Being familiar with other coding languages helps with choice script?

Just wondering if knowing any other coding languages helps you to work with choice script or understand it better.
I just know a bit of self-taught HTML and CSS, so I know how indentation works for example, as well as else and if…
What do you guys think?

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hummm. Well not exactly. Choicescript kinda remind me of old interpreted script languages like BASIC, Does anyone still code in basic? Well probably just for fun.

Answering your question I believe that studying algorithm is a plus. It helps you, training your mind into solve puzzles. Don’t get me wrong: Programming is basically create and solve Puzzles, mostly.

That’s my two cents my friend! :smiley:

CS is a very simple language, completely focused on writing games for CoG… If you know a little bit of our languages you’ll find it super-easy! (Well, it also has some more complicated functions, but you don’t need those for most games!)

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Yup. Like I said choicescript is so simple that if you want to use a foreach or a ‘array’ you will need to code much more implementing it with *labels and *gosubs than if you are just using standard programming languages were these kind of things are common commands.


I also started coding on CSS and HTML, but it was so long ago I hardly remember it. So I guess that makes my answer no, it didn’t help, but mostly because CS is such a simple language it really doesn’t matter

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A little JavaScript might help. It’s helpful to have the background because it makes it easier to truly understand things like conditionals, variable assignment, variable scope… But it’s also a detriment, because there are a lot of significant ways in which CS differs from a “real”, fully fledged programming language. Most of these are things that are elided to make it more usable for writers, but for a programmer it can be frustrating. There are things I expect to be able to do that are illegal in CS.

I mean, if you have HTML background, learning a little JavaScript can only do you good, IMO. I mostly use W3C Schools as a reference source, but they have beginners’ JS tutorials, also. There are other sources, too, of course, but that’s the first that sprang to mind.


If you already know about conditionals and indentation, you’ll likely make less than half the mistakes most people make with choicescript. Even if other knowledge may not seem/be as helpful.

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Being familiar with Ruby doesn’t help that much (but then, Ruby).

Having experience with playing around with LJ/Tumblr layouts, I already knew how indentations work.

But overall, I love how CS doesn’t make me want to hit my head against a desk like Ruby did.

If this game doesn’t end up with some bizarre nonsense I’ll be disappointed. I want the kid to turn out weird. I want there to be surprising horror elements. I want there to be zero explanation.

Wrong thread.

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Are you sure? Your post pretty much state all my frustrations trying to code a decent game.

You know. The fact that you can’t do things that are granted in other programming languages is actually where I found fun with coding in Choicescript. I wasted more time tinkering with the code trying to pass by its limitations than in trying to create narractives.

Damn Probably I found more fun trying to simulate 'do while’s and generating nom repeatable random sequential numbers that coding CYOA games.

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There’s something to be said for the thrill of tackling a weird problem and overcoming it.

It was fun figuring out how to use a string of nested *gosubs to automate the process of increasing age by a random number from 80-120 then checking if the age has crossed a certain threshold before triggering a story event. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to easily get the game to recognise that a story event had just triggered (rather than triggered at any point in the past) without a messy chunk of variables, before I realized that I could add a series of further gosubs checking what the player was currently doing and running that subroutine from within the other one, then hop back with like three or four *returns. There’s a certain thrill in actually getting it all to work correctly. Which it does. Surprisingly.

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Once I coded a hexadecimal interpreter just because I feel like it! ha ha

I know! I’ve been tinkering with my inventory since last night. I was about to make a post asking for help with something and I was just finishing writing the post when I had a eureka moment and I figured it out on my own!
Felt good.