Hi there, I’m interested in finding any colonial period interactive games either planned, in development or completed. Alt-history is also a great topic to read through! Thanks in advance!
Depends what you mean by “colonial period”. At the risk of being a terrible self-promoter, my ongoing “postcolonial Indiana Jones” WIP Relics of the Lost Age (WIP) - UPDATED 11/06/2020 (Final Update) - Post 445 for details, Poll on post 479 is set in the 1930s, in the dying years of the European empires, and colonialism is quite a big theme in it. Over the course of the story you get to see colonialism in action in Palestine, Tibet, Congo and Hong Kong. Might interest you, I guess.
Yes that’s perfect thank you!
Other alt-history games I can think of that may also share these themes are:
Ironheart: Pilot and customize a giant iron war mech in this alternate medieval history! The Papacy, Caliphate, and the Mongols are at war, and they all have mechs.
Chronicon Apocalyptica:
Battle Norse raiders, ghosts, and changelings to save medieval England! But beware, if the elves can capture the Book you hold, the world will end.
The Road to Canterbury
May the best story win! Enter the medieval world of Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales,” where your journey, and the stories you tell, will change history.
Survive the past, save the future! Explore a savage Stone Age world where you’ll face jungles, terrifying beasts, and a cruel pre-human civilization!
Divided We Fall
The Spanish Civil War is the setting of Divided We Fall. You will shape the lives of four Spaniards on both sides of the divide; will they be brutalised, stay true to their principles or even survive? You decide in this 130k word illustrated interactive epic.
Sons of the Cherry
Espionage and arcane magic in the American Revolution. Choose a side or go it alone in the secret war for the soul of the new nation. Use multiple magic disciplines to reach your goals and change history. Part of the Waking Cassandra series.
Hope these help. there are a few that looked a little less realistic that I didn’t include on the list but hopefully something in here will work for you.
Awesome thank you very much!
It’s such an interesting period of history isn’t it! I always found to interesting the different desires of the colonial nations, either trade, or expansion!
I write a lot of steampunk, especially steampunk set in Australia. My HG Attack of the Clockwork Army is set at that time, and the British vs Colonial (with a little bit of… Er, there were actually people living here before colonialists came) stuff is a big theme. If you like it let me know because I write a LOT of stuff in all kinds of formats (from novels to an escape room) set in the same universe. (There’s a semi-coherent list here.)
I also have several pirate stories, including the Scarlet Sails HG, but they’re usually set in an alternate reality.
@Tristan_Fenton How has no one mentioned the Infinity series? Easily some of the best choice games ever made. You play as an Dragoon Officer in the army of Tierria(?). Swords, muskets, horses and a bit of magic for good measure. Very, very good.
Sabres of infinity and guns of infinity are already out
And there are 3 more books yet to be made
This is on the tip of my tongue for the last 22 days, but it shows randomly and I had to share it. It’s called Herald.
"Herald is a choice-driven adventure game set during an alternate 19th century in which the West is united as a colonial superpower: the Protectorate.
*You are Devan Rensburg, a man of mixed heritage living in an alternate 19th century. You were born in the eastern colonies - but raised in the west, In search of your roots, you booked passage on board of the HLV Herald, a ‘Protectorian’ ship set for your country of birth.
During your voyage, news of colonial unrest created tensions between the diverse crew and passengers.
Months later you alone are dragged ashore. No ship, no crew. All that remains is you, your journal and a captain’s coat you were wearing. A mysterious woman is holding you captive and demands you to tell her what happened to ‘your’ ship. What you tell her, is your choice."