@poison_mara, I don’t think that a dream sequence about Xaos or Angels (or experience of “hearing” the Angels in your head, which as noted is already a possible Game One climax) would make it impossible to be an atheist MC in-game.
All that stuff unquestionably happens in our world too. Like millions of other people, I’ve had the experience of hearing God. And while I’ve not had a dream in which God spoke, I know plenty of people who have.
Those experiences are neither proof of God nor disproof of atheism. They can be subjectively compelling evidence for the person who experiences them, but they’re far from proof (even for the experiencer, if they’re intellectually honest). Any atheism that didn’t have a way to explain away theistic experiences of this sort would be weak sauce.
@KuriosIasoun: Theurges aren’t allowed to marry non-Theurges, for reasons that are probably obvious. They can own land, but are encouraged not to, and largely comply. In particular, when nobles become Theurges, they stop using the family name (“Theurge” is seen as the highest title one can have) and generally sign over any property rights to their siblings.
Hera initially married Archelaos, the lord of Aekos and father of Eosphora, before the “rules” were set. When he died of old age, Hera took as a second consort Kosima, a fellow Theurge.
I can’t tell you numbers for military deployments yet, I’m afraid. Still keeping that open-ended until the point I have to answer it for game design purposes. The Hegemony and Halassur both use conscript armies and professional state-salaried soldiers in their conflict; Halassur uses mercenaries on its other frontiers, but thanks to the Wards, the Hegemony doesn’t have wars elsewhere.
It should. Let me check and try to fix that.
No – it goes straight from 1 XE to 1 HE.
And on the Wiki, I’d like us to keep spoilers on separate pages from non-spoilers; collapsible sections are not I think adequate spoiler protection.
That is correct. And @idonotlikeusernames is correct that the Karagonds don’t see this as a big deal; everyone accepted that the important thing is the continuation of the charism of leadership, not blood descent.
It might of course matter to others, and not just to Laconniers. But that’s something Sarcifer and his friends can explain in the far future; I’ll say no more of it now.