Can't play on my phone?

Hi. I usually purchase and play CoG games via the website instead of going to an outside vendor like Steam or Google Play. This works well enough on my laptop, but when I try to play on my phone, instead of logging in and getting to play the games I’ve already purchased, I get redirected to the Google Play website. Is it possible to log in to the website to play the games I’ve already bought on my phone?

If it’s important, my phone uses the Droid OS.

Okay, so most players on Android prefer the GPS version because it doesn’t require a web connection. If you prefer the web version, there is a way to get around the redirect though: Your Android browser should have a ‘request desktop page’ someone in it’s option. Click that, and you should be able to buy as if you were looking at the desktop. After purchasing, it’s fine to turn it back off.

If you’re having problem with the ‘restore purchase’ button not working, I’m not sure what’s happening? The restore purchase button should attempt to restore your purchase on the platform you’re currently on. (So if you ‘restore purchase’ in the version download from GPS, it will try to get your GPS version, while if you restore purchase on the web version, it will ask you for your login information.) Can you give a more specific step by step example to reproduce?