BREACH: The Archangel Job - (Released! | Discussion) New Discord



Thanks your the best


Hi guys if i may asked i tried the wip i do remember theirs a 3 jobs but when i check the latest wip its only 2 the bank job is missing anyone knows happened or the author just abandoned the script for the bank job???


Unfortunately, we ran out of time and couldn’t finish the third job, which is the small bank job, because there’s already going to be the much bigger bank job later in the full game, not only that, I’m also planning to add additional side-mission content that the MC can finish in between missions.


Err, when hang out with Charlie and be his navigator, if we choose stick the cops up, then in this route the MC and Charlie didn’t go to the mall at all, but at the end there still has a teddy bear in MC’s hand, and also in this route, Charlie and the MC simply drive the police cruiser away, so err, but the cops still looking for Hyondia civil rather than track their own car.


Hmm… that’s odd. I’ll fix it when I’m able to submit them to HG

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As much as you get asked about the game I wanted to take the time to ask if you take breaks and time to take care of yourself, as burnout is a very real thing.

and I don’t think working on a project as big as Breach, along with various other things non-stop is great for anyone.


@MichaelMaxwell “Watch over me while I sleep like my other cat Raquel.”

She’s judging you :smirk_cat:


Sorry but…

Right after my first heist, I hang out with Justin as soon as I had the chance, that’s mean I haven’t met Rook and Bishop, I even haven’t went to that 82nd floor yet, but…


@anon57188313 Tagged and fixed. Maybe I’ll upload it to the public demo while my game’s still in the copy edit stage.


Yes pls add more side quest that will earn more money and also rep. Thanks


Hi michael i really enjoyed your demo i promised to you once the game is out ill buy that game immediately so that i can help you out creating more well written games like this. After publishing this game are you going to immediately start for the next game or are you going to rest for awhile???


Hello I think there is a little bug.
When I decided to go down the hallway it showed me this.

But only once.
Here is the code, if you’ll need it.

Variable codes

lovername 9508848
loverhe 9508848
loverhis 9508848
loverhim 9508848
AKslot15new 9508848
AKslot16new 9508848
AKslot17new 9508848
AKslot18new 9508848
AKslot19new 9508848
AKslot21new 9508848
AKslot22new 9508848
AKslot23new 9508848
AKslot24new 9508848
AKslot25new 9508848
LuckDifficulty 6
luckplusmin 0
MCmasktype 0
MCmasktoken 0
MCmaskMod 0
MCSleepingWith 0
KazLeavePermission 0
KazH3VenselCondit 0
ProC1ExtraVar1 0
ProC1ExtraVar2 0
ProC1ExtraVar3 0
ClothingTokenTop 0
ClothingTokenBottom 0
AKslot41new 0
AKslot42new 0
AKslot43new 0
AKslot43new 0
AKslot45new 0
AKslot46new 0
AKslot47new 0
AKslot48new 0
AKslot49new 0
AKslot51new 0
LoverBleedout 0
MouseBleedout 0
loverwound 0
RookH3Ending 0
timestone false
RookH3SarahDead false
RookH2FilledDonation false
C3GabeKnowsMCFBI false
ActuallyTriendSkill false
Breach_Finished_Game false
MCchangedstatus false
BTAJNewGamePlus false
AKslot65new false
AKslot66new false
AKslot67new false
AKslot68new false
AKslot69new false
secwepcall your Sawed-off double-barrel 12 gauge
meleewepcall your nightstick
meleecol 9508848
primwepcalltype 9508848
secwepcalltype your shotgun
meleewepcalltype your baton
meleewepfull your nightstick
secwepcall2 9508848
GymTraining 0
HasKitty false
catname 9508848
KaidanWound 0
zip_ties zip-ties
BBH_DateName 9508848
AgilPenprimwep 0
IncogPenprimwep 0
AgilPensecwep 1
IncogPensecwep 3
AgilPenarmour 0
IncogPenarmour 0
AgilPenmelwep 0
IncogPenmelwep 1
origprimmuzzle 0
tempwepassigntoken 0
statscreencount 0
difficulty_token 1
BBH_Info1 0
masktoken 0
cufftoken 0
Heist2 0
HeistNum 1
startstate 1
OGplan 0
C3EndingState 0
GGGCountdownDelay 0
C3MeganState 0
KeptWepMelee 0
KeptCountMelee 1
RelRook 100
H2BackRoom 0
GGG_buygoods 0
MaskOn false
C1SawEveryonesFace false
C3HealedGabe false
RookDead false
C1gonethroughsewers false
MCwearsskirt 1
MC_Unused false
AimProtocol 0
C1UniquePrologue false
meleecustomname false
FirstTimeofferedname true
MCbadcop false
RollCounter 8
errormessage loadingmother
secbang BOOM
primwepcall 9508848
C3AndrewState 0
C2callbeforehangup 0
damage 0
primwepfull 9508848
secwepfull your Sawed-off double-barrel 12 gauge shotgun
hitarea 9508848
primwepstorage 0
INV_JustinMasterKey 0
AKslot32new 0
bang BANG
HeistLoot 9508848
HeistVehicleSpecial 0
HeistLootCount 0
HeistPCtake 0
HeistRTake 0
HeistUTake 0
HeistSTake 0
RelMegan 100
hairtype short and straight
C4warehousewentwithwho 0
KeptWepPrim 0
KeptWepSec 150
KeptCountPrim 1
KeptCountSec 0
ACC1primtype 0
ACC2primtype 0
ACC3primtype 0
ACC3primtype 0
ACC5primtype 0
ACC6primtype 0
ACC2sectype 6
ACC3sectype 0
ACC5sectype 1
ACC6sectype 0
FBIcallratcount 0
FBIcalltold 0
C3MouseState 0
C3AndyCondition 0
HeistVehicleArmour false
hasvest false
C2hangup false
HeistVehicleOffroad false
HeistNoCasualties true
HeistNoCivilCasualties true
unlockedMegan false
UnlockedGreg false
UnlockedRook false
MCinformant false
MCdirtycop false
Ratoption4 false
DualWield false
primwepmagtype 9508848
secwepmagtype Shell
HeistVehicleSpeed 0
BagCount 0
meleeattack bash
meleeweptype baton
armourname Suit
wepreloadbypass false
HeistCountdownStart false
primwepreloadact 0
secwepreloadact 2
primwepchargemax 0
primwepmag 0
HeistVehicle 9508848
ConversCount 0
Story_Milestone 0
HeistDeadline 0
INV_C4blocks 0
HeistGetaway 0
HeistCountdown 0
primwepcharge 0
HeistTemp1 0
INV_Zipties 0
HeistTemp2 0
secwepcharge 2
primwepmagmax 2
secwepchargemax 2
secwepmag 0
secwepmagmax 9
wepreloadact 0
INV_Medkitcharge 0
INV_Medkitmax 1
HeistCondition 0
meleestrength 2
HeistGuardStat2 0
HeistGuardStat3 0
BBH_ManagerialStatus 0
vehiclemod 0
HumanShieldGender 0
HeistGuardStat1 0
HeistGuardStat4 0
INV_PlasmaCutter false
HeistGuardStat5 0
HeistTake 0
pointtoken 0
terwepreloadact 0
wepreload false
noammo false
HeistNumber 1
HasHumanShield false
HeistVehicleType 9508848
seclastround false
primlastround false
HeistVehicleName 9508848
Rhe 9508848
Rhim 9508848
Rhis 9508848
Uhe 9508848
Uhim 9508848
Uhis 9508848
She 9508848
Shim 9508848
Shis 9508848
Mhers hers
legprot false
Nighttime false
timetoken 0
seccol 9508848
seccustomname false
primcol 9508848
primcustomname false
CurrentHeist 0
HeistEntry1 0
HeistCrowdControl1 0
HeistChoice1 0
HeistChoice4 0
HeistChoice5 0
HeistChoice6 0
HeistChoice7 0
HeistCrowdComplience 0
HeistTime 0
Visits_Greg 0
R_relstat 0
U_relstat 0
S_relstat 0
M_relstat 0
Daytime false
gymcount 0
NonRandDC 0
GGG_ShopTier 1
PHONE_info1 false
FirstTimePub true
FirstTimeGGG true
Chapter_Bypass false
R_Unused true
U_Unused true
S_Unused true
M_Unused true
RatOption1 false
RatOption2 false
RatOption3 false
DeactivateRand false
GGG_Side1QuestUnlock false
GGG_Side2QuestUnlock false
meleetoken 2
meleeact 2
armourtoken 100
hasarmour false
deathcount 0
activatedice false
activaterand2 true
GodMode false
activaterand4 true
activaterand6 true
activaterand8 true
activaterand10 true
activaterand20 true
nocritfail true
locker true
MCcop true
MCvigilante false
MCbad false
HeistCrowdControl2 0
MCmale true
MChe he
MChis his
MChim him
MCfemale false
mask 9508848
percentiledice 0
MCrole 9508848
MCcallsign 9508848
money 511582
OHmoney 0
name John
midname 9508848
lastname Wick
sir Sir
genderopp women
genderplur men
mr Mr.
nolastname false
yeslastname true
parodyname 99
bleeding false
share $4,500
M_share $450
skipmodule 0
gender man
gendernoun male
genderyoung boy
eyecolour black
hair jet black short and straight hair
haircolour jet black
impression zealous
bodytype 3
facetype 4
build athletic
body fit
incognito 200
weight 69
showrand true
d2 0
d3 0
d4 0
d6 1
d8 0
d10 0
d20 20
counta false
counta2 false
counta3 false
counta4 false
UNItempSkip_module false
counta6 false
H2AriaOwner 0
HeistNoTake 0
BBH_Plan 0
difficulty_lev Very Easy
countc 0
countc2 0
countc3 loadingmother
BBH_HeistDate 0
countz2 0
countslot1 0
countslot2 0
relMouse 109
crimerep 8
citizrep 18
RelFBI 18
mhe she
mhim her
mhis her
mname Avelyne
Mwound 0
M_knows false
M_Work the Golden Rose Garden
INV_ATMscrambler false
hasmelee true
hasprimary false
hassecondary false
nosecondary true
primwep 9508848
primweptype 9508848
secweptype 9508848
secwep 9508848
terwep 9508848
terweptype 9508848
meleewep nightstick
meleetype baton
aldead false
blood 1000
wounds 0
armour 0
strength 200
perception 200
intelligence 200
intimidation 200
persuade 200
accuracy 200
agility 200
incognito 200
agilitypenalty 0
strengthpenalty 0
perceptionpenalty 0
accuracypenalty 0
strengthmod 20
perceptionmod 20
intelligencemod 20
intimidationmod 20
persuademod 20
accuracymod 20
agilitymod 20
incognitomod 10
engineering 200
weaponry 200
driving 200
MeganWound 0
tactics 200
LtDanWound 0
C4EvidenceInfo 0
engineeringmod 20
weaponrymod 20
drivingmod 20
deathscene 0
tacticsmod 20
BBHtemp_VAMdebt 0
activatepictures true
primtoken 0
moral 60
lawful 55
proleader Picard
proshotguncut true
proshotgunner Shotty
prochainsaw Chains
procrowder Smiley
MCrolepro Shotty
CrewMask on
prologueteam good
prologuekill true
prologuekillcivil true
C1triedtostealgun false
C1stolecar false
C1didntstolecar true
C1triedtostolecar 0
C1theman Reville
C1thewoman House
C1counta false
C1counta2 true
C1counta3 false
C1tempbullet 9508848
C1countc 0
C1quietcount 2
luckmod 6
cheaterMC true
C1FBIwin false
C1FBIloose true
C1showncctv true
C1activation false
withKaz true
ultrafail false
shotsuccess true
woundsuccess false
killsucess false
killcount 2
C3SavedAaron false
Rweapon weapon
Rook_relstat 0
wepdam 0
RaquelWound 0
armourpiercing false
nameinitial 9508848
wepacc 0
RookWound 0
primwepdam 0
secwepdam 8
terwepdam 0
primwepAP false
secwepAP false
terwepAP false
primwepacc 0
secwepacc 1
terwepacc 0
primwepatt false
secwepatt false
HasTertiary false
hitarmour false
sideprot false
sideprothit 0
shouldprot false
shouldprothit 0
FBprot false
FBprothit 0
neckprot false
neckprothit 0
thighprot false
thighprothit 0
groinprot false
groinprothit 0
headprot false
headprothit 0
BBH_Info3 0
C4MapState 0
C4WhoBeDrivin 0
LastRunScriptLabel agilitycheck
C4DonLavadechiStat 3
weppicktype 9508848
weppickcall 9508848
armourmod 0
RookRelStages 0
DCrange 14
critfail false
nat20 true
rollresult 46
primwepsight 9508848
incognitopenalty 0
timecount 0
C1freedomcount 13
relKaz 52
INV_lockpick 0
statscreenskip true
primwepact 0
secwepact 4
terwepact 0
sectoken 150
tertoken 0
BBH_Info2 0
C4SorezStat 3
terwepcharge 0
KazWound 0
relAnna 50
relCharlie 50
relRaquel 100
relGabe 90
relpoint 0
relstat 0
MCtop 950
acc1primtoken 0
acc2primtoken 0
acc3primtoken 0
acc4primtoken 0
faceprothit 0
legprothit 0
armprothit 0
MChes he’s
MChers his
acc5primtoken 0
armprot false
hassecondary false
MCbottom 9508848
M_cut 450
C1escaperesult 0
secwepsight bead sights
acc2sectoken 0
acc3sectoken 0
acc5sectoken 0
fakelastname Jones
MCnonbin false
weppickcalltype 9508848
BlueSapphireOwner 0
faceprot false
armoursave false
shotmiss false
rollfail false
rollsuccess false
mascol 9508848
maspat 9508848
maspatcol 9508848
relHayne 100
acc1prim 9508848
acc2prim 9508848
acc3prim 9508848
acc4prim 9508848
acc5prim 9508848
acc2sec 9508848
acc3sec 9508848
acc5sec 9508848
acc6sectoken 0
acc6sec 9508848
withMouse false
customprim false
customsec false
acc6primtoken 0
acc6prim 9508848
primwepsuppressed false
secwepsuppressed false
relJustin 100
relCarly 100
JustinWound 0
CarlyWound 0
weppick 0
HayneWound 0
AnnaWound 0
CharlieWound 0
MCheis he is
HeistChoice2 0
R_Token 0
S_Token 0
U_Token 0
Rname 9508848
Sname 9508848
Uname 9508848
GabeWound 0
MikeWound 0
C4GregStat 1
Heist1 0
relMichael 80
undershirt false
BoomDeYada loadingmother
HeistChoice3 0
PHONE_InfLocker 0
tempweptoken 0
AllGirlPair false
AllMenPair false
RaquelnGabrielPair 0


Well, I’m absolutely happy to hear your support! :blush:

I’m currently already started my next project with is a different series of stories with the genre of dark fantasy. After I finish this game (which won’t be as long as Breach), I will be continuing on with Part 2 of Breach.

Hello! Thank you for the report!

It’s been marked and fixed. I’ll most likely be uploading the fixes later on because I’m currently focusing mostly on the new game Afar: Mad World, alongside Carly’s short story “800 Miles to Barcelona”


Good luck with that.


The comedy is the best, especially when Gabriel keeps sneezing and everyone keeps saying bless you regardless of the fact that they are in a tower with very high security.


If your talking about the heist I think your talking about then yes. I like doing stealth wit friends but if we need to go loud and shoot everyone? OUT COMES SICARIO.


Not if it’s like Shadow Raid, where going loud ends the mission. My friend and I got into a fight at least one time over this mission in particular.


Hi there. It would appear that the 38 luck cheat doesn’t work. I get the confirmation message, but not the luck itself.


How many chapters are there in the whole game?