Choice of Games with multiple POV characters

I’m brainstorming a game that could potentially have multiple point of view (POV) characters who would have scenes separate from the main character (MC). Anyone know of any Choice of Games, Hosted Games, or Heart’s Choice where you play as more than one character.

I’m aware of Divided We Fall. Any others?


The 3Games

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My game, Falrika the Alchemist, does have a few POV changes depending on the scenario.

Aegis saga.

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I the forgotten one has well done POV switches.

Divided We Fall and The Aegis Saga are perhaps the best examples of this.

EDIT: Also, Balance of Superpower 2: Tricentennial may qualify as well. To start you pick one of two MCs (the first game one, or a new one), and the two have not only different abilities, but completely different supporting cast/ROs and story events, up to the point where the two casts battle against each other. You only get to experience the side of the story of the MC you choose, but when it was up on Danshingdon what I did was play one chapter as one MC, save, then play another as the other, and alternating between them each chapter made for a great dual-narrative.


Thanks, everyone! Looks like I’ve got a lot of reading ahead! :slight_smile:

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It’s a WIP, but These Reluctant Years has 2 MCs that you play as and make choices for. If you want to look at twine games too there’s Oblivious Melodies, which has 2 MCs who are siblings that you swap between playing every chapter.

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3Games and Twin flames are published games that come to mind.