So, I am in a bit of a quandary with my stats page.
The base code looks fine, but it’s out-putting odly. Would anyone be able to provide som suggestion on fixing it? Here is the code, feel free to run it to check what I mean:
you don’t need the free lines in between.
Here’s similar code from my game:
opposed_pair pol
Blunt as a hammer
opposed_pair bold
opposed_pair tac
Plans Ahead
Act first, think whenever
opposed_pair tru
Trusting Soul
Suspicious of Everything
opposed_pair imp
Easy to anger
Patience of a Saint
opposed_pair cur
Curious to a fault
Uncaring as anything
opposed_pair sel
Bit of an Ego
Altruistic Hen
which will look like this:
edit: also I’d suggest you flip the Names around to make it a bit easier while coding.
Currently, what I think I am going to do is have it with the variable of the stat, name of the stat, then a description of what it does, sort of like this:
opposed_pair heart
opposed_pair independent
text"I like doing my own thing."
text"work with others when possible."
Something like that, although I need to figure out the percentages and texts, and it keeps either saying the indent is incorrect, or it needs a percentage, text, ETC. When I put it in it goes to the “incorrect indentation” one, not quite sure what I am doing wrong here.
I ran the code, and it’s showing okay to me. Are you using CSIDE, or some other program? Are you using tabs, or spaces? Do you have a picture how it’s showing strangely?
That’s possibly because you have the %mind and team_player added to the chart, it doesn’t need those and causes the code to get lost in itself. And you don’t need to add the text in front of the second stats once you remove the stray team_player from there.
I don’t think you can expand the size of the box to fit the description in, nor can you reposition the text so that both descriptions appear in one line.
So this is what comes to my mind (the spacing is just wrong ). I made it so that the descriptions change depending on your stats.
opposed_pair independent
Team Player
*if (independent > 50)
"I like doing my own thing."
*if (independent < 50)
"I like to work with others whenever possible."
opposed_pair charming
*if (charming > 50)
"I can sway others without effort."
*if (charming < 50)
"Everyone should fear and respect me, and they do."
Edit: I got it all mixed up with the stat names and their descriptions.
I think I have it mostly worked out, although still need to get it so it doesn’t output to something like this, for example:
Heart 50%
Mind 50%
Here is the current code I am working with, Heart/mind below. Would a line_break work? Just putting another line in there doesn’t seem to do anything, it just throws an error message.
I set it up, and it seems to be working, the only problem is now that it is not quite out-putting correctly. Instead of
aposed_pair heart
It’s outputting as:
aposed_pair heart
Not sure how to put a space so it doesn’t all read like it’s on the same line, but the *line_break throws up errors when I put it in, and am not sure what to do. Blank lines do the same thing, says you need a percent, text, or aposed_pair on it.
If it shows that error, you most likely have something like this…
apposed_pair ver_1
As you can see above, the line_break is on the same level as the opposed_pair, which makes that error come up. So you should make sure the line_break is on the same level as the stat_chart, like this…
apposed_pair ver_1
Or if that’s not the case, I also noticed your opposed_pair is typed wrong, which also would make that error come up.