Just started checking the demo…but ITS SO GOOD ALREADY! WIND WIND WIND WIND!
Edit: @Mary_Duffy it be released Thursday, does that include steam? Cause its SO good! Arghh I wanna see what happen next!
Yes. All COG titles get a steam release. It’s been Coming Soon on Steam for months:
YES!! Thank you! Woot! Just 2 days!!
This wasn’t on my radar at all, but the demo is brilliant. I am excited for Thursday.
I was lucky enough to beta the crap out of this and I cannot wait to own it! IT’S SO GOOD, GUYS - GRAB IT ASAP
I can’t wait to control the elements:)
I really love it so far.
@Mary_Duffy I have a question on the steam page appears as 200,000 words but in the game it says 275,000 what is the correct number?
Those were draft descriptions, the final descriptions are live on Steam.