Captive of Fortune

I appreciate it! Be warned, I was just notified that there still might be bugs. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with me. I can’t fix it, so we’ll have to wait until CoG can get around to it.

Is it just me or is it not on the play store

We yanked it because of the bugs.

It probably won’t be released until late December, then, from the look of things.

so is this being released on here can`t find it

It had to be taken down (again) because of some bugs being caused by the save system.

@Sam I am playing it on IOS and i did enjoy it but there are a few issues.

1: several times the game refers to your pet by a different name, and at
the last scene when
you are in the caves it refers to him by your name.
2: i keep dieing at the last scene
when battling the demon no matter what choices i make, am i doing
anything wrong?

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll fix those errors and make it a little easier to survive at the end. If your health is too low and you don’t do the command perfectly, you can die, and if you fail the command, you can die as well, so I’ll just lower those requirements and take off less health if Mendax manages to injure you.

I actually can’t find a single instance where he is called by the wrong name and the MCs name isn’t even used in the last scene, so the app must be using an older version of my files. So these issues should be fixed when I send them an update.

@Sam I pass the places relatively successful but at the end when i open
the book to chant his name it still has the
last 2 options disabled.

Your stats must not be high enough. It should be easier to meet the checks after my update comes out, but until then you might just have to try again and see if you can get higher stats and succeed with the command.

Regarding that battle: You have to have multiple high stats too, right? Just having one or two stats high enough won’t work.

Maybe in the future a ‘show the numbers’ system a bit like the one @Lucid uses would make figuring out where the trouble is when you die a little bit easier. Or even give the player a slight advantage after each death, make the scene easier to pass? If I recall, @AllenGies 's Tin Star did something like that, made it easier to muddle through a scene after you’ve replayed from the save point a few times, to prevent people from having to restart.

I’ve died quite a few times in the Demons Among Men saga and it’s just getting started. But maybe you’d guessed from my thoughts about giving chatty, battle-pathetic players like me a bit of a helping hand.

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You have to have 3 high stats to say the command perfectly, and 2 to do the command but still get injured.

Yeah, I need to think about adding something like that to make it less difficult in some of the harder areas, though I’ve primarily had good feedback (or none at all, which is good, too, because people aren’t saying it’s too hard or too easy) about the difficulty level of DAM.


@Fiogan -That’s an interesting interpretation on my programming skills. :slight_smile: Halfway through the Beta on Tin Star, I started to see some interesting data, namely that some character’s stats were unusually high. I asked the usual questions and it turned out that they involved the occasional reset owing to character death.

As it turned out, while I had put in enough *set commands to wipe the slate clean following a character death, I had forgotten to do anything about the character statistics. Specifically, any stat points gained during the chapter prior to death were folded over into the newest attempt. Thus if a player failed repeatedly, his character slowly improved until he could pass the difficult section by. At least sometimes.

The feature was completely unintentional on my part, but I kept it in there because it felt right. Except for chapter one because there must be limits.

If there is a way to track the number of deaths in a given chapter, it might be worthy to put in an opt-out choice for a player who is stuck. One might even play that up in certain texts.


@Sam OK done, i finished it finally.
It was good but it was very short. However the price indicated this.

Looking forward for the next installment

Heh… I’m still looking forward to being able to play it. :frowning:


When i try to buy this on the IOS app store, it says “This item is no longer available”. Is it a bug or something?

I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m planning on posting the beta for Foundation of Nightmares - Volume Three of Demons Among Men a couple days after CoF is officially released.

CoF is actually about 65,000 words longer than TotDH, so I hoped people wouldn’t be as upset about the length. Was it noticeably longer, at least?

Unfortunately, it had to be taken off of the stores because of a bug in the save system. It will be probably be re-released sometime in December.

To be honest i didn’t see a difference in length at all.

Hmm…well I have no explanation for that, haha. TotDH is 85k and CoF is 140k so hopefully most people will notice the difference in length, which was the main problem people had with TotDH.

What are the average play-through lengths in the two games, do you know? I’m wondering if the sequel just has more variety for replays.