Arceus: Awakening (WIP) [85K words] [Update 26/5/2024]

The drinking scene at HQ is not dependant on whether you drank on the party or not. It is meant to finalize the drinks or not check if you missed it at the party, but when I edited it, I made a false variable true and thus it was sorta screwed up. And it also caused it to repeat if you were offerred a drink for the first time at HQ. Should be working properly now. Alongside saves.

Did you grab the bottle of whiskey when entering?


Ohh okay!! and No That option wasnā€™t there at all anymore.

But I refreshed it and Itā€™s there now, so idk if itā€™s connected to a certain choice that caused it not to come up or if itā€™s just because you went in and fixed the variables. But itā€™s back.

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Question: How do you all like the action sequences? Are they exciting? Too long? Too short? Not detailed enough? Feel like theyā€™re missing something?

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I know I personally liked them!!

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Pretty enjoyable so far. Since the mission is more of infiltration situation its kinda good thats its more descriptive oriented. It got good variety of options. And I do appreciate the part where different combo of home and style garner different reaction from Isabelle.

There is a minor bug on the escape scene
[Everyoneā€™s head snaps towards
the hall, bar the drunken
ali_man, who doesnā€™t even flinch,
just itching her head a little
Taking it as your cue to leave.
you head down the stairs quickly

Looking forward for updates

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Progress is moving much slower than Iā€™d like. Probably a symptom of how much I wrote in that first stretch, especially now that I have to deal with University. Chances are atleast at this rate, the 3 days are going to be done sometime in March.


Hey i just read the demo for the very first time and i live it. I live the details and how you describe everything especially the home styles. One thing i find a little irritating is the interaction with our neighbor Lizzy. It seems a little weird that she suddenly comes and the way she talks with all this ā€˜likeā€™ i dont want to sound mean or anything i just thought it would be better if we had the option to chose if we already know her or not and maybe a better excuse as to why she came to visit us. Besides that i really like how its going and take your time with writing it doesnt matter how fast you write you should do it in your own tempo and not overwork.


Hi, Just wanted to update yall as to how progress is going right now.

Thus far about 7k words in Florenceā€™s hangout along side outlining done for Rileyā€™s. Progress is slow due to mid-terms and honestly probably some burnout from having written so much in such a short time for the demo. But I will try and get as much done when I find myself in the mood to write. As rare as that is recently.


Right, time for another update, mid terms are over but mt writers block is ever present, so progress unfortunately remains slow. But I have completed Florenceā€™s section and have begun on Rileys, and the outline for the third hangout is finished. The goal of it being finished by March seems a little far off now, but it should ideally be done by April. Hope everyone has enjoyed the month.


Wow this got to be the best wip I have read this I year.
keep up the good work , the story line is top I really loved it


Hello again, it is once again time for an update. With the end of Ramadan, I have thankfully seemed to have overcame my writing block, and knocked out another 10k words, which is about the length of the 3rd hangout and the store itself. I still have the 2nd hangout to write as well as general polishing and updating. Including adding a casual outfit and the skeleton of a stats system.

If there is anything else you think is missing, please tell me and I will see if it would be nice to add. Should this progress continue at this pace. Unlikely as it may be, an updated WIP would be here within april 16th. A more realistic goal would however be near the end of this month. I cannot wait till you all see a bit more of the characters within this universe.

And with that. I bid you adieu, and a Eid Mubarak!


Hi again. Progress has been moving but I am not likely to be ready to post the update this month either. I am starting to think I should stop giving ANY date as it seems I have a habit of missing them all. But I will say that I have figured out a nice flow that is likely to reduce burnout and keep it consistent if a bit slow.

To make up for the complete lack of updates in like. 3 months. I will leave you with a snippet from one of the hangouts. Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful next month.


ā€œTea, much like a great deal of farming, is a long-term endeavor. Rome was not built in a day, so too is tea not grown in a week. Thus, it leaves me with a great deal of free time to peruse all sorts of interests. Particularly when there is no one to indulge my mind into.ā€ She pauses to take a sip of her tea.

ā€œMartial matters come, and fill in the empty space. Youā€™d be surprised as to the amount of shooting you can do while waiting for a tea-plant to reach maturity. Naturally, with that comes the need to fix and repair weapons, and much like a slippery slope, you suddenly find yourself rather well-acquainted with the tools that you would never use otherwise.ā€ Sheā€™d finally conclude.

Danielle must have been in the business for a long while thenā€¦ youā€™re certain that there are a good bit of plants that are fully grown up there, not to mention the ones still growing, yet she looks no older than you areā€¦ Has she been doing this from a young age?

ā€œDo you know what Bruce Lee once said?ā€ She offers, and you nod, you certainly know where sheā€™s going. ā€œI fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.ā€ She quotes, before she goes back to sipping her tea.


Hello once more. Progress has unfortunately stagnated once more. Likely due to the fact my finals are upon me. Iā€™ll try to get more work done but I cannot guarantee it unfortunately. I will say that it is looking like itā€™ll be about 30-40K worth of words by the time this update is finished but that is not a certain estimate should I decide to cut anything.

I hope you all have had a wonderful month thus far. May you continue to do so if you are. May it get better if you arenā€™t.


Hi yall, progress is still slow. And I unfortunately cannot Say itā€™ll be better. It is less drought or writers block but a combination of busying factors and the fact that this summer is actually killing me. I canā€™t exactly focus and sit on a laptop in 40+ degree Celsius weather, and the fans are not exactly effective at this high of a heat. Trying to get a new fan to figure this out but until some of those busying factors are ironed out and this heat wave dies down or gets remedied. I cannot actually do anything. Let alone writing. But thus far Iā€™ve made about 1000 words on the whole thing. Not good numbers given the long span of time. But slow is better than nill.


The new update has finally dropped! Huzzah! I hope you all enjoy this portion that took way too long to add!


Hey so I noticed something and you can totally ignore this but when Riley is introduced thereā€™s only three options

-to say we like women, but not her
-blush and look away
-say we like men and certainly not her

Would you ever consider a fourth option? Maybe

-We like men and women but not her.

One where MC doesnā€™t blush at the flirtation. Just no reaction or care for her advances.

I know thatā€™s kinda a random request- probably pointless honestly lol. But I still thought I would ask.

Also thank you for the update!! :heart:

You turn to the guy and send the bottle on a direct collision course with his head as you shout out "Oh my fucking god, would you SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONE MOMENT? " he covers his head that is now doused in whiskey from where the bottle broke. You spot Riley smile at you before she kicks the chair to her left; pushing it onto his and causing him to trip. Juno has the face of someone whoā€™s looking at a car crash and cannot bring themselves to stop looking.

The chaos!! Lmfao. I still find this whole scene too hilarious. Poor Juno has to bare witness to it all.

I think thereā€™s some text missing here; thereā€™s some choices right after but the context of what the convo was is missing

As you finish your shower, the sensation of hot water easing the tension in your muscles is a welcome relief. The familiar scent of your soap surrounds you, adding to the feeling of comfort. After drying off, you retrieve your clothes from the nearby hanger and quickly dress, making sure everything fits properly as you glance at your reflection in the mirror.

ā€œNot like anyone would think you just handed out a beating.ā€ She adds after a small pause.


Thatā€™s a fair point actually. The default reaction is a bit too narrow. Iā€™ll make sure to adjust that after my finals.

Although regarding the 4th option you suggest, that is narrow like that due to the fact it adjusts whether you are Bi or straight. Since the first gender adjustment on Ali dictates your first preference. But in hindsight that seems a bit obtuseā€¦ Iā€™ll figure something out

Mmm. Thatā€™s odd. I was pretty sure I did the indentation there right. Iā€™ll have to adjust something as Thereā€™s a bit of context missing. Possibly a bit of a continuation error in the if commands.

Thanks for the feedback as always, if thereā€™s anything else. Particularly regarding the writing in the hangouts, please donā€™t be afraid to comment.

Edit: Fixed the indentation error. That statement should now not appear unless you meet the necessary requirements unlike the way it was. As well as hopefully made the orientation choices a bit more clear and fixed some bugs on it. Further things will have to wait for the exams to be over tho.

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So first of i really like this story and the humour in it is just so muahh, really hits my taste.

Tho i have a subjective critique regarding the ros and yes i know everyone has their own tastes, thats why this is subjective.

Ok so my main problems/confusions/opinions, call it whatever you want, is that it seem like every ro is just small/short, like it feels kinda laking in diversity in terms of height, and i donā€™t mean that there should be a ro that is like, i donā€™t know 6ā€™8 or 7ā€™ tall, but maybe some more tallerish people would bring more diversity into the story and world, also this brings me to the next point, the lack of male ros. Yes there is one, but thats one against three(if we are not counting J), which seems kinda lacking for the people who wanna romance a male ro, but do not feel any attraction towards J or F(myself included).

Well that was all and like i said this is my subjective opinion on the matter and i donā€™t wanna kick off any kind of hate/heated discussion with this subject. Also pleaso donā€™t feel inclined that you need to change or add something, i mearly wanted to give my two cents.

Anyways thats all, hope you have an amazing day, and stay hydrated.

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Man. This means a lot to me. Thx.

But regarding the ROs, Indeed in the current available portion there is a larger amount of Female ROs than male, but there is two more who are yet to have an interaction and one youā€™ve already met but the interaction is still a distance away. I do generally plan to have an equal amount of both male and female ROs so that if you prefer a male RO, there is atleast one option for you to gel with. But I must admit the short status of every RO up to this point is something I did not in-fact notice. Just so happened that the first ROs I show off are all the short ones :O.

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Ohh, well now mark me as very much intrigued, already have some theories in my head, yeahh i know my brain works fast, sometimes to fastā€¦thanks adhdā€¦anyways there was still one thing that i remembered just now that i also wanted to adress.

I would recomend you put the sexualities of the ros in the ro post, cause when i tried flirting with Danielle, she said she sails the other boat, which didnā€™t make me unconfortable or anything but it could be for someone. Just as a heads up before someone maybe wants to romance her with a Mmc and then gets cringed or somehting by it. Also it could be that the same text comes with a Fmc, but i didnā€™t test that with my Fmc, so i could be wrong here.

Still i would recomend putting the sexualities in the ro post. Maybe some description of the ros too, if it isnā€™t too much work of course, again no pressure or anything :).

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