April 2023's Writer Support Thread

I’ve had a very nice writing time today as I unexpectedly had the chance to do a bunch of coding on the new game. I really like coding because it stretches my brain in good ways, and helps me see the bigger picture before getting into the details of the writing stage. (For example: I realised after coding a set of scenes that there was a perfect moment for some flirting and/or hurt/comfort that I could put in. Hooray!) I’m partway through coding Chapter 2 and am definitely realising that it’s going to be a chonky one; I’m also going to need to do some careful difficulty balancing to make sure I don’t run into the problem I had with Royal Affairs where at first, some stats were wildly more useful/powerful than others.

Also: Platinum Package by Emily Short, which I’ve been quietly doing some work on over the last few months, is now officially in beta - so I’m looking forward to jumping into responses to playtesting. It’s always an exciting time seeing what more people think about a project!