Captive of Fortune

lololol. Sadly, this is what we have to deal with. xD


Good news, everyone! I’m submitting an update to Captive of Fortune tonight, and then Choice of Games will be shipping it to Apple, which means that it will definitely be published this month. Also, I did another word count, and it turns out that after editing, the story ended up being 136,000 words, which is a lot bigger than the 115k I initially thought it was!

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@Darth_Revan said, “I’m playing a character imported from the first game, and when you first see the bandits and click on the next page button I get the error startup line 1200: non-existant variable ‘mean’”

The current, buggy version of CoF is 1.0.2. The update will likely be something like 1.0.3. Hopefully it will be updated on Amazon very soon but it won’t be on the CoG website or any of the other platforms until sometime in the next two weeks.

Is there any way to get it sooner, or can I at least get my save from the first game from my iPhone if I buy the game on Amazon? Not too sure on how the saves on the CoG games work

yes it’s the 1.0.2 and still without work

It won’t be updated until another couple of weeks. It should currently be off the Android store because of the bug.

You could ask CoG. I would think you’d be able to load a saved game from Android to Amazon but I’m not sure.

An update to CoF is now out, bringing the word count to 140k and fixing the game-stopping bug. Currently, the story is available on Amazon ( ) and Google Chrome, although it’s only updated on Amazon so far.

I have v1.0.3 of CoF (downloaded from the Google play store) and if I load an imported save I get the error startup line 1200: non-existant variable ‘mean’, but if I start a new game I do not have this issue.

Hey, thanks for reporting the bug. Captive of Fortune has finally been updated and the bug is now fixed with version 1.0.4 on Android, Amazon, and Chrome.




If you’ve already got your copies on these platforms, please consider changing your reviews reporting the game-stopping bug now that the game is playable.

It says item not found on the playstore

I can’t even find TOTDH on the App Store anymore!

TotDH is actually off the app store right now. It had a game-stopping error that slipped through and it’s been updated, but Apple takes forever to release updates so until then, it won’t be available.


Does the link not work? I know that several people have managed to download CoF on Android, but it’s not officially released yet, so maybe it’s only available for the people who beta tested or purchased it before it was taken off of the store because of the bug.

Oh, so I’ll just have to wait for it to come back to the store

The game works fine now, but I can’t press the button to purchase music and illustrations.

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Hmm, that’s very odd. You might have to send a report in to CoG using the email at the bottom of the game for this one.

CoF is now out on all four platforms! It should be on CoG’s website by tomorrow. Get your copies here:





As always, feedback, shares, and good reviews are much appreciated. You can ignore the bad reviews on Android and Amazon; they’re outdated as the bug was fixed like a month ago.


Excellent! I’ll grab it on Apple later tonight.

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Cool beans. I remembered you mentioning something about illustrations and music being seperate purshace, is that still the case? And if so, is it an In App purchase or something?

By the way, the Google Chrome store’s third screenshot has a typo in it.

Yeah, it’s a $2 in app purchase.

Thanks for letting me know! The screenshots must be old because I already fixed that typo, but I’ll let CoG know.

Hm, The Chrome store version is twice the price of the amazon version and lists illustrations as a feature. Is that because it already has the purchase included in the price? I got it just now on Chrome store (I mean, it’s about time I got this, now that I finally have some money to spend.) but it seems to be having issues installing. I get this error when I click Add to Chrome.

“Package is invalid. Details: ‘Could not load extention icon ‘favicon.ico’.’.”

I guess the illustrations and music are already included on Chrome.

Please send an error message to CoG.

hey @Samuel_H_Young good to see this out on the App store, just baught a copy and will get back to you.

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