Burwick Destination: Book One (Supernatural WIP - UPDATE: 4/9/19 - Secret RO reveal post 90)

Yep. Won’t be in book one, though.

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I like to now more mc family


MC’s family will come up in the story, you’ll even see MC’s older brother and their mom. Still not sure about their sister as i haven’t got any of those potential scenes down yet, but probably her, too.

You’ll find out more but I can give you the base information on MC’s siblings (mostly stuff I’ve already said on the tumblr), I’ll put it under a summary so you can read it only if you want to


Your older brother’s name is Jupiter. Yes, it’s an odd name, but it’s supposed to be and there’s a reason for it. He’s your tall, handsome, and successful brother who is, currently, generically a businessman because I haven’t decided the details of his line of work, if I ever do. He has a 5 year old son and he is recently divorced after his wife had an affair. He’s stoic and seems like a cold person, especially since he’s still rather embittered from his failed marriage, but he does love his son and he took care of you when he was still in high school, sometimes to the expense of his personal life and even education.

Your younger sister’s name is Blaine, which would not be such an odd name if your brother’s name weren’t already weird. She’s a carefree person, just out of college. She dyes her hair, she believes in true love, she likes animated movies. You think she doesn’t have any memories of what happened when you were children, but she’s only recently sober, so… who knows.


so the father dead


Everything about MC’s father is a spoiler, so I will not confirm or deny.

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Would there be a chance for your mc to play as a police officer in the introduction scene? Seeing as my main mc is already one.

I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you’re asking exactly? The MC is already a police officer turned police detective at the beginning.


I was asking for the chance to remain a police officer as a possible career choice.

@zenith8 I’m sorry, the story is about being a detective. That’s a massive part of the plot, that’s just how it’s being written.


Understood. Thanks, but I have two more story-related questions: How will the supernatural entity affect things for our mc during book 1? and what exactly does the cult do to others?

Book 1 is very much for ‘setting things up’, as it were, and it’s definitely the period of adjusting to your demon and finding out a little more about them. There’s not a lot they’ll do yet, but they’re definitely going to be affecting your reality. I can’t be very detailed, one because I’d rather it be experienced in-game, but also because the affects can be different depending on which demon you chose at the beginning. For example, Thial’thu giving you extra hallucinations.

As for the “cult”… it’s not exactly a cult, but I don’t think I can explain it yet. Or tell you anything. But the character I mentioned a while back, Seth, you’ll meet him eventually and he has some information to give you that may answer some questions.


Now where’s my time machine…I have to talk with future me.


I’m still reading the demo; haven’t finished it. But the part of “severed vocal chords” is not possible when a person gets knifed at the neck.


First, there are bones surrounding that area. Second is the positioning of the vocal chords. You would need to cut deeply into a person’s neck, pull their head back and then find an angle awkward enough to severe the muscles. It also would have to be kind of a twirling motion AND at the right timing. So the vocal chords are closed or nearly close for this to happen.

However, you could write that a person can not use their vocal chords, due to lack of air (since the lungs are filling up with blood).


I don’t know anatomy, clearly lmfao. @Bokeh thank you for the correction. It won’t be fixed soon, but I will fix that.


No worries :wink: most people don’t understand vocal chords.

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So what I’m hearing is obviously you have never seen or heard of the pixie that lives in your throat with a harp and a sound room that sometimes gets tiny frogs auditioning.


:face_with_monocle: Tell me more about it

Many moons ago before even the fallen god had fell
The gods hired the fae to rent out the human body to the creatures of the world
Cats would regularly rent the Tongue
Starving artist Pixies however chose to buy out the throat for the entire time hoping to hone their skill with their harp cords every so often renting out a room to frogs to pay the aspiring rockstar pixie lifestyle.

And thus why we have “cats got your tongue” and “a frog in your throat”
Cats being clever rent tongues cheap and very short term to avoid the fees


Hats off to you!
You really delivered there :clap:

is there chance that choice person killed in Burwick Destination