Blackraven: The Key To Freedom

@DreamWalker - that’s an odd one. I’ll take a look, thanks.

@Zed there’s still a way to go, but we’re getting there :slight_smile:

Yea lol didn’t stop me playing, just came up as an error then carried on…

When I have time, I will change the music on the demo - just to try out some different tracks. In the meantime, if anyone else has an opinion about the current three tracks, please let me know. Do you listen to the music as you read? Do you ignore the music completely? Is it too vocal? (track1) Too loud/quiet? Too fast/slow? All opinions welcome!

I listen to my own music, so it doesn’t really matter to me which music you pick. So in answer to your question, I guess that I just ignore the music.

I don’t mind it, it sets the setting well. So don’t do if it’s a big hassle because it’s not a major concern.

HOW LONG WAS I GONE? The last time I was here I remember the first demo I was commenting on. And now there’s a final demo. Dayum, I was gone for waaay too long.

The dear diary song… gave me a hearing disorder. Lol No offense.

That’s the only track I’ve heard so far while reading.

The second track reminds me of the piano music in buy and build mode from The Sims. The first one.

Dayum, I forgot about editing comments. Soz for the 3 comments. >.<

The last track was the best one. :3

Eheheh, will you be released earlier for good behavior? :3

Why does “You notice a faint burning smell in the air, perhaps that of a bonfire like your father used to make when you were young. You wonder how many people actually live close to this prison. From here, looking out, you can’t make out any signs of civilization.” appear twice?

Hi @CountDon

The music is likely to change again - I have several other tracks I’ve been playing around with.
The weather comment appeared twice as it is a randomised comment (one of around 80) that appears depending on the weather. As the seasons change, so do the comments.

Currently, I’m working hard on the revamped version of RavenRules, the card game you can play in prison with the cards you collect. The card names have all changed and are only based on prisoners now. There are less cards (80 in total), but more variety has been included.

I’m glad you are enjoying the game though!

I played a bit. I got rather disappointed so much stuff was locked in the demo. I don’t listen to music in games so didn’t listen to yours. I want to know what we did to get thrown in jail.

And I had “The man with pale skin and very red skin.” crop up. Isn’t that a contradiction? Might want to ensure that sort of randomising can’t happen. It’s an interesting story though.

@FairyGodfeather that’s an interesting one! I’ll alter that so it can’t happen again.

Minor update to the demo - I’ve changed the music. All tracks have changed apart from the last one. Thoughts?

Why’re the titles of the songs in ‘about’ the same?

Also, thank gard you kept the last one. :3 Lol

Good point, @CountDon
I changed the songs in the demo, but nothing else (the actual game is separate).

I guess I should change it to avoid confusion.

Edit: Song names are now listed in the demo correctly.

Is there an estimated release date for this? I’m enjoying it so far but just wish there wasn’t so many locked choices.

Got an error at some point.


One more thing. I’m at the part where Vincent wants some booze and asks me to make uniforms that could fit the bottles. I finished making all the uniforms for him but nothing seems to happen after that. Whenever I talk to Vincent, it only mentions that I finished all of the uniforms and one container was made. Is this a bug?

Hi @HelloThere

The release date hasn’t been set yet - I’m currently working on a mini-game within Blackraven that I will release for people to beta test at some point.

Thanks for spotting the errrors (the second sounds like a bug) - I’ll check them out when I next have free time.

I’m glad you are enjoying it though!

I’ve been working hard lately on the ‘Raven Rules’ trading card game within Blackraven. The game has been given a total revamp since the earlier demo’s. 80 cards in total, 5 clans, varying rarity of cards and hopefully a good, fun game!

Here’s a sample of what the cards will look like: