thing.

Very excited to be sharing my progress on this project and getting your feedback!

In the meantime, here’s a link to an inspiration Pinterest board I’ve been cobbling together!

NOTE: Even though some of the pictures have orcs and elves, this project won’t be using fantasy races — However, the esthetic and vibe persists!

Crime Families - Pinterest Board

Last Update: Feb. 9, 2025
Link to demo: CoGDemos
Chapter 1 (Draft playable)
Chapter 2 (Draft playable)
Chapter 3 (Outlined - Drafting)

Things I Will Fix:

  • Mx. title option is missing “They/them” choice, will fix.
  • Going to add an option for players to “ignore” the cries of a certain priest when talking to the reporter. (For those who don’t concern themselves with the opinions of the common folk).
  • I’m toying with alternate RO options - open to input on existing characters for RO potential.
  • Please feel free to point out any typos (they are quite elusive).


It’s always fun when a story combines genres in an uncommon and unexpected way, and “organized crime plus magic with a 1920s feel” definitely qualifies. I’m excited to read this.

And welcome to the CoG forum! There’s a pretty cool bunch of people here, if I do say so myself - and it’s always a pleasure when authors come here to hang out with us.


That is genuinely encouraging to hear, and I’m excited to get to develop it with CoG!

Thank you very much for the welcome. I am quite excited to start getting involved!


Exciting, I have a soft spot for post-industrial fantasy settings! I’ll enjoy playing this tomorrow!


That’s fantastic to hear! Thank you for your help getting the demo set up as well!


I usually play the kind of character who outsmarts their opponent rather than throwing the hardest punches, but the option “I start knocking sense into people with my enchanted brass knuckles” has me strangely delighted. :laughing:


:laughing: a rare opportunity!

I usually gravitate toward the charisma “don’t hit me in the face” archetype myself. :sweat_smile:


Update - Added some descriptions of the RO’s in the game so far to the main post - some of which you might have met already if you played the demo! :eyes:


Some specific questions I’d be curious about hearing your thoughts on!

1.) Does it feel the part? (Do you sense the art-deco, the 1920’s, the totally-not-Chicago-with-a-fantasy-name essence throughout?)
2.) Are the choices matching up to your expectations, or are any results coming left-field to what you understood would happen?
3.) Weird one - Should the priest be an RO? (Someone else’s idea, but I’ll humor the thought!)
4.) Any other things stand out/questions?

  1. It’s still early days. The focus I sense is to flesh out the situation and the city itself still needs fleshing out imo.

  2. Choices are fine

  3. Actually that would work, the priest as a RO albeit a submissive one or one that tries to reform you.

  4. MC needs some fleshing out and maybe some choices on MC’s appearance.

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This was an fun demo, I’ve been trying to go down a Al Capone route for this

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This sounds like an awesome concept! Aetherpunk meets 1920s Art-Deco with mobsters, magic, and moral dilemmas? Count me in! The faction dynamics and RO options already feel super engaging, and the Shadowduke’s mysterious vibe adds a great layer of intrigue. Can’t wait to see how this develops—keep us posted on your progress!

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Thanks for that feedback, that helps a lot! I’ll have to look for more places to offer those opportunities.

Hmm… I need to look for into that priest angle. Might come back to it when I do a pass after finishing chapter 3.

That’s great, thanks for trying it out so far! I hope I can offer more opportunity. We’ll just see how chapter 3 turns out! :eyes:

:heart: Thank you very much, I will definitely be updating this post as I go. Appreciate the encouragement!

Ooh, look at this. What a great concept for a setting.
My own game uses a vaguely-similar setting, though not nearly as sophisticated or well-written. Maybe yours will have some good ideas I can steal!

Here are some of my thoughts from my playthrough:


I like the opening. Everything important is communicated quickly and efficiently.

It’s tough implementing 5 unique factions off the bat but you’ve done it well. The brawl, together with the board meeting, gave me a pretty clear image of each family.

The least memorable so far are the Trads. All the others have a pretty clear focus, but the Trads seem like a speech and subtlety crowd… which makes them appear dull at first glance compared to the others. Intentionally?

During the brawl, when the Solitaires started arguing with each other and reigniting the fight, I decided they were stupid and that I did not like them. Then, scrolling down, I saw I was able to choose “No one likes the Solitaires”. That’s great.

swirling pink tie

I love it. This is megachad energy right here.

There was little the Shadowduke’s Herlad, Vito Cappitani, could do as the frenzy ensued.

Surprisingly charitable for the newspaper to say about me! I guess I don’t need to threaten any reporters yet.



its rough black and cream skin thumping against your desk.

Wow that is a creepy way of describing a newspaper.

The Shadowduke has wrapped their head and hands with bandages, and wears a felt hat, each of which conceals their etheral nature.

It says something that looking like Dr. Mummy is still less alarming than appearing as their true form.

Oh, a reporter. The earlier article was kind to me, so I can afford to be polite to this-

You seemed to flounder trying to stop them,

This interview is OVER!

My character seems preoccupied with making sure no one sees the handless priest, but I don’t know why I should care. Let 'em talk. Here’s what happens when you turn your back on the Shadowduke.

And here are a bundle of typos I noticed:


imfamous handguns

Although these are the Solitaire’s handguns so that might be how it’s actually spelled (they are illiterate)

But you’ve never known them to steer your wrong.

“Steer you wrong”

who’s rolled-up sleeves


the cleanest cut, most introspective mobster their ever was.

“there ever was.”
Also I love this image for the Bruiser heir. I hope he has an imported, embossed lead pipe. (Certificate of authenticity included.)

“This conflict goes beyond A single family.”

No caps on “a”

The Shadowduke runs a hand over an altar where a line fo candles stand. They take one that is lit and uses it to light another.

“line of candles” and “and use it to light another.”

So far, this is great. I love modern plus magic, and this pulls off the combination really well.

The priest doesn’t seem like an interesting RO from where I’m standing. However:

Will you let your heart lead you and support whichever gang has the most attractive boss?

I notice the tree-faced woman isn’t listed as an RO. Not that I’m physically attracted to trees, of course. Ha-ha. I’m just saying.

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Not sure if this is intentional or not, but when you choose ‘Mx.’ as your title, the only pronoun options are he/him and she/her. It feels like they/them or another pronoun option should be there. Good luck with the writing!

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Thank you so very much for your feedback! It’s awesome to hear your experience thus far. I’d be really curious to hear your thoughts as future chapters become playable!

Thank you for helping me track down those typos, they ever elude me.

I’ll think about the “tree-faced” woman as I’m writing, hmmm…

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Ah! Yes, I must had accidentally removed it when editing around it - will fix when I pass through again for revisions.

Thank you for checking it out!

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Hoping to have Chapter 3 drafted and playable by the end of February - depending on how crazy this Valentine’s week turns out. Early March else wise.