Rather easy question that I can’t seem to figure out…
On the stats screen, how due you put “spaces” in between your categories so that everything is clumped up?
Rather easy question that I can’t seem to figure out…
On the stats screen, how due you put “spaces” in between your categories so that everything is clumped up?
Here a example of my game code
[i]Curriculum vitae[/i]
text name Name
text last_name Last name
text race Race
text gender Gender
text social_rank Social Status
percent decorum Decorum
percent fight Fight
percent magic Magical powers
percent seduction Seduction
percent wisdom Wisdom
percent beauty Beauty
percent bellum Bellum
percent knowledge Knowledge
percent arcanum Arcanum
percent ancient Ancient traditions
That solved one of my questions…but when I try that, there would be no gap between the “Social Status” and “Skills”…or between You and Name, and Charisma and Foreign…
Use *line_break when you want to skip a line, or use
to skip a normal paragraph amount. The stat screen codes weird
text statname
text otherstats
text morestats
Thank you, I was forgetting the underscore between line and break…