I’m in the middle of creating my game, and I want to make a stat check. The problem is that I have no idea how to make it fair for the player, since I don’t know what stats the average player has at that time. Does Randomtest have something that shows stats so I can just check what they are at a given time? Or I need to play through the entire game multiple times to see what stats I generally have at that point? I hope there is an easier way.
Sorry if I didn’t phrase my question well. I wasn’t sure how best to explain the problem.
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What you’re asking is how to balance your stats. There’s no easy answer, it’s mostly trial and error. Your beta readers will also give you feedback about that.
Some of these threads might help:
I’m busy polishing up my contest entry for publication as a Hosted Game, and I’m currently immersed in resolving some narrative issues my wonderful beta testers have found.
When that’s done, I’m going to have to do something I dread and balance the stat checks. My game definitely falls more towards the traditional CYOA side of the Choice games spectrum and less towards the RPG number-crunching side, but I still have plenty of spots where the player character can fail an action because their ski…
Alright, so I need some help balancing my stats, because they’re kind of a mess right now. My game has no skills, only personality traits, and this is the stat screen if you play as a certain type of character at the end of Chapter One:
This is… way too high, right? For the end of the first chapter? I mean, Genuine’s already at 67%!
How do I balance this out? I’ve researched a little, and I’ve heard of the Fairmath method, but I wasn’t able to understand quite what it means, or how to us…
#Balancing Stats With Fairmath
###The Problem
Of course we know that numeric values have their uses, and one of those is tracking various sliding scale stats of the PC. Let’s take an example from from The Beast in the Castle again. If we look there’s a few stats we could use, so let’s start with a pretty obvious one: angry. Of course the first thing is the stat is *created, in this case the line is *create angry 0. Now let’s see it in use. (Note that I’ve reformatted and reduced these for the …
So… I don’t even know where to start or what I’m entirely trying to say with all of this, but I’ll try.
Ok, so this thread is about discussing stats and the point of their existence in the first place. It has been something that I’ve always been thinking about ever since I started playing Choice of Games and I think that it would be nice to have a thread to talk about it.
I think that one of the main characteristics that distinguishes CoG games from others decision based games that I played be…
To help me balance my stats in my work-in-progress, I modified randomtest to take snapshots of my stats and put them in a .csv file, which Excel and other spreadsheet programs can open. I put the changed code on Github for anyone who wants to give it a try . You should be able to use it just like you would ChoiceScript from the main repository.
To try this out, in your startup.txt file, put a special comment that sets up what variables to save:
*comment savestatsetup [stat1] [stat2] [stat3]
Thank you! This is just what I needed.
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