Hi Beard Chewers and Boar Riders,
Right, I have a plan!
Due to events beyond my control, I have left my patch notes languishing on a hard drive far, far away. Yet, I shall return to reclaim that hard drive and prise the valuable data from its smoking innards in time to roll out a new patch next week.
I plan (though do not promise, just in case…) to send the files for Green’s second patch to the HG Fortress next Wednesday, 18th December.
I will post the patch notes here when I get them- mostly little, annoying things.
The patch also contain a small bit of new content- a tattoo shop with 50 available tats or body adornments. Nearly all the tats can be bought, some require you to fulfil certain conditions. A very few you can pick up during your early life. This comes with a new achievement- though this is an easy one to get!
The patch WILL reset the progress of all save files. BUT your next orc can have tattoos! (And have a more bug-free life).
I will send the patch to HG tomorrow (18th December). Here are the patch notes.
Update 2, Version 1.02 Dadoo, December (Krogmas) 2024
Bugs Squished:
-A few typos have been corrected.
-Fixed various loot bugs in some of the Adventurer Guild quests, which set your loot at a specified value instead of adding to it.
-Likewise, fixed a bug in some of the Grandaradgard orc jobs which set loot to a value instead of adding to it.
-Fixed it so that if you dismiss your adventuring party during the party selection screen they no longer pop up in some adventurers. The party is always dismissed properly when you leave the guild and finish quests. Previously, they sometimes weren’t if you merely ‘dismissed’ them within the guild.
-Removed a repeated ageing variable in the pup barracks. Don’t want to hasten the onset of old githood.
-Added ageing to the tribal ‘stirring’ job. Previously, this monotonous task didn’t age you allowing you to do it forever.
-Fixed the values in the Trickledown ‘protect the halflings’ job which gave you incorrect boosts to relations with the halfling faction.
-Fixed ability to cast spells when hunting monsters in the Jagged Divide guild quest.
-Added an extra check for the holy city path. Not strictly a bug. Before, if your city was mismanaged, you could get locked in a death spiral even if you had progressed in Krog’s plans. Have given the player a bit more leniency if they have followed Krog’s direction several times and have had the ‘fourth dream’, though you can still enrage the revolting masses.
-If you managed to recruit Green Skinner, sometimes the description of your improved goblin fighters didn’t display correctly in the relevant stats screen. It should now.
-When fighting other orc hardnuts in the Plains, north of your tribe, a certain fight wasn’t triggering the correct variable. Fixed now.
-Fixed a bug which meant you only encountered one event during the tribe ‘hugger’ job. Now, you can access a few more orcs in need of a great big hug to cheer up.
-Your orc can now get up to 50 different tattoos and body adornments. These are mostly cosmetic and do not affect the wider story.
-Visit Dadoo’s Doodah tent in the tribal hubs, including the old orc hub and in some of the hubs for the Green Emperor path. Dadoo’s Doodah tent is not available in the late game Emperor path, or the Dark and Shaman Holy City paths.
-Some tattoos can be picked up during normal events in your young orc’s life.
-Most tattoos must be paid for. Many can only be acquired if you have completed certain events. Most tattoos give you a stats boost and, occasionally, a stats penalty.
-Added an achievement for orcs who get covered with tats.
-Added an extra stats screen to keep track of your tattoos and adornments. This becomes available once you have completed your Coming of Rage ritual.
EDIT: This update will be released on 2nd January!
EDIT: This update will be released on 2nd January!
After sending the files to Hosted Games, I was told the next patch, adding tattoos, will be released on 2nd January 2025. Slightly later than I hoped, it will be delivered on the HG mailing list, which is great for visibility. Alongside this will be the information detailing the company’s first full releases for the New Year, Scales of Justice and First Bull Run.
New Year and new tattoos sound about right. Start as we mean to go on!
TLDR- The Green update will now happen at the beginning of February 2025.
There is a reason they call this time of year the crazy time!
Okay, due to Steam’s sales policy, my game cannot be part of a release week sale with the new update and part of the Steam Winter/Christmas sale. All HG and CoG games go on sale at this time of year, and it would be a shame if Green wasn’t a part of that.
Sooo- Green will be on sale for Krogmas and the update will roll out in February to coincide with those new releases. When Green is updated in February, it will be on sale again for a week.
I know us orcs lack patience but this is a good way to bring others into the sweaty embrace of the horde.