Ashenmaw - Dragons of Marrowoods (WIP) (Dragon Fantasy)

Millennia have passed since the dragons of Marrowoods defeated the monstrous Ashenmaw, the victory and the safety of the world coming at a high price. Millennia of dragon whelps being fed to the Devourer to keep him dormant, thousands of lives lost to protect thousands more.

But now you, a whelp meant to met this gruesome fate, have hatched just in the nick of time, getting to grow up in the mysterious Marrowoods and the ancient homes of Sildrys’ dragonflights.

Pure chance gives you the means to be the one to find out the secret behind Ashenmaw, the truth behind the Black and Blue Patriarchs’ betrayal, and to put an end to Ashenmaw’s horror.

Greetings, friends, here be dragons.

Ashenmaw is my newest project (my brain likes being able to jump between projects I found), so here we go:

Where to Play?
CoGDemos WIP Here

Current Status: Prologue Done, Ch1 incomplete. Wordcount Total: ~33900/ ~10000 per playthrough (more as a red whelp).
There’s a bit more to read as a red dragon right now.

The Player

You play as a freshly hatched dragon whelp, navigating the odds and ends of the politics and mysteries of the five flights, intermingle with the younger races, and jump headfirst into uncovering the secrets of Ashenmaw and the Marrowoods.

You can, technically, play as male, female or non-binary. Dragons pick their gender by themselves, and as they have a natural talent for shapeshifting, details such as that are more of an afterthought, really.

The ROs

Vaelias: Red drake, male, a few years older than MC. Servant to Astia and Kassias, Kassias’ protege.

Teialumi (short: Tea, like the drink, not te-a): Green drake, female, bit younger than Vaelias. studious, soft-spoken busybody with the heart in the right place, but too many secrets.

Phyron: Black drake, male, same age as Vaelias, approximately. Hate the MC for some reason, stubborn, but possibly with good intentions. terrible flirt

Arsinoe: Black drake, female, (rest would be spoilers, but she’s around Vael’s age)

Nyrabra (short: Nyra, rhymes with Ira): Blue whelp, female, a few months older than MC. A bubbly little thing with her head in the clouds and a talent for chaos.

Rhidiyope (short: Rhidi): Grey/bronze drake, male/genderfluid, about Tea’s age, scatterbrained adventurer with terrible luck, terrible flirt like Phyron.

Other Important Characters

Alerhon: Black dragon, caretaker. He’s the MC’s guide and guardian early on. Might have a secret. (Human form below)

Astia: Leader of the red flight, Queen of dragons, MC’s mother if MC is a red whelp.
(High Elven form below)

Kassias: Prime Consort to Astia, doesn’t like the MC, old rival of Alerhon’s.
(High Elven form below)

Mimelumi: Leader of the Green Flight, Head of the Druids of the Marrowoods, MC’s mother if you play as a green dragon.
(Wood Elven form below)

Mubiru: Mimelumi’s Prime consort, currently missing in the dewlight wilds, MC’s father if you play as green dragon.
(wood elven form below)

Akylhoi: Ferhon’s widow, de facto leader of the black flight. MC’s mother if you play as black dragon.
(human form below)

Terhibra: Salbri’s widow, de facto leader of the blue/silver flight. MC’s mother if you play as blue dragon.
(half-elven form below)

Padamonos: Patriarch of the grey/bronze flight, trickster/conman, MC’s father if you play as grey dragon.

ROs and their personality are bound to change.

Hope you’ll find this to your liking.

And for more info you can go here, we have a DEV-blog


I love your story,you have my full support on it👍


I absolutely love your game I have been waiting for a dragon Fantasy game for ever you have my Absolutely support :star_struck::+1:


I love dragons and what I have read so far sounds really interesting. I’m glad our little dragon MC could escape and hopefully we can make the best out of it. I’m looking forward to more :heart:


It’d be a dreadfully short game if MC would not make it out of the egg in time. :wink: (And yes, I had mused giving that option, but it felt a little ridiculous)


Is this a reference to Pratchett I see? That’s it, I’m bookmarking it.


Yes. Salbri knows what he’s talking about :kissing_smiling_eyes:


I love this already and am so excited for more!


Switched around the ROs a bit, because I could not resist having a bubbly little mage with a talent for pure chaos as RO. So Tea and Nyra switched flights.

Also, writing status for Ch1: It’s at a total of 12500 words now, with the red flight’s path almost done. Will update when that’s the case.


always like me a dragon stpry, cool dark premise too reminds me of hollow knight with wyrm mommies and daddies tossing their babies into the void to kerp an eldritch abomination at bay,.no sacrifice too great indeed. hopefully we can find some way to kill ashenmaw without nuking reality later


Oh, I was not aware :smiley: I only know hollow knight from the aesthetics and all, I was not aware of the story. Nice.
But what is it with eldritch beings and eating babies? Like, guys, stahp, we have plenty of politicians you can gorge yourself on dearly D=

Jokes aside, the story is planned to go in that direction, so good luck to the little dragon. <3


nah politicians are too slimy even for their tastes

also kinda sorry for accidentally spoiling hollow knight, might wanna look into it sometime, i see pretty big parallels between the baby tossing mommy and daddy in that game to the baby tossing mommy of this one (the daddy is rather unapologetic here)


If you select a custom name, a code will appear on the confirmation screen instead. Perhaps a typo? Then the name is displayed normally.


I think I’m save (yeah, as a lot of authors the idea of accidental plagiarism is a major fear Dx ), the baby tossing to keep evil at bay is a pretty old trope, but I was already planning on looking into Hollow Knight at some point (I’m terrible at platformers)

Yep, typo, forgot the ‘$’ in the code that’d display the name (I assume the code you saw was
!{name} ?) I’ll fix it with the next partial update once the path for red whelps/exploring the Court and meeting Vaelias proper is done. Thank you :3


Lovely… I think Vaelias is crushing on MC (once older). How did that happen? This is the same drake that’s infatuated with Kassias . My man, my dude, what is your TASTE?


We now have Arson: The Dragon(Joking about the name)


Perfectly acceptable traditional black dragon name :smiley:


hol up, sorry if this is offtopic but you made curious cuisine right

well now i know this one’s gonna be a banger too


I did. and I hope this’ll be good :smiley: I’ll try my best. Also on the topic of CuCu: it’s being ported to twine and being rewritten, so I’m hopping between games. Focus is on this one right now :3


Partial Update to version 0.0.5 ~20.200 words total, ~5500 average per playthrough (more if you play as a red whelp)

  • Fixed some bugs and typos
  • Path for red whelps complete up to the point where you actually get to explore the Court.

Gonna focus on the Halls and and Rookery next.

Feedback I need:

General impression, like and don’t likes, typos, continuity errors.

Thank you <3