Blood of the Living [Sequel to Fields of Asphodel] - Updated 26 Feb '25

Hello everyone!

As promised, today I have released the first public demo for Blood of the Living, sequel to Fields of Asphodel.

You can play here (

The demo contains the character creator from FoA, plus a basic ‘save creation’ system, so that at least some of the flavor text in BotL will reflect your FoA playthrough of choice.

Keep in mind, of course, that only playthroughs that resulted in the Underworld Ending (those where the PC chose to spend half time or more in the Underworld), will be carried into the sequel. The Olympus Ending is a complete story as-is, and the sequel will not continue from it.

Chapters One,Two, and Three of the game are now included in the demo, to a total of approximately 227,000 words.

For more information on the first game and the characters, check out the FoA thread!

Blood of the Living continues the story of Fields of Asphodel, consisting of six distinct routes, one for each possible RO/PO, as well as subplots focused on the PC and their family. As the PC grows closer to their friends and potential romantic interests in the Underworld, they will quickly find themselves tangled in those characters’ stories, even as they shape their own development as a deity, and how their relationship with their blood family moves into the future.

And, of course, a couple more links:


I’m excited to see the continuation of this story! So far the WIP is pretty solid and is a nice dip back into the underworld. I’m curious about how you’ll incorporate the MC’s choice between the underworld and Olympus (whether they have some or no visitation rights or half and half time). Do you plan for this choice to lead to any distinct narrative variations?


It is great to see this being released into the wild, Jess!

Once I am able to complete a run through, I’ll share my feedback.

. :revolving_hearts:


There’s some variation in terms of how people will talk about the PC’s living arrangement, but I’m not yet sure whether it will come into play in a larger way, or if the entire story will take place in a short enough span of time that how much time exactly they have in the Underworld doesn’t actually become relevant.

At this stage, I suspect it will be the latter, because the plot isn’t years long or anything like that!


Yay!! :tada:

I really loved the story and can’t wait to continue with my romance with Hades. Plus I adore our found family. :heart:


I get a good laugh everytime someone attempts to touch us and our character makes a big deal about it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


There are now settings that should make that… less of a thing, if it doesn’t make sense for the PC. Accessible through the stats screen. :slight_smile:

Though in some cases it will be noted simply because the other character doesn’t often do something like that.


Very excited for the sequel! Can’t wait to find out what you have in store for us in this book.


Ack, this is so exciting! I need to get my act together and finish the first one so I can try this demo. I didn’t even know about the endings (my fault for being slow!).


Fantastic! I’m very happy to see some things from the sequel so soon.

It took me a few hours to get through it. One of my favorite extras in the stories is the small customizations you can make (your room, the garden, here the throne). It takes me a significant amount of time to decide on these things; I create spreadsheets for different combinations, I analyze my character’s personality, I daydream about various scenes. (For now I picked the white throne, to show unity but also a contrast.)

I noticed some things that didn’t seem quite right, but I don’t know if you want feedback for that at this point/maybe already got it?

  • Like when you ask Hades to join you with the talk with Iasion the text for the route version and the non-route version will both be displayed.
    (Chapter 2. Choice: “I feel like Hades’s steady patience and consideration will keep me grounded.”)
  • or during the beginning of chapter 2 if you choose to keep your room the same then the text for your room choice doesn’t actually appear since that isn’t asked in the beginning. This might be intentional on your part though
    (Chapter 2. Choice: “I’m happy with what I had, really, but I’m adding a few new things I’ve acquired.”)

Aside from that it’d be nice if in the beginning of the game it asked if you want to toggle tone indicators. I really like them, but I always forget to toggle them on.

Really well done, this story is very cozy :two_hearts:


I was so happy to see this since i loved Fields so much…only thought so far is i feel i was closer to my LI at the end of Fields than i am now…looking forward to the rest of this!!


Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I’ll have a look at some of this stuff and see what I can do. :slight_smile:


Oh you have no idea how excited I was when I noticed this :heart: Definitely enjoying it and looking forward to updates!


Can something be done with daddy though? While He is bonafide deadbeat I think it’s more like Demeter fault for not bringing him to MC life, beside not like I am hating Demeter because of it, it’s their problem not mine, either way I am not hating MC’s Father I am also pretty neutral with Demeter, mommy maybe strict and stiff but well that’s like asian mother although without slipper part😁

Maybe I just want them to reconcile whatever it is going on between them.


The PC’s attitude towards either of their parents is completely up to the player to decide. You can choose to pursue a familial relationship with Iasion or not, and of course while previous choices regarding Demeter will have some effect, the PC can interact with her or not as they choose. Likewise, they can mostly keep these relationships separate or try to help the two sort out the stuff between them.


Nice, I want to make my MC the bridge between two world, hopefully try to mend something that is broken, it also one of my reason of not taking that fruit so I can be in between both world, as both side have people I care about.

I think it’s drawing inspiration from spring season it’s supposed to bridge between winter and summer two polar opposite yet connected in a way.


Its great to see a follow on happening so quickly! I am happily playing my main LI, but perhaps I will try a few more and see what difference that makes. The other characters are becoming much more fleshed out now and far more interesting. But my favourite is still the big guy.


someone please release persephone and hades from slowburn jail! /lh


Lol. But we got a chance to admire that physique. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::heart_eyes:


very excited about this