Hello everyone!
As promised, today I have released the first public demo for Blood of the Living, sequel to Fields of Asphodel.
You can play here (cogdemos.ink).
The demo contains the character creator from FoA, plus a basic ‘save creation’ system, so that at least some of the flavor text in BotL will reflect your FoA playthrough of choice.
Keep in mind, of course, that only playthroughs that resulted in the Underworld Ending (those where the PC chose to spend half time or more in the Underworld), will be carried into the sequel. The Olympus Ending is a complete story as-is, and the sequel will not continue from it.
Chapters One,Two, and Three of the game are now included in the demo, to a total of approximately 227,000 words.
For more information on the first game and the characters, check out the FoA thread!
Blood of the Living continues the story of Fields of Asphodel, consisting of six distinct routes, one for each possible RO/PO, as well as subplots focused on the PC and their family. As the PC grows closer to their friends and potential romantic interests in the Underworld, they will quickly find themselves tangled in those characters’ stories, even as they shape their own development as a deity, and how their relationship with their blood family moves into the future.
And, of course, a couple more links: