I realized today that I think it would be really fun to watch a Choice of Games twitch stream where the chat dictates the choices. I looked through the archive here and found that the idea was tossed around a few years back but can’t find much else about what happened. Did that ever come to anything?
I understand that a lot of reading over an extended period of time might not appeal to most mainstream twitch audiences, but I feel the opportunity for chat involvement to actual be involved with shaping the narrative would be quite engaging and fun. I’d love to see, and participate in, a communal run for some of the more popular games on the site, like, Choice of Broadsides, or The Great Tournament. I feel like such streams would also serve to help the authors, as people might be compelled to buy the game for themselves because they want to see a pathway that wasn’t chosen.
Maybe the audience is too niche, maybe there wouldn’t be enough viewers, but who knows, I personally would love to see it. Thoughts?
I think @KaiDeleon has been doing this with Hosted Games as they release. There’s a thread about it here:
Hosted Games Streaming on Twitch - Hosted Games - Choice of Games Forum
Oh, that’s awesome! Thanks for the link!
Howdy! Yes I have been streaming our new releases for Hosted Games, and I want to start streaming some of our other titles as well
currently I am still working out a good schedule so the streams are accessible to more of our users. If there’s anything specific you would like to see do feel free to comment on the linked thread (which thank you so much @Schliemannsghost
I do try and update the thread when I plan to stream, so following that is a good idea if you’d want to participate
Would it be possible to give a headsup on the forum, maybe a day? I’m not on socials much so don’t see the twitch notifications, or is it a set time?
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I generally give a heads up the day of, and I always stream the day Hosted Games releases new titles. I want to start streaming CoG titles as well, but I have been coincidentally busy these last few release days.
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I see that this was posted some time ago, but I was curious about the same question posed. I’m not usually one to self-promote, but I thought I would throw it out there that my friends Lyss and Shana have been joining me in a couple of playthroughs of some Choice of Games stories this past month on Twitch. It has been super fun and even more enjoyable with audience participation when I put up polls for people to vote for what we ought to choose during the story’s plot. I even have a fun dice-roller to “let fate decide” in those events where there is a tie
I have every intention of doing more interactive stories in the near future and have put up some of the videos on YouTube for those who might enjoy the shenanigans off-stream (I’m slow at editing, so I still have a good dozen or more videos to put up
). The one we’ve already completed (though were a bit disappointed with our ending) was Heart of the House where Lyss and I were all shrieks and laughs at the mysteries we faced in that haunted story.
Today (4pm MST), Shana and I are set to finish off Parliament of Knives, a Vampire: The Masquerade story. Talk about secrets and intrigue! All of us intend to continue, and while I am an amateur at the voice acting thing, Lyss has professional credits to her name. In fact she will likely be streaming Heart of the House AGAIN because she enjoyed it so much (with yours truly guest staring as… pretty much all the male characters
While I can’t speak for the others, I think “the more the merrier” would be great in telling the tale; not just in the chat/audience, but having other voices to play the variety of characters or help narrate the story! Anyway, it really is all sorts of casual fun and complete amateur-hour, but we’re having a blast and want to invite anyone else whose interested to join us
Seeing as I didn’t really ask for permission, I’ll refrain from explicitly advertising because I am REALLY new here and haven’t quite looked up the whole forum rules. Thanks in any case and many blessings!
Xel (The Xelizel)